“In addition to whatever ballots have come in on Election Day, Pennsylvania poll workers will be able to count mail-in ballots that arrive in the next three days — even if there is not a clear postmark and even if the signature on the ballot does not match voter rolls.”

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf: ‘Still over 1 Million Ballots to Count’

How was this allowed to legally exist is beyond me.  How the local Republicans thought this was not going to be used against us is also beyond me.  We allowed them to go from “Every Vote Counts” to “Every vote we make up after the election counts.” Fraud was condoned and then legalized without challenge.

If President Trump wins, his priority needs to be cleaning up the electoral system. But I fear I woke up this morning in Venezuela or Zimbabwe.
We will never have another free election in my lifetime.

We may have lost the Republic in the name of Democracy..



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Are we on our way to become a Third World country?”
  1. I believe the Republicans did take this to the PA Supreme Court and these are the rules the court established.

    1. They tried to take it to the US Supreme Court but it seems that weather vane Roberts let the lower courts get away with this.
      It will probably be brought up again, maybe this time reason will prevail.

    1. Even if there is demonstrable, provable voter fraud, the GOP will never prosecute.

      Charles Krauthammer is famous for his 2002 quote where he says if you want to understand American politics, you just have to understand that Republican think Democrats are stupid, and Democrats think Republicans are evil.

      What he doesn’t say — what nobody has pointed out yet — is that both sides are projecting.

      The Democrats’ evil lets them allow the GOP to keep making mistakes, and the GOP’s stupidity lets them keep making the same mistakes, over and over, while flat-out refusing to call the Dems out on their crap. Crap that the Dems would immediately call the GOP on if the GOP tried it.

      So yes, we are screwed, and it will get worse under President Kamala. The way it’s going, the national GOP is on its last legs, with no viable replacement in sight, and they have nobody to blame but themselves.

      (I may be bitter today. For the third election in a row, Oregon has opted to go MORE blue. Portland businesses are burning and closing down, Antifa/BLM has committed political assassinations, TPTB refused federal help [again] because TRUMP, the homeless addict issue is out of control, and yet we’ve now elected Dems to EVERY statewide position AND increased their majority in the legislature. Dem policies have failed us, and the state voted for more of the same, only harder.)

      1. I am in Washington and same thing here. We went even more left if that is possible. I am not sure what my next move is. I want to stay and fight but I just hate the so called leadership of this state.

  2. I think Michael Yon summed up my feelings best,
    “Media credibility never has been lower. US Government credibility is shattered. Many States cannot even run a competent election — but they sure can run lotteries and tax offices.”

    1. I was thinking about that today and wondering…are the lotteries being run fairly or are the winners friends and family members of politicians.

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