Yesterday Miguel covered how COPS and Live PD were getting canceled due to this latest outpouring of Leftist anti-cop sentiment.

Give them an inch and they will take a mile.

They got their inch.

Now they want to take my kids’ cartoons away.

From The New York Times:

The Protests Come for ‘Paw Patrol’
A backlash is mounting against depictions of “good cops,” on television and in the street.

Excuse me, but what the actual fuck is this garbage now?

It was only a matter of time before the protests came for “Paw Patrol.”

“Paw Patrol” is a children’s cartoon about a squad of canine helpers. It is basically a pretense for placing household pets in a variety of cool trucks. The team includes Marshall, a firefighting Dalmatian; Rubble, a bulldog construction worker; and Chase, a German shepherd who is also a cop. In the world of “Paw Patrol,” Chase is drawn to be a very good boy who barks stuff like “Chase is on the case!” and “All in a police pup’s day!” as he rescues kittens in his tricked-out S.U.V.

But last week, when the show’s official Twitter account put out a bland call for “Black voices to be heard,” commenters came after Chase. “Euthanize the police dog,” they said. “Defund the paw patrol.” “All dogs go to heaven, except the class traitors in the Paw Patrol.”

Chase is my son’s favorite Pup.  The little girl loves Paw Patrol too.

Last week, Tom Scharpling, an executive producer of “Monk,” criticized his own show on Twitter: “If you — as I have — worked on a TV show or movie in which police are portrayed as lovable goofballs, you have contributed to the larger acceptance that cops are implicitly the good guys.” Griffin Newman, an actor who appeared in two episodes of “Blue Bloods” as a detective, donated his $11,000 in earnings to a bail fund, inspiring other actors who have played cops to do the same. LEGO has halted marketing on its “LEGO City Police Station” and “Police Highway Arrest” sets.

And he loves LEGOs too.  I thought it was the job of corporate executives to guide a company to make money.  Now it seems that at least half of them are there to make sure a company loses money to virtue signal to a tiny minority of people who are never satisfied.

In a nutshell, the trope of the “good cop” has to go because the prevailing narrative of the Left is that cops are racists who hunt black people for sport.

Cops already rank among the most humanized groups in America; the same cannot be said for the black Americans who live in fear of them. Cops can dance, they can hug, they can kneel on the ground, but their individual acts of kindness can no longer obscure the violence of a system. The good-cop act is wearing thin. 

Humanizing cops is bad.

Humanizing the police through an anthropomorphized talking dog on a kid’s TV show is bad.

Kids today cannot simply enjoy a show that tries to teach positive life lessons.  TV shows have to destroy children’s innocence to make them Woke.

That’s the new rule.  CNN said so:

I’m getting just a little tired of this bullshit.

The Left is coming to burn everything they don’t like and nothing will be spared.

I don’t know if the Left is aware of the sleeping giant they are poking with this.

Take away Paw Patrol and leave parents with a bunch of crying little kids stuck at home all day and I guarantee you at least half of those brand new gun owners are going to look to take their frazzled nerves out on the fuckers that did that to their children.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Are some Lefties looking to get murdered by angry parents?”
  1. Good lord nevermind the parents my nieces and nephews will unleash a campaign of passive aggressive wrath and destruction that would make the Fremen from Dune look like your typical college protester in comparison.

  2. Yet….

    If I were a company executive that decided to cancel all products that show blacks in any way because of the actions of a few gangbangers, I would be destroyed by the media. Or if I decided that Hajib Barbie was going to be taken off the shelves, I would be in deep doo-doo with the media.

    It really has reached a point where companies are expected to go bankrupt because they have to push a social agenda. Not kidding about that. For some reason, the Star Wars franchise decided the world needed, not just one, not two, but literally dozens of Rose Tico action figures. (Rose who? Yeah, some mechanic that ruined the Last Jedi, but hey, female, questionable sexual orientation, part asian/hispanic/something else…. Had to be major part of the movie, regardless of the fact her character served no purpose.)

  3. If indeed it was “open season” for police, against (group-du-jour), AND officers were, in fact, as sociopathic as the sociopaths accuse them of, why would there be any (group during jour) left alive?

  4. I think I figured it out.
    Communism requires the destruction of truth. Sometimes wholesale, sometimes on a smaller scale.
    For example, “project 1619” requires the wholesale destruction of much of the world’s history.
    Warmism requires the destruction of a significant chunk of science and mathematics.
    Gun control requires the destruction of the truth that “a good guy with a gun” prevents or stops many crimes.
    And “defund the police” requires the destruction of the truth that “most cops are good cops”. The attacks on TV programs are simply a part of that latest program of anti-truth politics.

    1. Theodore Dalrymple said it: socialist propaganda is intended to make you repeat a lie. Because once you repeat one, they can make you repeat another. And another.

  5. Liberals RUIN everything they get their sticky mitts on while complacent Americans do nothing. Look! I heard today that NO confederate flag s are allowed at NASCAR RACES!!! NASCAR!! Home of every red white n blue American out there. Whens it gonna stop? When real Americans(76% of population) are forced to stay home??? Geezus. Wake up. We all need to start flying the old stars n bars EVERYWHERE. Enough is enough. Mini dictators are startin to piss me off.

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