I have talked about O’Sulivan’s Law and the military several times before.

The Republicans’ beatification of veterans and those who serve is really going to backfire.

Are there good, patriotic Americans who serve?  Of course there are.

Are there people in uniform who hate half or more of this country and would love nothing more than use the military to kill the shit out of Americans who disagree with them?  Yes, they exist in uniform too.

One just got arrested in Oregon smashing and burning the Multnomah County Building.


I truly believe that if push came to shove, officers in the US military such as Tammy Duckworth, Ted Lieu, Pam Keith, Pete Buttigieg, Amy McGrath, Charlotte Clymer, and every general who ever did a segment on CNN or MSNBC about how the “AR-15 is a weapon of war” would be happy to lead handpicked battalions of troops like Jesse Hawk and the cadre of Antifa “Wall of Veterans” to reenact Sherman’s March to the South or Wounded Knee against patriotic, flag-waving, gun-owning, Trump-voting, Middle America.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “At least some of the military will turn against us”
  1. They won’t have to go that far, it’ll simply be illegal to fight back/defend oneself from the mob. Cops alone will take care of most of it once you threaten their pension, and not letting the mob beat you half to death will be treated as racist, mysoginist, and anti-lgblt while we’re at it.

    Hyperbole aside, I don’t think this is much of a joke anymore. It seems our ‘betters’ have thrown the book out the window for good this time.

  2. I would bet dollars to donuts that if you asked his fellow service members they’d all be able to tell you the day he flipped the switch probably down to the minute but of course ya can’t go to command and say “hey fella is turning into a nutter butter maybe have someone talk to him.” or even try to confront him themselves without tanking their career faster than a SEAL shooting an armed combatant.

  3. Not sure how it is now, but being arrested for a felony offense probably guarantees discharge under less than honorable conditions….The boy will be charged with “conduct unbecoming” at the very least and if he served time, it’ll be an automatic dishonorable discharge….He’ll have to find his free ride through college some other way since a dishonorable means NO G.I. Bill.

  4. Unfortunately, a bunch of “military” like this are no longer in active duty, so a BCD is no longer a threat. The ones J lists are examples. Another is the guy in MA running for Joe Kennedy’s old House seat (Jake Auchincloss). He claims to be a former Marine captain, with slogans like “the marines teach you to lead”. He doesn’t mention that they also teach you not to lie. His level of dishonesty can easily be judged from one of his campaign videos, which shows the photo of the couple in St. Louis defending their home from rioters with the caption “65 mass shootings in May”. The Boston Glob endorsed this character.

  5. Two counts of Felony Assault, two counts of Felony Unlawful Use of a Weapon and he was RELEASED. WTF? Is this an example of “White Privilege” or just a lib a$$hole (redundant I know) prosecutor protecting a rioter of the correct political persuasion? J, you need to open a sales office in Portland for your Decapotron™️.

  6. I’ve mentioned before on this blog that the military isn’t the conservative monolith that a lot of people think it is. There are thousands of active military and veterans who used it as the Job Corps and never had any intention of cashing the proverbial check to Uncle Sam. (Remember, an ex- SF sergeant helped train Al Qaeda.)
    Whether or not this guy will get dishonorably discharged or prosecuted under the UCMJ is completely irrelevant to the main point here, which is that in the event of a domestic uprising, a decent-sized chunk of the military will ignore or misinterpret (depending on your point of view) its duty to remain an apolitical force to defend against our enemies.

  7. Agree, there will certainly be people in the military that will not hesitate to issue or follow orders to mobilize against US Citizens on US soil.

    However, how many of them? Where? What rank?

    A private can do a lot of damage, but not so much that it will assist in a coup. A handful of officers can direct a military coup, but not without thousands of compliant soldiers. A pilot may choose to launch an attack against a US City, but might find out his ground crew forgot to fuel the plane. They suppliers delivering food, fuel, water to the base might forget this weeks order.

    Seriously, there are too many cogs that have to work together for any kind of a threat of military action against US Citizens to be realized. Even the “right side of the political aisle” soldiers would likely be unwilling to launch an attack against US Citizens even if they are antifa/marxists/etc…

    1. Another consideration is the observation that there are far more armed civilians than there are soldiers.

  8. At CBMTTek and pkonig: Agreed. Consider the following in regard to ANY amount of the military who may turn against us:

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-by to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood THEY HAD NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If… if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more … we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 (emphasis mine)

    “The only acceptable response to the threat of lethal violence is immediate and savage counterattack. If you resist, you just may get killed. If you don’t resist you almost certainly will get killed. It is a tough choice, but there is only one right answer.”
    – Jeff Cooper

    “The criminal does not expect his prey to fight back. May he never choose you, but, if he does, surprise him.”
    -Jeff Cooper

    The trick is in making sure enough of us fight back. Whatever else, we FAR outnumber the number of commies AND commie sympathetic LEO’s and military.
    Even if ALL law enforcement and military are against us, we still VASTLY outnumber them. It needs only that we fight back. Even if you’re only one person in a sea of libtard commies in your neck of the woods, resist. It is not hyperbole to say at this point that it truly is better to die fighting than to be captured for “re-education.” If enough individuals fight back, we can still take them down.

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