A followup on J.Kb’s True story about Alabama and the North East Southern Hospitality
Different areas have different cultures, this is very true. While most of the world will poke fun a Texans, I would much rather interact with a full of themselves Texan than somebody from NY.
When I say “interactions” I’m not talking about friends from NYC as such, but those random strangers that you run into and have to deal with.
If I see a car with New York plates I expect a certain type of driving from them and allow for it. Same with a few other states.
Fortunately for all of us, we don’t wear our license plates on our backs. We just have to interact with each other.
Most people have a level of pride in where they live. This doesn’t include the transplant that is always complaining about how it was better wherever it was they came from, this is the people that live where they live because they want to.
This is how you end up with “The Big Apple” and how every person from NYC seems to believe it is the greatest city ever. The people of San Francisco are proud of their city and or state. You can see this in “school pride” where just because you went to a particular university or high school you are proud of that institution.
Say “Go Trojans” and everybody knows. “I’m a Packer Backer” and everybody knows. This is human.
The problem with attitudes is how people deal when they are not in their territory. The Texan that advertises with a $200 to $500 Stetson hat. The NYC person does it with their “big apple” attire.
But it is when people open their mouths that you find the difference.
“Everything is bigger in Texas” or “It is better in Texas” comes across as crass to the person that knows that theirs is better.
The alternative statement is “your _____ is shit”.
That is the big difference. Somebody from the south is likely to say “Ours is better.” while somebody from these entitled liberal bastion are more likely to say that yours is bad. There is such a huge difference in perception of “ours is better” vs. “yours is bad”. People take offense from those sorts of words.
Those elites have a horrible habit of looking down at everybody that isn’t part of their clique. It doesn’t matter if you are in their territory or they are in yours.
Most cops I’ve interacted with have been polite and helpful within the limits of what the interaction is about. My one interaction with a NYC cop was an example of that “You’re not a NYC person so you’re garbage.” I was on my bike, I asked for directions to a restaurant. The restaurant was actually just down the alley from where we were. You could see it. I didn’t.
The cop was not happy to have somebody talk to him. He heard the request and gave me directions. I thanked him and rode off following his directions. And almost ended up taking the Holland Tunnel right off the island.
Came back around and on the fifth attempt finally found the restaurant. That is the attitude I expect of people that think they are elites.
What this means is that people that have this sort of city elite attitude push it when they are in other states. They are often loud, out, and proud. Not talking about just sexual orientation. You see this in bumper stickers and other car stickers. People on the left will often decorate their vehicles with all their stances. Baby murder stickers. Anti-Trump stickers. Gun Free Zone stickers. coexist stickers. They are all out there. They are never really afraid that somebody is going to react in a physical way to these statements, in their own enclaves.
They know exactly how they think of those low life deplorables those knuckles drag when they walk. They know how they would act if one of “those people” were to dare to enter, no invade, their enclave. They expect the same response when they go elsewhere.
If they would be willing to do evil to somebody because of their stance on a political position, they expect others to do the same to them. The project their actions onto others and are fearful.
It reminds me of the Trump yard signs in the town just north of me. They are a very elite leftist town. The people that put out Trump yard signs were reporting them vandalized or stolen constantly. The police didn’t really do anything. The news media played a tiny violin for those yucky tRumptsters. It wasn’t a big deal.
Then people put out some BLM signs. A few, a very few, were knocked over. The police immediately released a press statement about how hate doesn’t belong int eh community and that they would find the horrible evil people that were vandalizing signs.
The funny thing was one person that reported that they had had more Trump signs vandalized or stolen himself than all the reported vandalism of BLM signs combined.
This is the problem. They know that they would do it. Thus they expect others to do it to them.
I never fear travel in urban and rural areas. I’m going to be polite and most of the time the people around me are polite right back. I worry about moving through cities. There seems to be much more violence in those areas. It is very hard to find confirmed reports of people being attacked because they were “leftists” or “progressives” or such.
This person would have no problems traveling in the southlands if she kept her opinions to herself. The problem she has is that she doesn’t have the self control to keep her mouth shut. So she will say offensive things to strangers and then confirm her biases when they don’t just roll over and take it.
Rent Control vs Non-Rent Control. Mountain View Voice
Free market competition has a history of creating jobs, creating new products, new opportunities and wealth. Government control of the market fails.
Thomas Sowell points out in Basic Economics IIRC, that you can’t compare the official government prices in places where the government controls prices. Instead you have to look at the blackmarket price for goods. Since the blackmarket is almost always a free market, it is much more likely to be properly indicating the correct signals.
A signal is how much a person is willing to pay for a good or service.
If somebody is staying in the same job, even though they aren’t “getting paid enough”, then the company is being signaled that they price they are paying for labor is correct. If they can’t hold personal and/or they can’t hire new personal then they are being signaled that they are not paying enough. Paying enough includes all the extras a job includes.
Maryland has a fairly high income tax. The income tax is both a state income tax, a county income tax and a city income tax. Originally there was no limit on what the county and city tax rate could be. The different counties had different rates. People made decisions on where they lived based on those rates.
In order to “help” the people from being ripped off by the county and city taxes legislation was introduced that set the maximum rate that could be charged. With fanfare it passed.
Within a very few years every county and city had exactly the same tax rate. That maximum allowed by law.
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Gilroy Garlic Festival day after shooting
California passed legislation that allows people to sue gun manufacturers, distributors, and retailers for others misusing their products.
In 2019 some asshole shot up the California garlic festival. Now that Bruen has dropped the maggots are coming out to feast on the bodies.
The lawsuit seeks damages and injunctive relief from Century Arms LLC for marketing and selling the WASR-10 military-style assault rifle the shooter used to carry out the horrific act that killed three people and injured 17 others. According to Scarlett Law Group and Brady Legal, the company was “negligent and reckless” for manufacturing and selling “a weapon of war” that can too easily be modified to fire automatically.
— Why Is Century Arms LLC Liable?
The addition off Century Arms to the lawsuit was approved by Santa Clara County Superior Court after California passed laws enabling citizens to individually sue corporations and individuals doing commerce in arms.
In addition to the Scarlett Law Group suit there seems to be others that are suing Century Arms.
This is the second prong on the most recent attack on the Second Amendment. The first being to declare so many sensitive places that it is impossible to carry and the other to use lawfare to drive people and corporations engaging in the legal commerce in arms to be driven out of business via the costs of defending themselves.
The elephant in the room is that nobody is buying anything back. They never owned it in the first place and they are using your money to purchase these guns.
Since most of them are “no questions asked” they are often a place where criminals get rid of guns that have been used in murders.
Lastly, they are often complete rip offs. Some widow brings in the M1 Garand that her father carried in WWII and is given a $100 gift card to the local grocery store or Walmart.
Some of the better buy backs that have happened is when a bunch of gun guys showed up and setup outside the buy back. They were making real offers on the guns before the Government could rip the owners off. In the one case I know of, they cops just told the buyers they had to be back 100 ft from the official buyback booth.
But the folks down in Houston, TX went one step further. They told their 3D printer to start printing some sort of frame. By the time they were done they had enough “ghost guns” to get over $3000 in $50 gift cards.
More than enough to pay for their filament and time.
Ohio is a freedom state. They have constitutional carry. Of course this means that the streets are running red with blood.
Oh, right, that’s Chicago and DC and other blue cities and states with “strict gun control”. It doesn’t seem to be happening in freedom states.
This year, for the first time in decades, people will be legally able to carry at the Ohio State Fair. Given that this is an unsecured area, carrying seems to be a good idea. Heck, you are awake and dressed, carrying seems like a good idea.
Unfortunately for fairgoers, this might not be actually possible. According to one pundit all the restrooms at the fair are indoors and according to this one report people are not allowed to carry indoors. This means that people that go to the Ohio State Fair and need to use the restroom might find themselves in violation of the law.
None of the claims of this pundit have been verified. They could just be talking out of their ass, still it shows the type of thing that happens when locations can be marked as off limits to people legally carrying their firearm. Another place that only criminals with guns are welcome.
Anyone bringing a firearm to the Ohio State Fair better have a strong bladder, or someone who will babysit their firearm, if they need to relieve themselves. As I recall, all bathrooms at the fair are indoors. No open-air urinals, and urinating in public is still against the law in Ohio. I have no sympathy for them.
— No guns indoors, including bathrooms