
Feeling Down Post Election

Yesterday was not a good day for the gun community.

John Fetterman won in PA.  How?

Governor Hochul of NY won her first election to governor.  We had high hopes but it just didn’t come close.

Seems that some crazy BLM supporter in his underwear having a fight with Paul Pelosi over a hammer is a huge threat to democracy from conservatives but somebody attacking an actual candidate on stage is a nothing burger.

A bit further north Maggie Hassan won re-election. Just a wee bit of dirty tricks there as the Democrat party poured money into Don Bolduc’s primary campaign to get him nominated and then painted him as extreme.

Same with the democrats running for the house in NH.  Both won.

In Georgia we are going to have a runoff but it doesn’t look good.

I was hoping for a strong majority in the House and it currently looks like a bare majority.

The Senate appears to be a toss up right now and it might be that the Senate is controlled by the Democrats.

If this happens, the anti-gun bills that the house passed but which were not heard in the Senate might be heard in the Senate.  I’m not sure if a bill from last session can be heard this session.

Bluntly I’m pretty down today.  I’m hoping to feel a bit better tomorrow.


It is all in the spin

Judge Suddaby issued an injunction enjoying parts of the NY CCIA.

The process that happens is that the parties can request a “temporary” injunction.  This is short lived.  It is designed to stop harm from happening as the case proceeds to trial.  Judge Suddaby granted a temporary injunction to GOA, held it for 3 business days to allow the state to appeal it to the second circuit court which overturned the temporary injunction.

Time goes by and the judge has had time to look at the pleadings of both parties and is now issuing an injunction.  This blocks large parts of the CCIA and it is in place until the end of the trial.

With a temporary injunction one of the parties can delay things so that the temporary expires.  With an injunction it doesn’t matter how long it takes to get to trial the injunction stands.  Using the term “suspend” minimizes the huge win this is.

In addition, when issuing the temporary injunction judge Suddaby held it in order to give the State time to appeal.  The State again asked for a hold while they appealed.  This time judge Suddaby said “no.”  His reasoning being something like “a right delayed is a right denied”.

What this means is that until such time as the trial is heard, all of the “good moral character” parts of the CCIA are dead.  They can’t ask anything related to establishing “good moral character”.  The judge explicitly stated that NY had just exchanged “good cause” for “good moral character” which is not allowed because of the Bruen opinion.

Along with stopping the “good moral character” parts, the judge took direct issue with many of the sensitive place designated by the State.  In particular he said that requiring businesses and privately owned property to say that CCW was allowed was likely to be found unconstitutional.  He also agreed with judge Senatra, Jr. that places of worship are NOT sensitive places and used judge Senatra, Jr.’s arguments to bolster his own.

The courts are building up a body of work that is in the process of gutting gun control at all levels.

With luck we’ll be free of a few anti gun politicians come January when the new Congress is sworn in

Tuesday Tunes

It is said that the rich go broke and eat like kings, they poor just starve.

Wealth is very relative. There are people in the US that have a late model car, housing, cell phones, air conditioning and central heating, eat in excess of 5000 KCal per day and we consider them “poor”. There are people in other countries that live in squalor that no “poor” american would put up with that are considered wealthy in their own location.

That man wearing a breechcloth with a bunch of shells on a necklace squatting by an open fire eating roast snake looks poor to most Americans. He might be the wealthiest person in his village with the ability to buy and sell wives however he wishes.

I’ve been poor and I’ve been “rich” and I’ve been poor again. The people of my small town think of our family as “wealthy” yet we struggle to make all of our bills (some of that is I’d rather purchase another rifle than a couple of cords of firewood)

Regardless, it is much easier to be without wealth and still have money in your pocket than it is to have no money.

Money makes the world go around.

As an extra I’ve included “If You Could See Her With My Eyes”. The movie takes place near the beginning of WWII. It depicts the venial violence and hate of the left (Nazi party) towards the Jewish people. In the movie they point out that these evil leftist monsters have no problem with his choice of girl, but the punchline makes it clear his real point.

The NY CCIA is dealt a killing blow (updated with link to decision)

Most of the things about the New York state CCIA have been enjoined (stopped). This takes the TRO and makes it permanent.

I think that training requirements still stand and a few other parts. Lots of “sensitive places” have been struck down as well.

This is a huge win for us under Bruen.

Thank you Justice Thomas!
Antonyuk v Hochul

It was hate at first manipulation.

I’ve discussed my recurring issues with Trash Pirates around here. I’ve determined that 30-30 is big enough for one shot kills.  A body shot will take them out almost instantly.

I’ve also seen that removing the brain from a racoon with a 30-30 leaves a huge mess and lets the body twitch like a headless chicken for way to long.

The .22LR did one in but it took way to long and I wasn’t happy with the pain it gave the animal.

A year or so ago I picked up a revolver in .38/.357.  The reason was that I was tired of losing brass.  At the range if it bounces wrong it ends up in the lanes and if the damn range officer has had his talking to in the last day or so he is so busy sweeping all the brass he can out into the lanes.  For every 100 rounds fired I was only recovering around 75.

Brass getting harder and harder to find this was not acceptable.

So I went looking for a lever action in .357mag.

My LGS had a Rossi ’92 in .357.  I went down and looked at it.

I hated the damn rear sights.

It was hate at first manipulation.  I didn’t even bother to dry fire the thing. I didn’t bother to look at the fit and finish or anything else.  It just wasn’t worth it.

Then the magic happened.  I stopped in at the LGS and they had a Rossi ’92 from the 1990s.  It had beautiful square notch rear sights.  The wood was worn with the love of 30 years of hands.  The trigger was smooth with a clean break.

It followed me home.

I’ve only sent a couple of dozen rounds down range.  I need to cast more bullets for .357.  Every round I sent down range rang steel.

I firmly believe that this rifle will do a great job of Trash Pirate control.

Oh, if anybody knows how to get the last round in the gate to rotate so it is centered in the receiver, please let me know.  It loads beautifully but I have to stick my finger in the receiver to give that last round a little nudge to the left to get the base to center up on the elevator.  Once there it works fine and manipulating the lever with .357 or .38 special works perfectly.


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