J. Kb

Tuesday tunes


I just new otherworldly demons lived among us in skin suits.

Apparently, not enough internet pranksters have been shot

One might have thought that after that one idiot who harassed and threatened people to make internet videos got shot in Virginia, internet pranksters would have gotten the message to not do shit like that.

The dumb pranks continue.


Depending on the jurisdiction, this might have been a sufficient level of intimidation to justify the use of force. It is a shakedown.

This guy, or someone like him, will prank the wrong person and catch a bullet. Again.


You don’t need an AR-15 with a 30 round mag


They’re right.

I need belt fed full auto.

One where shooting through the door may be justified

As always, my disclaimer I am not a lawyer.

As a general rule, don’t shoot through the door.

Quite often, some chest thumping idiot will tell you that if someone is banging on your door, trying to come in, just shoot through the door.

That is terrible advice, since the prevailing opinion is that the guy outside hasn’t breached your perimeter, he’s technically not an imminent threat to you.

By shooting through the door, you are the one breaching your perimeter, and therefore initiating the violence.

It’s very rare that I would come across a case that makes me go against this.

This one, I think might just do it.


This guy is actively threatening the home owner with an illegally modified, full auto Glock with an drum mag, for maximum intimidation factor.

It’s a message that screams, “Here is my machine gun I’m going to kill you with.”

I think that’s a sufficient level of a threat to justify going through the door.

Just make sure you have something that has the oomph to do that.

I’m thinking this might be one for busting out with the AR-10 and a mag full of 150 grain 308 soft points.

I’ll have to circle back on this one when Andrew Branca covers it.


Make it difficult to follow you


Never go straight home from the bank, casino, jewelry store, or any other place that would suggest you have large sums of cash or valuables on you.

Stop for a coffee.

Go to the grocery store.

Do something that make it difficult to be followed without the followers being noticed.

Give them a reason to break contact with you.



Franco is going to come back


There was a time in Spain’s relatively recent history, that the Guardia Civil, in their stupid patent leather tricorn hats, could straight up murder your ass on behalf of the state.

That is going to make a comeback.

Feline uncanny valley


I totally get this guys problem.

I don’t think that’s a cat. Thats either an alien or a demon in a cat skin suit.