By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Apropos of Seattle and Antifa.”
  1. No, the South actually could function. These idiots are only two days into it, and not only have the homeless stolen their food, but a gang has moved in and taken over. Because these people are not revolutionaries. They’re rich radical kids playing at being revolutionaries.

  2. I thought the articles of statehood for Texas included provisions both for them to secede, and to split into 7(?) separate states.

  3. Cool, they seceded.

    Let’s set up a border, require passports to return to the USA, cut off all deliveries (without a trade agreement in place), same with utilities (again, no trade agreement).

    When they want to get food, water, electricity, etc… they will have to reach out to a neighboring government and establish relations (about two-five years at a minimum), draft a treaty that is mutually beneficial to both parties (do not even have a guess on how long that will take, especially given their demands), and after proper tariffs/taxes/border controls/etc… are in place, we can start delivering goods to them in return for their provision of goods. (Well, if they actually produce anything other than an incessant whining noise.)

    Or, they could approach the socialist paradises of Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and set up trade agreements with them, however, any goods will have to cross US soil, waterways, or airspace, which means the US will have a GO/NOGO approval authority.

    In fact, I believe the President would have authority to deploy CBP/ICE to enforce the border, and detain anyone attempting to cross without a visa.

    Funny how when you declare yourselves and independent country, you no longer have the ability to “fight against the oppressive system.”

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