A bunch of supporters is not an army.

Moreover, having a bunch of people doxxing anyone who they suspect of being a Trump supporter.

That’s never gone wrong, like when a retired firefighter in Chicago was accused of murdering a Capitol Police Officer because the internet mistook him for someone else and his life has been turned upside-down.

They are going to try and destroy all of us because unity clearly means them unifying against us.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Author wants mercinary army of doxxers to fight for Biden”
  1. A silver lining of being brought up by an “enemy of the people” in the USSR:

    1) no matter where you end up on the globe, your children are taught from preschool onwards to never repeat family conversations to outsiders

    2) social media is strictly prohibited for children and limited to work-related for adults. Privacy is emphasized.

    3) children are taught to be fluent in multiple foreign languages, reading of foreign books and news is strongly encouraged

    4) stories of socialist upbringing are repeated ad nauseum to counteract state propaganda

    It is a constant struggle and not fool proof, the influence of the state is overpowering sometimes. But we know all too well the price of failing, so we persevere.

  2. Let me know when they start teaching classes in doxxing. And once I’m trained I’ll pick my own targets.

  3. They are going to try and destroy all of us because unity clearly means them unifying against us.

    I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but whenever I hear Biden’s people call for “Unity and healing,” what I hear is “Conformity and heeling … or else!”

    Despite the calls for unity, they haven’t stopped “Othering” our side.

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