I smell somebody wanting to re-do the Lesbian Cake Incident

A transgender woman was left “humiliated” after a Melbourne, Australia salon refused to give her a Brazilian wax, saying they were not qualified to do “male genitalia”.

This Trans Woman Couldn’t Get A Brazilian Because She Hasn’t Had Surgery

I call this bullshit. As a male, if I accidentally pull a hair from my scrotum, I am ready to give up state secrets and passwords for ATM even when I do not know them. That hurts like a MoFo. This guy wants to wax the whole MOPAR transmission with Hurst Shifter still installed?   Not unless he has a spinal block and half a bottle of tequila already ingested.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Australia: Fully-equipped Transsexual suing because couldn’t get a Brazilian Wax job.”
  1. Past any relevance to the cake incident, look up something with direct relevance: “Jessica Yaniv.” You will either thank me or hate me for learning about him/her.

  2. It’s happening in Canada right now too. A trans-woman is using the Human Rights Council to sue multiple women who refuse to wax his balls.

    All I can think is this is some form of perversion where these guys get off forcing strange women to handle their bits and waxing is just the means to the end of that.

    1. The Canadian one was quite the shakedown. He (screw preferred pronouns) offered to drop the charges against each woman for like $10k. He got 2 or 3 to settle before one secured legal help. That one just got dropped. I haven’t heard the status of the others.

  3. “As a male, if I accidentally pull a hair from my scrotum, I am ready to give up state secrets and passwords for ATM even when I do not know them. That hurts like a MoFo.”


    Yes. Yes it does.

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