I was picking up the little girl from daycare yesterday when I saw something that reminded me of this video.

Infants need to see faces.  It’s how they communicate and understand their surroundings.

We as humans needs to see faces.  Faces humanize each other.

The blindfold or hoodwink at an execution isn’t for the comfort of the condemned but for the comfort of the executioner.

The history of military technology is extending the lethal range of your weapons because it is very hard to kill a stranger when you can see his face.  It’s easier when you are vollying arrows hundreds of yards or shooting artillery or dropping bombs on map coordinates.

The reason we can watch a movie like Star Wars and accept Stormtroopers as blaster fodder is because they are masked.  You don’t see their faces so it’s easy to discount them as people.

So we have children in daycare where all the adults wear masks.  That’s a state mandate.

We take children into public and all the strangers are in masks.

We are raising a generation of infants where anyone who isn’t immediate family is a mask not a face.  How will this affect their long-term socialization and communication?  Are we going to have a generation of sociopaths because they spent the most important years of their lives cut off from other humans’ faces and facial expressions?

Has anyone remotely considered this.

“We have to stop the virus.”

But is the cost for that a generation of kids with stunted emotional development, poor communication, and no empathy for strangers?

That cure is far worse than the disease.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Are we creating a generation of sociopaths with the mask mandate”
  1. There is an ideal on the left where people should have no relationships except with the State. China is moving that way with there State sponsored and required social network where you get more points the more you love the all encompassing State. It was to the point that you got double super points for turning in your friends, neighbors, or family for having less than loving thoughts about the State.

    In islamic countries, forcing women to hide their faces is nothing more than reminding them they are property. Yes, it is to save their soul by preventing them from being objects of lust…. sure… OK… if you say so.

    These mask mandates are nothing more than another way for the State to exert control over the masses. It is just one more step in their goal to destroy the family unit and replace it with the all encompassing State. And, we are complying to the detriment of our society as a whole.

  2. Not psychopaths, but damaged for sure. Remember, psychopaths are born that way, with a brain defect, that is not currently curable. Need to encourage extra interaction with the babies when they are with their parents and other children, for sure. This is frightening.

  3. This doesn’t just apply to children. I’ve noticed that people have almost stopped making eye contact. I’m talking little things like going to the store. Used to happen a few times with every visit. Now it happens once it twice every few visits.
    Neverending masks is dehumanizing us big time. I’m about ready to just stop wearing mine (I already avoid it whenever possible).

  4. Needless to say, this is why I wear a transparent plastic face shield, not a mask.

    It seems to put people off balance though — they don’t expect to see my face.

    But yeah. We’re neurologically wired to ‘grab’ facial features visually (hence why we see face-like patterns). I doubt this sociopathy is intended, though. Lefties are masters of doing dumb shit and being surprised by unintended consequences.

    1. Toastrider:

      I am going to switch to one of them.

      They do nothing to slow down your breath, but meet the government requirements. Gets me out of hot water with the Karens, but lets me breathe without interference. (And, without the increased probability of upper respiratory infections.)

  5. Our preschooler is extremely intelligent (I know, everyone says that, but hear me out), and has been getting really good at reading eyes when he can’t see the full face. He can tell when people are smiling, even without seeing their nose or mouth. Before long he’ll be able to tell when someone is “fake smiling” — when their nose and mouth are smiling but it doesn’t reach their eyes.

    His preschool staff members wear the clear plastic “face shields” instead of masks, but out and about where it’s a sea of masks he still manages.

    Our infant, though, has a real problem with not seeing faces. He sees the masks, looks to us to gauge our response, and can’t because we’re required to mask up like everyone else. He sometimes gets real anxious when we’re out, but he’s also gotten really good at reaching up and yanking our masks off to see us.

    Ah, the innate wisdom of children. 😉

    Given a choice, we wouldn’t wear the damn things, but Our Glorious Governor has decreed that if businesses are to stay open, they are required to require masks. (Say that last part again in your head — does it sound as ludicrous to you as it does to me?)

    It doesn’t just dehumanize strangers, either; it dehumanizes parents to children. It lays the foundation for children to be able to turn in their own parents for non-approved ideas or actions.

    Just like Orwell’s “Junior Spies” in 1984, or the Hitler Youth.

  6. Husband –

    Having also picked up our child from daycare, I feel like this is will have a stronger impact on infants, but will still be mitigated by the fact that people only mask-up when out of their homes. If you were masked 100% of the time around your child, that’d be one thing.

    But yes, I worry.

    Then again, there were masking mandates (and resistance to masking) during the 1918 pandemic, and I don’t recall reports of a rash of sociopaths as a result.

    – The Wife

    1. Interestingly, the esteemed Dr. Fauci wrote a paper about the swine flu epidemic (1918) and his conclusion was that mask wearing caused more infections and deaths than the swine flu itself. (At least that is my understanding, I have not seen the paper.)

      I wonder how long after President Harris, errr….. sorry, I meant Biden is sworn in will the mask mandates be dropped. I have no doubt the news media will stop counting the deaths with the virus. The next lightbringer will drive the virus from our shores solely by his presence in the White House.

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