J. Kb

Baiting violence

This video:


You might have seen other videos of some white kid saying something racist and then getting beat up.

That is part of a TikTok trend where the unsuspecting victim is told to say something racist a a joke or for internet fame, only to be attacked.

The video then edits out the first part and only leaves the racist tirade to make it look like thr attack was justified, because we live in a perverted society where violence against words is considered justified under certain racial dynamics.

Given that idea, racist words justifying violence, bad actors are manufacturing racist incidents to get away with violence.

This boy was smart enough not to fall for it and still was the recipient of violence.

And potentially lethal violence as well.  The victim was hit in the head with a metal folding chair.

Social media is poison.

There is clearly such a shortage of white racism that a professional victim class needs to manufacture it.

And I doubt Romario will make it to his 21st birthday before getting yeeted by the police or maybe a CCW.

I guess police everywhere are terrible at prevention

It was a tiny blip in the news so I missed it, but almost a week ago there was a gunfight in Australia between police and three heavily armed citizens that left six dead.

This morning I saw this story and boy did it hit close to home.

Police shooter Nathaniel Train breached Queensland border in a car carrying weapons months after school resignation

The COVID-19 border breach — along with other evidence that the former school principal potentially broke laws relating to the possession and disposal of weapons during the same incident — was reported to Queensland police less than a year before Train was involved in a deadly shooting that resulted in the deaths of two young police constables.

The revelations raise questions about how much Queensland police knew before they sent four officers to a remote Western Downs property on Monday to follow up a missing person’s report about Nathaniel Train.

Now an ABC investigation has confirmed Nathaniel Train broke through the border gate on the Boongangar Bridge over the Macintyre River to enter Queensland in December 2021, months after his resignation from Walgett Community School.

The state’s land border had opened just days earlier but only to people who were fully vaccinated.

A Queensland farmer in the Goondiwindi region who asked not to be named said he had contacted police about the incident after finding Train on a flooded road near the border.

The farmer said Train had tried to ram his black Toyota LandCruiser through the border gates.

When that failed, the farmer said Train used an angle grinder to cut the padlock on the gates and drive into Queensland.

Train returned to his vehicle to take guns, a bow and arrow and some military-style “Rambo” knives before getting into their vehicle, the farmer said.

The farmer said he found documents near where the vehicle had been, including some that identified him as Nathaniel Train and outlined his work history at a NSW school.

He said he contacted police about the vehicle and the border breach, fearing the car might have been stolen.

Police told him because the vehicle had not been stolen, there was nothing they could do, he said.

So this guy had a bunch of guns and acted violently, it was reported to the police, who politely told the farmer reporting it to fuck off because they were too lazy to check it out.

Then this guy kills a couple of cops in an ambush.

Wow, does this seem familiar.

I guess the Queensland police have been reading from the same training manual as the Broward County Sheriff and FBI.

I feel bad for law abiding Australian gun owners who wear going to get another round of fucking because their cops were too lazy to act on a tip about some crazy fucker dumping guns in a river.

Fentanyl is some dangerous shit


Florida cop receives three doses of Narcan after overdosing on fentanyl during traffic stop

A Florida police officer making a traffic stop was accidentally exposed to fentanyl, triggering a potential overdose that forced other officers to administer three doses of Narcan.

“She was completely lifeless. She looks deceased in these videos,” Tavares Police Detective Courtney Sullivan told Fox 35 after reviewing bodycam video of Tavares Police Department officer Courtney Bannick, who pulled a vehicle over just after midnight Tuesday before suffering a potential overdose.

Bannick said she discovered narcotics, which police said was believed to be fentanyl, on the passenger side of the vehicle during the stop, prompting her to take the passenger into custody. The officer began having difficulty breathing shortly after, with another officer at the scene saying it appeared Bannick was drifting in and out of consciousness.

The other officers at the scene believed Bannick may have been exposed to fentanyl, which can be deadly in small doses, while she was handling dollars bills the drugs were rolled into. Although she was wearing gloves while handling the narcotics, officer say a gust of wind may have blown some of the drugs toward her and were inhaled into her system.

I know that fentanyl is powerful but a little bit of residue blown into her face causes her to OD, that’s scary.

Thank God for Narcan and quick action.

Picking open old wounds is a bad idea

In case you missed the news, the City of Richmond, Virginia has removed the statue of Confederate General A.P. Hill, and disinterred his remains buried beneath for re-burrial at another location.

Social media has used this as opportunity to shit on the South, pick open old wounds, and show their utter ignorant contempt for history.




Like the Tweet above says, this is the editor for Military Times.

One would think he would know military history.

Obviously, he doesn’t.

Perhaps the most important words on the topic of the Confederacy after the Civil War came from President Abraham Lincoln in his Second Inaugural Address.

“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”

Lincoln knew that for the Union to succeed after thr war had ended, the former Confederacy must be embraced as equal Americans.

Confederate Generals were treated with respect.

Not one Confederate soldier was prosecuted for treason.

President Andrew Johnson, in his final act in official, issued “unconditionally, and without reservation” a full pardon of all Confederates, putting the issue of treason to rest forever.

It was understood at the time that if the defeated Confederacy were treaded as vanquished foes, subjugated second class citizens, branded with the sin of traitors forever, it would create a lasting resentment that would ultimately re-fracture the country.

The outcome of the Civil War is one of the greatest examples of American Exceptionalism.

Our nation suffered a bloody civil war that lasted for five years and when it was over, we were one country agsin, there were no mass executions, no significant change to our style of government or constitution.  Our nation carried on stronger than before.

The civil wars of Europe always ended with the destruction of governments, populations, and major upheavals.

The American Civil War, like the American Revolution thar birthed our nation, did not give rise to am American Robespierre and Reign of Terror or War of the Roses, or any of the other great terrors of precedent from European history.

But for the Woke Left, every year is Year Zero.

And in the words of George Orwell:

“Always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.”

There is no enemy more helpless than one that’s been dead for over 150 years.

These people are experiencing the thrill of victory of trampling a helpless enemy on social media, an enemy they expended no blood or effort to defeat.

But in doing so, they feel virtuous, as though they themselves defeated slavery.

But they fail to understand that this undoes all the work done by greater men to put this country back together after the Civil War.

They pick at old wounds and insult those alive today, and in doing so create the resentment and cultural fracture that Lincoln and subsequent leaders sought to avoid.

The only thing I don’t know is if this is the result of ignorance or malice.

Do they not understand why what was done after the Civil War was done or are they intent on the balkanization of America?

Either way, the outcome is the same, it reverses the exceptionalism of American Reconstruction and further drives this country apart.

Potential one punch kill by cop

This video of a Detroit police officer punching a person is horrific:



I’ve written about one punch kills quite a bit on this blog.

The way they happen is consistent.

A victim is punched, usually sucker-punched without warning.

The punch causes them to lose consciousness.

They topple over like a tree, striking their head on the hard ground (e.g., concrete or asphalt).

The impact of their head on the ground causes a traumatic brain injury and sometimes a skull fracture.

The victim dies, possibly days later, from thE TBI, either due to swelling or bleeding of the brain.

This guy lost consciousness, fell, hit his head, and clearly was out of it for a few seconds.

That is a TBI, at a minimum he was concussed.

He may have a brain bleed.

He might have sat up on video, but that’s not an indication he won’t die in a couple of days due to brain swelling.

That wasn’t a good punch.

There didn’t seem to be any defensive need for this punch and as a compliance tool, it is potentially lethal.

This looks like straight police abuse.

Sucker-punches and cold-cocking people is no laughing matter.