J. Kb

The Devil is real and he wears a dress around children

Because Satan is real and has influence there was a drag show for children in Texas.

(I feel dirty even typing that)


At least one of these individuals is a teacher (in training).


We know what evil is going on because this event was recorded and protested by good people on the right who cannot stand to see children groomed this way.

And grooming it is.

This I found both horrific and absolutely plausible:


Why would a mother do that to her child?

Because the value of being seen as an ally with an LGBT child is worth the cost of the damage done to the child.

What is utterly mind boggling to me is just how many drag events aimed at children are happening across the country.

Libs of TikTok has done an excellent job cataloging a few of them:


Overt gender confusing sexuality blasted at children is evil.

This is the state of what’s going on in the culture wars.

If you took a child to a titty-bar you would go to jail  but this is encouraged by taxpayer funded institutions like schools and libraries.

This needs to be criminalized and people should go to prison for this.

Big changes (pt. 2)

It’s hard to put into words the gratitude I have for Miguel for inviting me to write on his blog and giving me the freedom to express myself.

It’s been a pleasure being able to write and hear back from you faithful readers in the comments.

I’m sad to see Miguel step back but I completely understand it.

Even though we do this for fun, we feel an obligation to you to bring you content and then there is the logistics of keeping the blog functional.  Sometimes that does feel like work.

Miguel has gone over and above bringing this content out of his own pockets, with the help of some donations.

When Miguel brought up his desire to semi-retire he asked AWA and I what we wanted to do.

The unanimous decision was to keep the blog going under the same name.

One change that we agreed upon was to partially monetize the blog.  Our goal is to make it a self sustaining site, so that we can bring you content for years to come and have our costs covered.

From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you loyal readers for years of following us and for your comments, feedback, and tips.

And I hope that you choose to become members so that we can continue this site for years to come.

Thank you


Generals are not Constitution defending patriots, they are enforcers of state authority

Never forget Pournelle’s iron law of bureaucracy.

In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals that the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely.

One becomes a general by spending their adult life serving in the military and obeying commands.

The modern military is a bureaucracy.  Anyone who is promoted to the top level is someone who will do everything to protect the bureaucracy.

The advertised job of defending this country and the Constitution has been entirely eliminated.


The general here has absolutely no desire to defend your Second Amendment Constitutional rights.

His desire is to defend his bureaucracy, especially from your Second Amendment Constitutional rights.

There is not one right you have that we wouldn’t sacrifice with alacrity to protect his budget and his fancy wood paneled office.

The carrier commissioned bureaucrat is just another statist bureaucrat and you are just a peon to be squeezed for your tax dollars to pay for his funding and crushed if you got in his way.

Understand that and never forget it.

The Left will make sure school shootings will continue

Let me introduce you to a Leftist political strategist:


This is her Tweet thread:


And the last one she deleted because she said too much:



Now it makes sense why Biden won’t harden schools.


If you’re kids might die and only the Biden Administration can save them, who are you going to vote for?

That’s their strategy.

This also explains why the Biden Administration is sacking its own dick over flying in a little bit of formula from Europe while bottlenecking domestic production.

They are holding your children hostage.

They created the problem and pretend to have the solution.

She let it slip a little too much but there it is.  That’s the plan.

Vote Blue or your kids will die.

I hope this is just bluster – Update: they are unhinged


So the plan is to manipulate the entire system to get the outcome they want which is essentially elimating the Second and Fourth Amendments.

That’s a lot of totalitarian in one clip.

Next we see Eric “Honeypot” Swalwell going on a batshit rant:


Fuck you dude!

This is the zenith of unhinged emotional manipulation.

“If you don’t support our gun confiscation you support the killer.”

Fuck you, twice!

There is no reasonability here.

They are actively maligning us as supported of mass shootings while telling us they will destroy our checks and balances to get what they want.

This is absolutely the end of civil society.

We are done.  There is no coming back from this.

The Woke sabotage of America and the loss of the Hypersonics Race

America was once a great country with a great government that loved this country.

When the Russians put a satellite into orbit before we did, it lit a fire under out ass.

President Kennedy famously said: “We choose to go to the Moon.  We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”

And we did and we won the Space Race.

The newest race is the Hypersonics Race.

It’s every bit as important as the Space Race and Nuclear Arms Race of the Cold War.

And we fucking lost it.


We just had a first successful test of the ARRW (pronounced “arrow”) and the Chinese have field capable hypersonic intercontinental missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and anti-hypersonic missile defenses.


Because our DOD was more interested in Woke horseshit.


Yeah, we’re singing “queers in space” and they are perfecting nuking us at 10 times the speed of sound.

Our government is actively sabotaging our national security and dignity for reasons I cannot fathom.

Women in Seattle need to carry guns, Seattle decriminalized rape

Seattle police stopped investigating new adult sexual assaults this year, memo shows

Seattle police’s sexual assault and child abuse unit staff has been so depleted that it stopped assigning to detectives this year new cases with adult victims, according to an internal memo sent to interim police Chief Adrian Diaz in April.

The unit’s sergeant put her staffing crisis in stark terms.

“The community expects our agency to respond to reports of sexual violence,” Sgt. Pamela St. John wrote, “and at current staffing levels that objective is unattainable.”

Now the department’s lack of attention to its sexual assault unit is threatening the viability of cases, as delayed investigations and evidence collection possibly hinder their outcomes.

In the memo, St. John went on to say that she was not “able to assign adult sexual assault cases” that came into her unit. Cases involving children and adult cases that had a suspect in custody — a fraction of adult sexual assaults reported to police — were being prioritized. The unit just had too few detectives.

This is the same thing we’ve seen in California with property crime.

Too few cops unable to investigating crime that doesn’t get prosecuted ends up as de facto decriminalization.

We’ve all seen the videos of looting in San Francisco and Los Angeles stores.

Rape is about to explode off the charts in Seattle because there will be no arrests and prosecutions of rapists.

Ladies, you are on your own.  The cops will not help you.

Get a Washington Concealed Pistol License and carry.

I’ll say it again: it’s difficult for a rapist to maintain an erection while suffering from hypovolemic shock.