Sumbitches are trying hard to flip the results in their favor.

I went to bed with 300 electoral votes trending to Trump and I wake up with we are about to lose this one.

I guess they found the infamous box of missing ballots in Wisconsin and are on their way to do the same in Georgia and possibly in Pennsylvania.

Biden wins if we lose one more state.  That is now too tasty for the Democrats not to try to cheat.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Are you ready for the cheating?”
  1. Pretty much. 😛

    Trump needs to take all four states (NC, GA, MI, PA) to win. I’m writing off WI, NV, and AZ (although Nevada was close enough that it should rattle the Dems).

    On the upshot: Cocaine Mitch completely smoked ex-Marine McGrath. Doug Jones got stomped by Football Tommy Tuberville. Looks like we picked up some House seats this pass and retained the Senate.

    Even if Biden wins, he (well, Harris) will have to do everything by EO and regulation. Expect the GOP to drag them into court, over and over.

    Still not a landslide for the Dems though.

  2. Two different people while I was in line were told they had requested and received absentee ballots. Both said they had not requested or received ballots. They were allowed to vote. But where did there absentee ballots go? I was in line to vote for less than 15 minutes , how often did this happen here and other voting places? Which vote will be counted????

  3. Yup. States that were trending about 100k to 500k for Trump at around 90+% reporting (well within the margins for the MSM to claim blue states) are now thousands of votes for Biden and still uncalled. Funny how after a certain percentage of reporting the vast majority of newly counted votes are for Dems. And seemingly with little to no uptick in Republican votes.

    1. I thought it was funny that the AP called VA for Biden as early as they did, even though Trump was ahead by several hundred thousand votes. But, the people predicting these things know that Fairfax, Loudon, and Arlington tend to vote almost 100% Dem. And, those counties had not reported yet. So their predictions assumed they would go Biden, and they did. Late night, Biden finally pulled ahead of Trump in popular vote for VA.

      That’s why some states are called very early, or are called for a candidate that is losing by a large margin. Heck, as soon as polls closed in CA/OR/WA, Fox news declared those states for Biden. Zero precincts reporting.

    1. No. If neither gets 270, then the House picks the president, voting by state. Not by member. (And the Senate picks the VP.)

  4. If this does go to the Supreme Court expect them to favor the Democrats. Why? I’m pretty sure they’ve already threatened all of them with their lives and murdering their families.

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