
Inflation Is So Bad…

That Clay Watkins wasn’t willing to pay $8 for LaCroix sparkling water. He had to buy a store brand.

NPR is reporting that elites are actually having to make spending decisions. That they’ve actually noticed that amounts are smaller and prices are up.

The Labor Department is reporting consumer prices are up 8% or more over last year. What they don’t say in those numbers is that only certain things are counted as “consumer prices” so the fact the price of gas has doubled doesn’t really get included in those numbers.

Of course it is being blamed on the pandemic. You see it was happening BEFORE Joe got in office.

And it is just the Ukraine war that got people to notice inflation, the Putin price hike, don’t you know.

But the only thing that will stop inflation is if we plebs stop buying things…

CYA in full swing at Uvalde

From the New York Post

A hard-to-find key to a locked classroom door was the ultimate reason police waited 77 minutes to enter a Robb Elementary classroom to kill a gunman, stopping the massacre that claimed the lives of 19 students and two teachers, the under-fire police chief said.

Oh, it was their inability to find a key that kept them from entering the room.

“Not a single responding officer ever hesitated, even for a moment, to put themselves at risk to save the children,” Arredondo told the newspaper. “We responded to the information that we had and had to adjust to whatever we faced.”

The door jamb was steel so they couldn’t just kick it in. I don’t know, I’ve seen a few police rams designed to do exactly that. And every fire and rescue vehicle I know carry those magic pry bars. I’ve seen fire fighters open doors in contests in less than 30 seconds.

The door to the classroom that Ramos was in had a steel jamb and could not be kicked in, Arredondo told the paper. He spent more than an hour in the hallway trying dozens of keys.

The school district police chief also tried to justify his decision not to take his police radios into the school with him, believing he needed both hands to take down the shooter instead of holding the devices that might give away his position if the gunman heard them. Arredondo also did not have a bullet resistant vest, he told the paper.

“Our objective was to save as many lives as we could, and the extraction of the students from the classrooms by all that were involved saved over 500 of our Uvalde students and teachers before we gained access to the shooter and eliminated the threat,” Arredondo said.

But Arredondo’s decision not to take his radios in with him meant he did not know that students were calling 911 from inside the two classrooms the gunman targeted, begging for police to stop him.

In Robert Heinlein’s book The Number of the Beast they endup in a world where justice is an eye for an eye. The example given is that of a man found guilty of hitting a pedestrian and leaving. The pedestrian survived.

The punishment? They tied the man to the road and drove over his legs, the same as the victim. They then stood around and waited while the guilty screamed and begged for 45 minutes. At the end of 45 minutes the rescue team went to work. The same 45 minutes that the original victim waited before rescue arrived.

I think we should find a suitable punishment for Pete Arredondo, a monster.

The some asshole policy

A number of conservative sources have a policy of never saying the name of a mass murder/shooter in their media. My policy is the same, I hope that J.Kb. and Miguel follow.

When some asshole murders people in mass their name and deed gets splattered across the media. This leads to more people trying to get their names in the news papers.

There have been three kids suspended from the local high schools because they made threats of shooting up the schools. They will not be allowed back until the investigations complete.

From what I know of the situations, all three of them were just mouthing off and had no real intention of doing harm to themselves or others.

So, moving forward, expect to see the salty language “Some asshole” when events happen.

There are enough other place out there plastering their names and pictures in headlines that we don’t need to contribute to the social contagion.

Two Tiers

New York Post : Illegal immigrant cleared in Kate Steinle’s death gets time served for gun charge.

And again we see how there are two tiers of justice. There is the kill someone while a felon in possession of a firearm gets you time served (7 years) while a grandmother taking selfies in the capital still hasn’t had her trial and is being held without bail.

The judge warned “this is your last chance. If I see you again…” 5 other times judges said “this is a chance” or “this is your last chance” but because he didn’t end up with the same judge he just got deported.

My prediction is that we will hear about this guy when he kills somebody else sometime in the future.

You’re going to shoot your eye out kid

For all of those gun infringers out there. This is a 3D printed rocket that is launched from a PVC shoulder fired launcher. Think AT4.

While they did not achieve a successful hit on target with the high explosive rocket (think tannerite), they did have a few successful launches and it is clear that with a little more testing they will have something more reliable.

I’ve thought about simple mortars using black powder with a System On Chip to cause an ignition at some distance over ground. What goes up, must come down and the amount of time it takes to go up tells you how long it will take to come down and it is pretty simple math to figure out how to calculate a distance. I.e. no fancy radar or anything like that.