Hagar has agreed to accept a chance to answer questions from you, our readers. This posting is in the feedback category so anybody can post comments. Questions should be in by Friday, Feb 24th.

The comment posting rule still stands, “Don’t be a dick”.

Hagar will answer every question you post of her. The answer my be a short “I don’t know” or “I won’t answer this question.” Those are answers.

So put your thinking caps on and ask away.

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By awa

15 thoughts on “Ask Hagar anything”
    1. I don’t like Ann Coulter. A few years ago, I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she seems to be offensive and rude on purpose. I have literally no time for that. I’m too busy living and loving. 🙂

      Had I liked her before, I would have ceased doing so over her treatment of Nikki Haley recently (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/ann-coulter-tells-nikki-haley-go-back-country-racist-rant-new-gop-pres-rcna71119). While I have no issues with her finding some of Haley’s political positions untenable, her descent into madness in calling her a bimbo and other unsavory things just hit home my opinion of Coulter. If you have to call another woman a bimbo in a political rant, then you don’t have a strong position to start with.

      1. Ya, she’s not heuristic, is she, lol. However, she’s one of the ‘people with a vagina’ that is on a long list of individuals I find essential in developing a mental shortcut in arriving at a more thorough understanding of the societal norm of today.
        I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils. And I am completely in agreement with her assessment of Trump. And she does a lot of ‘leg work’ in providing sources on the issues of our political society that she addresses. She’s a useful tool. I have used her arguments when dealing with the extreme leftist ‘people with vaginas’ from my hometown on Cape Cod Ma. which I consider the American birthplace of leftists.
        I do believe there is such as ‘thing’ as a political bimbo–a person with a vagina which is only a bimbo in the context of politics; Haley I’m quite sure is not a bimbo in any way in her personal life, just the opposite in fact. I’m betting Ann would agree.

    1. That would be 1440 (https://join1440.com/). They just… report. They don’t seem to put a spin on anything. I can go out and see what other sources are writing, and it often leads me to looking left and right of center for bias, but I like it.
      I admit, I do tend to watch trends and such on TikTok and FaceBook, only because I use those for a variety of things. But I don’t consider things found there to be “news”, though they may LEAD me to news.

  1. What’s your educational/professional background(no specifics, but field of study or career field)? You mentioned before that you were born north of the Maple Curtain, small town girl, city girl, or country girl? What are the defining events in your life that has brought you to your current set of beliefs? How did you arrive at your nom de plume?

    1. I am officially a high school drop out who self educated herself on many levels. However, I tend to lean towards writing as a mainstay. It pays the bills, as it were.
      I am from a “middle of center” lifestyle originally. My parents had enough, owned a house, and my mother was bored enough from not working to take up a very robust habit with alcohol that led to a miserable childhood for me. I’m an only child, for which I am eternally grateful.
      Defining events. Well, 9/11 happened just when I met some important people in my life, and it forced me to make some major changes. I woke up that morning and realized that Bush was the person that had to be President, even though I’d been a butthurt Canadian that Gore lost. That forced me to change a LOT of how I looked at things. It was close to that time that I moved to the United States and basically renounced my northern ways. Since then, several strong Right people in my life have shown me that there are benefits to Constitutionalism, and history (which I adore) has taught me the same thing. I’ve not given up all of my left leaning ideas (obviously LOL) but I’m certainly far, FAR right of where I started out.
      As for my name, well… I wanted a name that wasn’t like my r/l name. I wanted it to be one which reflected my desire to present information (not teach, per se, but provide people with an opportunity to learn if they wished), which is where the “heuristic” part came in. I’m not interested in forcing anyone to learn anything, but I’m here to provide a different viewpoint. Seems fairly heuristic to me. And Hagar, well… I’m as far from a Biblical gal as you can get, but I wanted a name that lent itself to a Right, Christian audience. And I bear some small resemblance (attitude wise) to the Biblical Hagar, so it amused me.

  2. Why does everyone hate the Phoenix HP22a and its multiple safeties? With the 5″ barrel I think it’s a great tool for teaching kids…

    1. Hi Bob… I had to actually go look up with an HP22a was. Seems like a fairly decent small .22 handgun. I haven’t ever fired one myself, though I have used handguns in that general style. I have hand and wrist issues, and racking the slide on that style tends to cause me discomfort, though with practice I’m fine with it. I’m more of a revolver or long gun kind of gal, to be honest.
      I can’t tell you why others dislike the HP22a. Apparently there are a subset of people who dislike the magazine safety, but having not used it myself, I can’t really comment properly. I did see that you can bypass it fairly easily, though, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem.

  3. Not from your personal perspective, unless you want to share, but…
    Why is abortion so important to the folks on the left side of the political aisle?
    From my perspective, this is a hill that the left seems willing to die on. So, why is it so important to a whole side of the political aisle. (and I am talking about abortion for convenience, not due to medical reasons.)
    As stated, looking for a “political” opinion here, not a personal one.
    Perhaps as a guide, the 2nd Amendment advocates are willing to go to the Nth degree to defend their right to own firearms because of several reasons, a fundamental human right to self defense, law abiding and responsible ownership harms no one (barring accidents), and as a check against an unjust/tyrannical/despotic government.
    What do you see as the reasons why the left is all in for abortion?

    1. Why do I think the left is so “all in” for abortions… Rough one. Understand, this is my guess. I can’t speak for the left in an authoritative way over this.
      I suspect it’s partly to do with the fact that so many women have either been raped, or know someone who’s been raped, and for a very long time, rape meant you were going to have a kid. We all have heard stories of rapists insisting on exercising parental rights. It’s very much a form of ongoing actual abuse for those women.
      Another reason might be because abortion has been around longer than politics. You really can’t ban abortion; you can only ban SAFE abortion. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. You can make all the laws you want, and women are still going to abort babies from time to time.
      Yet another point that comes to mind is that we’re very much overpopulating this globe. Unless we suddenly figure out how to get to and live on other planets (which I think is possible, but certainly not in my lifetime, nor in my kids’ lifetimes), we’re set to exceed what this ecosystem can comfortably hold. We’re not there yet, and yes we could easily change up how we do things to make it more sustainable, but at some point (and when really doesn’t matter for this discussion) we’re going to reach a point where we just can’t hold anymore. That means either birth control for men AND women (rather than just women… because I *personally* have issues with that) that’s affordable, safe, and effective… or abortion for those times when birth control doesn’t work.
      As for me personally, I think that there’s a moment when a fetus becomes a person, and it’s considerably before it’s ready to leave its mother’s womb, but much farther along than six weeks. The quickening is when I personally feel it to be the case, which is at about 12 weeks. That is also when the “real” heart starts beating, when much of the “little person” begins to come together, and the “ugly alien tadpole” part starts to pass along. While a fetus is still a blastocyst, I have no problem with it being aborted. Before the 12 week mark, I’m fine with it. By that point, 99% of women will know they’re pregnant reliably, and will have the ability to test and get a good response (tests that detect pregnancy before the one month mark are sort of expensive if you want a reliable one). Just before 12 weeks, it’s possible to test for some of the really horrendous problems that a fetus might have, which would make it impossible to come to live birth. It seems like a reasonable stopping point.
      But… and here’s where I suspect people will get upset with me, but I’m sharing it because y’all asked politely (sort of) and because it’s more left than any of you are so hopefully it’ll give you a good viewpoint to look at…
      I have long been a proponent of stopping women from abortions beyond the 12 week mark unless it’s for really bad stuff (chromosomal problems like Trisomy 13, where we know the baby will die before or during birth, for example). That seemed reasonable to me. The removal of Roe vs. Wade didn’t bother me, per se, because it was a crappily written piece of TP that needed to be fixed. It wasn’t Constitutional as penned, and my hope is very much that it gets fixed and something much better is put into place. But then I started seeing a lot of bills coming up for women having to figure out they’re pregnant before the six week mark (because it takes time to get in to get an abortion… it’s not a “next day service” kind of thing). For some women, a lot of women, that would mean having to buy a pee test every single month, and use it every single month, and hope to hell it reads right every single month (they do fail… ask me how I know). Because if you hit that six week mark and it’s banned in your state, you’re fucked.
      I don’t believe women who say the Pill is too expensive. I could get it for free from the Planned Parenthood clinic, and I’m pretty sure my doctor’s office would probably figure out how to get it to me for free or reduced cost if I weren’t already fixed (because yes, I was actually broken, and I got fixed). I don’t believe guys who say condoms are too small or too big or too uncomfortable to be worn for protection (they may be uncomfortable, but damn it, wear the thing). I do believe the large numbers of women who say they’re having massive problems getting their birth control on time (because time is HUGELY a factor for women’s birth control).
      It feels like (yeah, I know, touchy feely…) there are a handful of very vocal males who want women to be receptacles, and a lot of the rest of you don’t consider it a big enough problem (in the face of First and Second Amendment challenges, for example) to be worried over right now. I can’t help but consider how that might change if men could bear those children instead of women. I know plenty of women who are against abortion, but boy, they rally for birth control in a HUGE way. None of us is interested in being a womb for rent/hire/personal use. And a lot of the legislation and lack of medications is making it seem like that’s the direction we’re going.
      I’m at the point right now where I see many on the Right picking abortion as their hill to die on. They have the right to do that, and that’s fine. They stand there and say, “Not one more baby killed!” I would respect that a lot more if the same were said about the women… and I am *not* seeing that. So I’m standing over here, saying, “Not one more woman dead over bearing a child,” and by that, I mean through lack of birth control, lack of abortion, or lack of ability to defend herself against rape. And yes, I realize those are apples and oranges, but they do collide in my head and mind, and I suspect in many other women’s minds.
      I’d like to see every young woman, when she starts to bleed, issued a .45 and lessons on how to use it effectively. I’d then like her to be inoculated against all the major sexual diseases, including pregnancy. When we can adequately and safely stop pregnancy before it happens, I’ll stand up for stopping abortion. Until then, I don’t think I can support stopping abortions.
      And that’s probably a lot more than you wanted to hear. I’ve read this over about 8 times now, and I keep avoiding hitting “post comment”. But here I am, hitting it… Whee.

      1. Thanks Hagar, that was actually a lot more than I was expecting.
        It is interesting, from your perspective, you are not seeing the same level of “all in” from the left that I am seeing, but that comes from perspective, and the news sources I follow, which are more likely to exaggerate (emphasize? highlight?) statements from the Democrats/left.
        Appreciate the insight.

        1. >> from your perspective, you are not seeing the same level of “all in” from the left that I am seeing
          I don’t think there’s as much of an “all in” on EITHER side as it seems from watching the media. I can say that EVERY woman that I associate with (and that’s a good … oh, couple of hundred if you count acquaintances and such) thinks abortion is a last resort when there’s just no other option. In the same vein, most of us have known at least one woman who thinks abortion is birth control and we avoid that type.
          I’m “anti-abortion and pro-choice.” I want a world where there’s no *reason* to have an abortion. I just don’t think it’s likely we’ll get there, ever. Rape, incest, domestic abuse, fetal abnormalities… these things will always be with us. To me, the answer is never going to be “just don’t have sex” because… well, frankly, we have zillions of megs of data that shows it doesn’t work. People ARE going to have sex. That means figuring out a way to stop them from conceiving. We have a handful of so-so options available for women, options that cause unacceptable levels of blood clots, hormonal fluctuations, sexual problems, weight gain, pain, etc. When similar problems showed up in male birth control, men went “no way!” and it died before it was given a chance. It’s… frustrating. And honestly, if a woman’s answer to men not having birth control is to cut him off and say no… then rape comes back into the picture in way way way too many cases. It sucks.

  4. When I first saw one of your posts, I thought the name Hager you picked from Hager the Horrible cartoon… tells ya where my mind is heh. Your posts are interesting to read. Keep at it.

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