J. Kb

DC goes even more out of touch with regular Americans

A City Fights Back Against Heavyweight Cars
Oversized pickups and SUVs are exacting a deadly toll on urban streets. Here’s how one US city plans to push back.

Imagine that you, a city resident, are contemplating swapping out your mid-sized sedan for a full-sized pickup truck. And not just any pickup truck; your eye has fallen upon a heavy-duty one, like the Chevy Silverado HD or the Ford F-250. These are machines intended for towing and hauling, but they’re increasingly popular as passenger vehicles in the US, despite their massive proportions. At 6,695 pounds, the F-250 is 23 inches taller and more than twice as heavy as a Honda Accord.

If you’re a city or state leader, you have a limited arsenal of tools available to discourage residents from operating these behemoths on local streets. A proposal from the District of Columbia would add a new one: The city is poised to require owners of vehicles weighing over 6,000 pounds to pay an annual $500 vehicle registration fee], almost seven times the cost to register a modest sedan. No other US jurisdiction has created such a forceful financial disincentive against the biggest, heaviest car models.

“You can’t ban sales of these things,” says Mary Cheh, a D.C. councilmember who developed the new fee structure, “but you can make them pay their own way.”

In other words, a D.C. resident registering a heavy-duty pickup or SUV who would have paid $775 over five years in the old fee structure will now have to fork over $2,500. Notably, no exception is available for residents claiming that they need a heavy-duty truck or SUV for their work.

DC Councilwoman hates pickup trucks and intends to tax the shit out of them to dissuade ownership, even among working people who might need them.

Tell me just how out of touch DC is from regular Americans.

The BSO passes to torch to Uvalde as the worst cops in the country

I didn’t think it was possible for a police department to be more cowardly and inept than the Broward County Sheriff’s Department after Parkland, but the Uvalde Police managed to pull it off.

Uvalde school district police chief, Pete Arredondo, who ordered cops NOT to engage Texas gunman is a former 911 dispatcher with an unremarkable career who was elected to city council just days before massacre

Uvalde’s school district police chief is under fire for refusing to let his officers engage the active shooter at Robb Elementary School, after the gunman barricaded himself in a classroom as kids cowered inside and called 911.

During a bombshell presser Friday, Texas Department of Public Safety head Steven McCraw slammed Chief Pete Arredondo for failing to engage 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, mistakenly believing the teen had finished his killing spree and was hiding out from cops.

‘With the benefit of hindsight, from where I’m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision. It was the wrong decision, period,’ McCraw said.

Holy fucking dog shit!

The Chief of Police thought that the shooter had killed all the kids in the classroom and decided that since they were already dead his officers might as well just wait for the tactical team to breach.

That’s horrible but it gets worse.

Look at the timeline of the shooting:

There were active 911 calls from inside the classroom while the police were held back.

Actual fucking proof that there were still people alive inside the classroom while the chief assumed they were all dead.


Now let’s add this little piece of information:


So every Uvalde officer has had Level IV body armor, paid for by the federal government, since 2018.

Every officer had the gear they needed to breach but didn’t because fuck it, the kids are already dead, why risk their lives.

But wait, there’s more.

Uvalde school police hosted active shooter training in March

The Uvalde school police force hosted an active shooter training session on March 22, according to a department Facebook post.

“Our overall goal is to train every Uvalde area law enforcement officer so that we can prepare as best as possible for any situation that may arise,” the post reads. “We have hosted several of these courses and plan to continue to do so.”

These feckless fuck-shits just trained on what to do two months prior.

They had the training and the equipment and failed beyond all comprehension.

Heads should roll for this.

How Uvalde has turned the Right against the cops

The failure of the Uvalde Police Department to go in and stop an active school shooter, much like the failure of the Broward County Sheriff to do the same in Parkland in 2018 has, is a watershed political moment.

I think the difference between the cowardly catastrophe of the BSO in Parkland and the bumble-fucking ineptitude of the Uvalde Police is what happened during COVID.

It’s no secret what the Left thinks of police.  They have been saying it for years, and ratcheting it up since Michael Brown and George Floyd.

The Right, for the most part has defended the police.  Often pointing to the Ferguson Effect and crime waves in Blue cities (e.g., San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City) and how reducing the number of police and law enforcement results in increased crime.

Then came the COVID lockdowns, the George Floyd riots, and then Uvalde.

In the period of two years we watched as police department after police department brought out SWAT teams to enforce lockdowns and  COVID restrictions.

Who on the Right doesn’t remember watching MEAL Team 6 from the Ector County Sheriff roll a fucking MRAP against Big Daddy Zane’s Bar in Odessa, Texas for not shutting down during the lockdowns.

Two years later when an active shooter is killing children in an elementary school, another rural Texas police department stands around in plate carriers with their dicks in their hands.

As it turns out, the cops are all big and bad, happy to roll out a armored personnel carrier against guys drinking beers during the Coof but won’t muster the same intestinal fortitude to save the lives if children from a madman.

Then, in the days that followed, we find out that those same offices were all big and bad… when it came to stopping parents from going into the school to rescue their children themselves while the cops stood around.

The Right has, in the past, defended arming the police and providing tactical training, using the war on drugs or the war on terrorism as justification.

What we have discovered is that we have created police departments that are happy to bring every weapon and tool at their disposal with alacrity to threaten law abiding citizens who just want to go to the gym or have a beer in public despite some octogenarian career bureaucrat saying they need to stay home but respond with an equal level of cowardness to the defence of our children from a madman with a gun.

This is absolutely unacceptable to a degree we cannot put words to.

We tacitly accepted that police will enforce laws we don’t like and are tools of state power, but we still need them for when the shit hits the fan and they run towards the danger and do their job of keeping us safe.

But no…

We got the tools of state power enforcing draconian and Unconstitutional restrictions on citizens, but when BLM burned and looted cities, and a unhinged teenager shot up an elementary school, they stood back and hindered regular people from protecting themselves or their children.

We can never go back to the way it was.

Any group that can break out the tactical gear and point rifles at people for having a drink at a bar in defiance of Fauci but not use that sane gear to protect children from being murdered have no place in society.

The police have no friends anymore.  The new Right will no longer have their backs.  Fuck ’em.

How a man reacts when he has skin in the game

Hero cop rushed to Texas massacre school from barber’s with shotgun to rescue 20 kids including his daughter, eight, after wife who teaches there texted him saying: ‘There’s an active shooter. Help’

An off-duty border patrol agent has told how he evacuated children including his own eight-year-old daughter from Robb Elementary School, armed with a shotgun he had grabbed from his barber’s as he left to dash to the site.

Jacob Albarado, a father of three, received a text message from his wife Trisha – a fourth grade math and science teacher at the school – when he was in the barber’s chair.

‘There’s an active shooter,’ she said. ‘Help. I love you.’

Albarado leapt up and grabbed a shotgun the barber lent him, and rushed to the school.

Albarado then led his colleagues to evacuate as many children and teachers as possible, including his own daughter.

‘I’m looking for my daughter, but I also know what wing she’s in,’ he said.

‘So I start clearing all the classes in her wing.’

A madman threatened his daughter.  He borrowed a shotgun and went to fucking work.

I’m pretty sure being a cop was ancillary.  A madman was threatening his little girl.

The cops who didn’t have kids stood around in full tactical gear with their thumbs up their asses.

The cop with his kid in trouble borrowed a stranger’s scattercannon and ran towards danger in a t-shirt.

The biggest shame of this entire catastrophe was the police barring the parents from entering the school.

Fuck the cops, just let dads with guns respond.

Uvalde massacre was the result of layers of f*ck-ups

This is an epic disaster.  Layers of disaster and fuck-ups.

A teacher left a locked door propped open.

The SRO was not on campus.

The SRO responded to the 911 call and drove past the gunman because he was hiding behind his truck.

A gaggle of Uvalde police officers got shot at and retreated and stood around in a hallway with their dicks in their hands and their thumbs up their asses waiting for BORTAC to arrive and to get the keys to the classroom.

It took over an hour from the 911 call to actually putting lead into shooter.

After Columbine we knew the only way to address an active shooter was to immediately find him and kill him.

That was reinforced during Parkland.

Aging in Uvalde that was ignored and there were casualties because of it.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

When the report comes in of “shots fired at a school,” it should be a race among the officers to be the first one to kill the shooter.

Instead, we got another LEO circle jerk while kids died.

The Federal Bureau of Ineptitude humps the dog once again

REVEALED: Female online gamer reported fellow player – now suspected to be Salvador Ramos – who threatened to ‘shoot up a school with an AR-15’ to the FBI just hours before Uvalde elementary school massacre

A female gamer reported a fellow online player to the FBI after he threatened to ‘shoot up a school’ when he lost their game – just hours before 18-year-old gunman Salvador Ramos killed 21 people in a Texas school massacre.

In the game, four players are assigned the role of ‘The Survivors’ who must hide and survive another player: ‘The killer’. If caught, the survivors are impaled on hooks and sacrificed.

But she became disturbed when she heard a male gamer playing the ‘killer’ launching a furious tirade when he lost and ‘started saying they were going to shoot up a school’.

Parents challenging school boards who teach their children gender confusion and let drag queens come in for on-campus pride events are run through the wringer as potential domestic terrorists.

A young man is reported for threatening to shoot up a school and the FBI can’t find its dick with both hands.

Clearly protecting children from mass shooters is a lower priority than protecting the people who want to provide chest binders and fake penis packers to your children from you



This is how you create a white identitarian movement in STEM and tech

Drake State hosts free STEM Bootcamps for teens this summer

Drake State Community & Technical College is giving local teens an opportunity to learn this summer as they announce free educational programs.

The school says the STEM Bootcamps will give students a chance to develop new technical skills that could lead to science and engineering careers.

Among the lineup of summer classes are Machine Tool, Engineering Design and Welding. In fact, the school says the response has been so overwhelming that more boot camps have been added this summer.

That sounds really cool.

If my son was older I think he would love that.  Hell, I would love that.  Summer camp in machining and welding would be awesome.

The Drone course is for ages 14 and up. Starting on June 25, students can learn the basics of unmanned flight, safety, an overview of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and hands-on exercises in basic drone operations.

That’s even more awesome.  A summer camp where you can start to learn to be an FAA rated drone pilot.  How ridiculously cool is that.

In Systems Engineering, teens 15 years and older can participate in hands-on simulations of rockets and spacecraft to demonstrate STEAM principles in a fun and stimulating day-long adventure. The Systems Engineering Bootcamp begins on June 25.

What budding aerospace engineer wouldn’t love that?

These free boot camps are sponsored by NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project.

Drake State says all racially or ethnically underrepresented students (Hispanics and Latinos, African Americans, American Indians, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders) and female students are eligible.

And there it is.

This is sponsored by NASA and a public college, both are taxpayer funded, but fuck you white man if you think you will be sending your boys to this free STEM camp.

You have too much privilege.

Even if you’re working class and/or Bidenflation is kicking your ass and you have a hard time affording to send your kids to camp, your sons don’t need any help or support.

Maybe it’s good that they shouldn’t be allowed to go to STEM camp, it will keep them from getting their hopes up that they will ever have the opportunity to succeed.

It’s no secret that Google has a “white men need not apply” policy.  More and more white men feel that diversity programs in STEM and tech companies are discriminating against them.  And we know that the official policy of the DNC for its IT department is “no straight white men,” which mirrors the way the Democrats handed out COVID relief.

Too many white men launched rockets into space two generations ago so now white boys don’t need to be included in any STEM related activities, I guess.

Naked discrimination like this, especially by taxpayer funded resources for children, won’t cause any social backlash.

Teenage white boys who would love to go to STEM camp but are told they they are not welcome will be perfectly adjusted and not hold any resentment or feelings of social isolation.

It’s not like there is a morgue full of corpses in upstate New York caused by a white young man who was socially isolated and left alone with nothing but feelings of hopelessness and the internet to radicalize him.

Let’s keep trucking along with advertising awesome sounding programs and then telling white boys it’s not for them and they can fuck right off to sit at home all summer and let their minds rot playing games online.

I don’t see this ending badly at all.

Great job guys.  Really fucking spot on.