From Twitter:


The subtweet from the first Tweet was deleted.

I believe it was in reference to a reposting of this article from Slate earlier this year:

A History of Violent Protest
Big structural change in America doesn’t happen without violence.

During my search, I found this gem.

A Student Mob Took Over Bryn Mawr. The College Said Thank You

You can go into the article, but all you really need to know is this part here:

Instead, a small group of largely unidentified students effectively shut down the campus—not because their views attracted majority support (only about a quarter of the student body seemed to really be on board, from what I could tell), but because the administration simply never pushed back.

That was the essence of what happened in the CHAZ/CHOP, Portland (until the Feds stepped in), Chicago, Minneapolis, New York City, etc.

The fringe radical Left attacked and Democrat politicians pushed back with kid-gloves if they pushed back at all.

The rioters have hammered the nails into the coffins of two cities, perhaps three, and have done literally billions of dollars in damage to serval more, and the people who have suffered the worst consequences are the working-class and middle-class business owners and citizens who have lost their livelihoods and watched their property values fall.

Forget the dimmer switch, the Left uses violence like a conductor uses a baton.

We live in a post-truth society where the rioter’s veto is the ultimate in political power.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “As another data driven person, I’d have to agree”
  1. “And the conclusion that violence is now politically effective is absolutely unavoidable, is it not?”

    That ^^^

    That is the lesson the left has learned. End of story.

    Much like a child that throws a tantrum, and subsequently receives the object of their desire, the left has found out that all it takes to get their way is the threat of violence in the streets. End of story.

    Rumor has it SCOTUS did not take up Texas vs. Pennsylvania because of the riots, and threat of more riots if they had to make a decision that the left did not like.

    What are the law abiding people to do? Well… nothing. What can be done? If anyone to the right of AOC so much as scratches a car door by accident, the police, district attorney, and some lefty judge will put them behind bars for years.

  2. Justice John Roberts’s stated reason for refusing to take the Texas lawsuit (and forcing 3 other seated justices to recuse themselves against their will) was “there are riots.”

    The SCOTUS has officially recognized that the US is a nation of mobs, not a nation of laws. If we want anything done, we’ll have to riot for it.

    Just make sure you riot in *their* cities.

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