J. Kb

A right not a privilege

The governor of Connecticut has decided not to issue gun permits to people on the no Fly list.

I can’t wait for this to go to court.

The Supreme Court punted on the Highland Park AWB case.  I’m glad they did.  The court has bowed to too much public pressure recently.  I think SCOTUS woukd have upheld the AWB because of San Bernardino and not the law.

But this is to far beyond the pale I don’t think it can be ignored.  Denial of a right without due process.  But there is another issue here.  Having to apply for a permit and pay money to exercise a constitutional right is wrong.  I see permits to own no different than a poll tax.  If this goes to court, it might likely be the end to permits to own.  

This is a fight worth fighting.

Own It

Checking the news over lunch I see that the legislature of Illinois is trying to figure out how to fire Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.  This is in response to protests calling for his resignation.  This comes only a week after the firing of Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy for covering up criminal activity by the CPD.

Chicago is not the only city that has suffered recently.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has set NYC back more than 20 years, bringing back the homeless, crime, and squeegee men.

Detroit is bankrupt.  It takes an hour for police to respond on a good day.

Baltimore is besieged by a record crime wave.

The major common characteristic of each of these cities is that they are Democrat strongholds, run by Democrats, some for 50 years or more.

We are watching in real time the failure of Liberal policies.  It’s like watching the slow collapse of the Soviet Union.

What amazes me is that these local failures don’t stick to national candidates.  From what I can tell Hillary and Bernie want to do at the federal level everything that the mayors of these cities did locally.  Hillary is Emanuel.  Sanders is de Blasio.  The Democrat presidential candidates need to be made to own the failure of Democrat cities.

Ivy League Stupid

Ivy League Stupid is the idea that a person, who otherwise might be very well educated on certain academic matters, is entirely ignorant to the point of incompetence, on fundamental realities of everyday (particularly middle class) life.

UC Irvine may not be an Ivy League school, but that didn’t stop UC Irvine Biological Sciences professor Richard Symanski from suffering from a severe case of Ivy League Stupid.

The professor wasted 5 minutes of his students lives, pontificating on the issue of guns and advocating for gun control at the begining of one of his classes following the San Bernardino shooting.


This professor launches into a screed that is filled with every erroneous and idiotic California liberal unfact and opinion about guns.

  • The 2A was written when our Founding Fathers only had muzzle loaders, so of course it shouldn’t protect semi-autos.  Amd muzzle loaders take 5 minutes to load.

The normal response to this is: So free speech doesn’t extend to TV/Radio/Internet/Digital Media?  But after reading the demands made by protesting college students and SJWs before the UN I’m convinced the Left doesn’t believe in free speech anymore.

  • Beating people up and stabbing them isn’t as bad as shooting them, a/k/a mass killing don’t happen when you don’t have guns.

Tell that to China again and again, or the UK

But the one part that really got to me, truly stood out as the zenith of this professor’s out of touch Ivy League stupidity, was when he was talking about his gun carrying brother-in-law.  His bother-in-law carries a gun “eveywhere.”  He (the brother-in-law) was also a prison guard at Utah State Prison.

I went to college in the same town that executed Timothy McVeigh and served the Blues Brothers some really bad cabbage rolls.  I went to school with the children of some of the guards.  They has a surreal life.  Their dads went to work to guard some of the worst people in the country.  They lived under the ever present threat that some released inmate or inmate’s gang associates would try and take revenge against them or their family.  I can imagine that state prison guards face many of the same threats as federal guards.

Knowing that, carrying all the time seems more than reasonable.

But Dr. Unfact tries to proselytize the gun free life to this retired guard.  What out of touch insanity.  What utter self satisfaction in the conviction that he knows better than this old guard.  Notice how he uses a mocking tone to describe his brother-in-law’s carry habits.  What liberal elite arrogance.

“I know there are ex-cons out there that would probably kill you to look at you, but you really should consider not carrying a gun everywhere because it hurts my feelings.”

Armed with these untruths and hyperbole, this old California hippie professor tries to convince his students to take up the mantle of political action for gun control.

This guy is the physical embodiment of the great quote by Ronald Reagan: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”


Allow me to explain…

Linda Stasi, of the NY Daily News, wrote a piece about the San Bernardino shooting that is about as detestable a piece of moral equivocation as anything I’ve every seen.

In a nutshell: “Farook may have killed 14 people, but one of this victims didn’t like Muslims or Planned Parenthood and was an NRA supporter, so… I guess the terrorist attack really wasn’t ALL bad.”

Well Ms. Stasi, I didn’t know the victim Nicholas Thalasinos.  His Facebook page is now defunct, so all I can read of it is second hand quotes.  But here is what I know, and what Mr. Thalasinos knew, and what many, many Jews have learned or are learning, and what you are amazingly ignorant to.

Muslims hate Jews.  I know I’m not supposed paint withe a broad brush, so let’s break it down just a tad.  Pew Research Center conducted a poll in a number of countries, about how the people in different countries feel about other religions.

Guess what?

100% of Jordanians hate Jews.

93% of Palestinians hate Jews.

Lebanon its 99%, Egypt is at only 98%.  Turkey, a supposedly moderate state, is at 71% hatred of Jews.  You can get a better country by country breakdown here.

Read news from the Middle East or watch Middle Eastern TV online and you will see Muslim leaders call Jews apes, pigs, disease, filthy, etc.  You will hear how Jews drink blood and steal children.  Cartoons published in the Islamic world are indistinguishable from cartoons printed in the official Nazi tabloid.  Hezbollah claims that it wants to wipe out all Jews worldwide.  Hamas likewise calls for the extermination of Jews.

They name their children after the weapon they use to kill Jews.  They make holiday decorations out of the pictures of terrorist who killed Jews.  They hand out candy and celebrate in the streets when Jews are murdered.  They stab Jewish infants and children to death in their sleep and celebrate the murderers as heroes.

The demand the Muslims kill Jews is enshrined in Islamic holy texts.

Our Children watch Sesame Street or the Disney Channel.  Our children are taught to share and make friends.  Muslim children watch a guy in a bumblebee costume teach them how to kill Jews.

This is the world I live in.  This is the world all of us Jews live in.  This is the world I raise my Jewish children in.  A world in which Muslim leaders call for our extermination.  Every.  Single.  Day.  And if the recent bout of stabbings and shootings in Israel, France, the UK, and US are any indication, the Muslim population is listening.

We’re not the only people to notice.

Even IF only 1% of the Muslim world were radical enough to murder Jews.  That’s 16 million radicals to 15 million Jews, total.

Maybe, just maybe, you might understand why we Jews are starting to get a little cranky.  Why we Jews are starting to arm up.  Why perhaps the Left’s “don’t confuse Islam with terrorism” head-in-the-sand cowardice isn’t really protecting us.  Fighting Islamic antisemitism with tolerance and platitudes gets you a knife in the ribs or a bullet in the back.

I am not calling for the extermination of Muslims.  I’d prefer to life in peace.  But I’m not going to trust my safety and safety of my family to words.  I trust trust my safety and safety of my family to Hornday Critical Defense, Speer Gold Dot, and Corbon JHP.  When I say “never again” I mean it.  With a bullet.

If you can’t tell the difference between hating another group of people because your religion and culture commands that you hate them because of their religion, and disliking (or even hating) the people that hate your for your religion and call for your extermination daily, than you have a serious problem with your moral compass.

By your asinine logic, it’s wrong for Jews to dislike Nazis too.  Or does that make me a bigot?

Perfect Storm

Florida gets a bad rap for being the country’s stupidest state.  For the most part, that goes back to the 2000 election and the butterfly ballot issue. The then every once in a while, my people (I’m a born and raised Floridian) decide to reinforce the stereotype.

Growing up in Miami, I am familiar with the Art Basel and the pop art district of Miami Beach.  It’s weird.  Seriously.  I don’t get art.  Some art I like.  Like the stuff that adorned our bombers in WWII.  But I have been told that doesn’t count as art.

Artists are weird.  Performance art is weirder (you have been warned).

So when Florida stupid meets performance art weird, you get a synergy that difficult to comprehend.  A woman was stabbed in a fight at Art Basel and the eye witnesses thought it was a performance art piece.

I am reminded of this scene from the Boondocks:

Ahhh… Florida.  Keep on keeping on.



Turning it around

So the LA Times published an opinion piece on how it’s too easy to get guns and only the military should have…. blah… blah… blah… usual bullshit, whatever.

At the top of the article was this hard hitting cartoon:

Gun Flag

David Horsey is a little late to the party when it comes to criticizing America by making our flag out of guns.

A left wing blog posted a similar cartoon after the Tuscon shooting.
Gun Flag 2


The horrible movie “The Purge: Anarchy” which was supposed to be anti-American and anti-conservative used a similar logo for its poster.

the purge

I guess these are supposed to scare me or something.  Make me fear for my life because my country is awash in guns.

Except, my country is already awash in guns.  There are more guns in America than people and guns are still flying off the shelves.  I live in one of the top ten most gun owning states in the Union.

Horsey’s gun flag doesn’t scare me.  I want one.  Not exactly like it with Glocks and AK’s.  I want one that is full American,  1911’s and alternating AR-15 and M1 Garands.  I would fly that un-ironically.  I would have that as a window sticker on my pickup.  I would embrace the heck out of it.

Why? Because Don’t Tread On Me and Come and Take It.  I already have those and I want a new one.

Just note the juxtaposition.  A flag made of guns, tools of freedom, is used by Liberals to try and scare and shame America.  And yet they would fly a flag with the president’s face on it, because obsequious kowtowing to a cult of personality is totally what a free people in a free country do.  That offends me a lot more than a flag made of guns.




Consider the source

Sex columnist, gay rights advocate, and human pile of garbage Dan Savage tweeted the following in response to the San Bernardino shooting.

Dan Savage

He hates guns, he hates gun owners and the NRA, and he hates America.  I think he made that clear.  Of course he believes he is well atop his moral high horse, performing dressage 140 characters at a time.

Here’s the thing.  Dan Savage is a terrorist.  He admitted it.  He authored a piece for Salon where he describes in great detail with enormous self satisfaction, how he contracted the flu and decided to spread it to Republican candidate Gary Bauer and his staff at Mr. Bauer’s campaign headquarters in Iowa.  Why?  Because he (Dan Savage) didn’t agree with Mr. Bauer’s position on gay marriage.

Mr. Bauer made a comment  about the SCOTUS gay marriage decision and terrorism.  Dan savage replied with the following:

I decided that if it’s terrorism Bauer wants, then it’s terrorism Bauer is going get — and I’m just the man to terrorize him… I would keep the pen in my mouth until Bauer dropped by his offices to rally the troops. And when he did, I would approach him and ask for his autograph, handing him the pen from my flu-virus incubating mouth.”

I go around the room licking doorknobs. They are filthy, no doubt, but there isn’t time to find a rag to spit on…. I want to seed his office with germs, get as many of his people sick as I can, and hopefully one of them will infect the candidate. I lick office doorknobs, bathroom doorknobs. When that’s done, I start on the staplers, phones, and computer keyboards. Then I stand in the kitchen and lick the rims of all the clean coffee cups drying in the rack. I grab my coat and head out.”

Now Gary Bauer was a nothing of a candidate.  If I didn’t know about what Dan Savage did to him, I wouldn’t know anything about him.

But Gary Bauer was not the only Republican to be terrorized by Dan Savage.  Rick Santourm was the victim of an online harassment and extortion campaign that is as disgusting as anything I can imagine.

Dan Savage purchased a domain name (NSFW) and got his followers to use a Google Bomb to create a deinfiton for the word “Santorum” to be… a very disgusting thing relating to homoerotic intercourse.

In Dan Savage’s own words, this is what he intended to do to Rick Santorum:

There’s no better way to memorialize the Santorum scandal than by attaching his name to a sex act that would make his big, white teeth fall out of his big, empty head.

Through the use of the Google Bomb, Dan Savage’s domain and definition became the top search engine hits for “Santorum” displacing the Candidate’s official web page.  Why?  Because he (Dan Savage) didn’t agree with Mr. Santorum’s position on gay marriage.

So here we have an admitted biological terrorist and online harasser, who has publicly stated that he wishes that all republicans we’re dead and wanted to drag an independent candidate running against a Democrat to death behind a truck.

But I am supposed to defer to his moral superiority on the issue of gun ownership?

No.  People like Dan Savage are the reason I am encouraged to own and carry guns.