Utah allows teachers with concealed carry permits to carry guns in school.

A Utah Sheriff has responded to this by offering training to Utah teachers who want the responsibility of carrying in school.

Amazingly, MSNBC covered this story and was fair on its reporting.

The teachers interviewed seemed to understand the gravity of what they are doing.  They want to keep their students safe and are willing to accept the responsibility of carrying a gun and defending their students.

All of these teachers are willing volunteers.  They are all Utah CCW permit holders.  They are not being forced into this or being armed against their will.

This is exactly how “arming teachers” should work.  Let the teachers, school administrators, and other faculty who are want to carry to defend their students to do so and I applaud the Sheriff for offering this training.

Clearly, after the Parkland shooting where the coward Scot Peterson failed in his (moral if not legal) duty to protect students, teachers have been motivated to become armed as another layer of security.

This level of reasonableness and responsibility was too much for radical anti-gun activist, Shannon Watts.

Free Beacon gun writer praised the MSNBC report:

Watts had to lie and obfuscate:

Not to assume anyone’s gender, but I’m pretty sure the first teacher interviewed was a woman.

Where we in the pro-gun movement argue that arming women actually empowers them by giving them the ability to combat evil, Watts believes that women should be weak and shy away from self-defense.

When challenged on her assertion, Watts fell back on the Leftist tactic of ad hominem attack.

Shannon is a salaried employee of a gun-control organization, bankrolled by a megalomaniacal, tyrannical billionaire who wants to micromanage everyone’s life.  But she’s not a shill.  Anyone with an opinion opposed her hers is.

I don’t think arming teachers is going to be the golden egg for gun manufacturers.  Considering that the 14 states that allow teachers to be armed require those teachers to have CCW permits, I’m sure they already own guns.  I don’t see millions of teachers who have never owned a gun before ti rush out and buy one.

Also, the “guns everywhere” statement is a softcore version of the NRA blood libel.  It’s not any policy that I’ve ever heard of or even advocated for.

Simply put, the policy as I understand it is:

“There are millions of law-abiding concealed carry permit holders who carry guns responsibly for personal protection.  Some of those permit holders are teachers.  If those teachers with carry permits want to carry their guns concealed inside schools because they are willing to accept the duty of protecting their students, they should be allowed to do so.”

But stating it like that doesn’t help Watts’ mission so she has to sell a line of bullshit that the NRA wants to flood the streets with guns and arm criminals so that merchants of death can profit.

She really is a despicable person.

And like Miguel says: “if her objective is noble, why does she lie?”

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By J. Kb