J. Kb

I forgot it was a holy day in the Leftists calendar


It is Saint George Floyd of the Blessed Counterfeit Twenty day.  The day he was martyred and for which he was beatified.

Let us pause in our mourning of the children of Uvalde to take a knee and recite the holy words “I can’t breathe.”


Uvalde might be Parkland 2.0

From The Daily Mail:

‘There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth, but didn’t do a darn thing till it was far too late’: Furious father of Texas elementary school shooting victim, 10, slams the police for failing to take down gunman until 90 MINUTES after massacre began

The father of a 10-year-old girl murdered in her Texas classroom on Tuesday has demanded to know why the gunman was able to rampage through the school for 90 minutes until he was shot dead, as it emerged that onlookers urged the police to enter the building – but they did not.

The first 911 call was received 90 minutes earlier, at 11:30am, saying a man had emerged from a crashed vehicle with a long rifle and a backpack.

‘There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth but didn’t do a darn thing until it was far too late,’ Cazares told ABC News.

One woman was yelling at the police outside the school, said Juan Carranza, 24, who lives opposite.

He said she was screaming: ‘Go in there! Go in there!’

Carranza said the officers did not go in.

Ramos on Tuesday first shot his 66-year-old grandmother Cecilia Gonzalez in the face, leaving her severely injured, before stealing her pickup truck and driving towards the school.

Unable to drive, he crashed into a ditch and then ran to the school on foot, where he was met by an armed security guard.

Yet he was still able to enter the school and kill 21 people – and was not stopped until around 1pm, when a Border Patrol agent backed up by a tactical team shot him dead.

This is the timeline of events as reported by the news:

11:32am: A mass casualty incident – later discovered to be the shooting – takes place at Robb Elementary School. The school reports it is locked down because of ‘gunshots in the area.’

12.17pm: The school posts a message on social media writing: ‘There is an active shooter at Robb Elementary.’

12.38pm: A reunification site is set up at the Willie DeLeon Civic Center.

1.06pm: The Uvalde Police Department reports the suspect is ‘in police custody.’

This is a first report and we do not know how long the shooter was dead before the police report was sent out.

But if this is true we are looking at a Parkland 2.0 situation where lives were lost because a timely response did not occur.

The one thing we know about active shooters is that once they start the response needs to be instant.  Get in there and fire as much ammo at the shooter as possible as quickly as possible until he’s dead.

I’m also curious why the school’s armed security was ineffective.

We need more information before we can really start casting judgment but from this initial report that a lot of failures occurred that allowed this to happen.

This bullshit argument again?


Let me be perfectly blunt.

Do these people think Americans are stupid?

Do they think we’ll fight fair and shoot at their tanks and airplanes with our AR-15s while they mow us down?

I guess they must.

I promise you that won’t happen.

I will tell you what will happen.

The families of every military officer and bureaucrat who orders or flies a sortie will be on the menu.

Reprisals will be personal and cruel.

What do you think the morale will be for fighter pilot Bob when 24 hours prior fighter pilot Steve got done bombing some guy’s house in Iowa to find out his wife and kids were burned alive when his house was set on fire in retaliation?

Why shoot at a plane when you can shoot the airmen guarding the refueling depot, maintenance warehouse, or ordnance warehouse and burn or steal the fuel and sabotage or steal the replacement parts and weapons?

Same for the Tanks.

Remember that our strategy during WWII and the Cold War was to go through the front wave of tanks and kill the soft targets of refueling units and ammo supply lines.

Planes and tanks without fuel, ammo, spare parts, and willing drivers or pilots are just paperweights.

Do they not think we won’t adopt the same tactics?

They have never fought an insurgency war when the insurgents are their neighbors.

If you needed a reason not to fight America civilians with the US military, it’s not because we’ll be shooting at their tanks with our ARs.

It’s because they don’t have the ability to protect their military infrastructure and all the family members of the people on their side willing to fight or support their war efforts against American citizens.

A different kind of red flag law

Apparently this shooter in Uvalde threw up a lot of red flags.

The Left is screaming that it’s time to ban guns and have red flag laws.

The Buffalo shooter, Parkland shooter, Goffords shooter,, and others also threw up a bunch of red flags.

How about a red flag law that let’s us lock these budding psychos in a fucking box for a long time?

The Left can say “I’m tired of these mass shootings, we need to ban guns.”

I’m tired of after a mass shooting hearing “the shooter had prior contact with law enforcement.”


Add pelvic shots to your training regimen

I will have more to say about the Uvalde shooting as more details come out, but this is particularly relevant:

As reported by The Daily Mail:

The gunman, Salvador Ramos – wearing body armor, equipped with a handgun and possibly a rifle – shot his grandmother before entering the school and opening fire, said Governor Greg Abbott.

Another mass shooter with body armor.  This follows on the heels of the Buffalo shooter with body armor.

It seems like crazy people who want to inflict maximum damage are preparing by obtaining body armor.

I don’t know if it made a difference in this case but clearly the shooter thought it might.

We are going to have to retrain ourselves on what to do if the shit hits the fan and we must rely on our guns to defend ourselves.

Those first few shot need to be delivered into the low abdomen.  Shoot that motherfucker right in the belt buckle a couple of times then go to work on center of mass.

It is probably safer to assume a mass casualty shooter is wearing armor and you will have to shoot around it than to hit center of mass with the first shot and it be useless when the armor stops it.


This case could destroy the self driving car

Tesla driver operating car on autopilot in deadly crash ordered to stand trial
Los Angeles driver to be tried on two counts of vehicular manslaughter

Kevin George Aziz Riad, 27, will be tried on two counts of vehicular manslaughter, Fox 11 LA reports.

Police reportedly said his Tesla Model S took a freeway exit and ran a red light before plowing into a Honda Civic Dec. 29, 2019.

The crash killed Gilberto Alcazar Lopez, 40, and Maria Guadalupe Nieves-Lopez, 39, who were on a first date the night of the accident.

The car’s Autosteer and traffic aware cruise control were activated at the time of the crash, according to prosecutors.

A Tesla engineer also testified that sensors indicated Riad had a hand on the steering wheel.

Crash data reportedly showed that no brakes were applied in the six minutes leading up to the accident.

Tesla officials have said that Autosteer and the more sophisticated “full self-driving” function cannot entirely drive the vehicle, and drivers must monitor and respond to needs based on traffic conditions.

Let me see if I understand the situation.

Tesla sells a car with a “full self-driving” mode.

Tesla says that actually full self-driving isn’t actually fully self-driving and the driver still have to drive the car because the full self-driving mode can malfunction and cause an accident.

If the driver doesn’t understand that full self-driving isn’t actually fully self-driving and causes and accident, the driver who was trusting the full self-driving mode is legally liable.

So why buy a self-driving car?

It only encourages you to not pay attention but requires you to pay attention while making you legally liable for its malfunctions.

This seems like more of a risk than not having it at all.

If people can’t trust their self-driving system and will go to jail if their self-driving system makes a mistake, self-driving is dead.

There might be hope for Remington if they choose to fight it

I read Miguel’s post:

Dear Remington: You can never satisfy them by conceding. Prepared to be reamed again.

And he very well may be right.

My comment to his post was: Remington paid the Dane geld, now they will never get rid of the Dane.

But then I remembered Gendron wrote about the Bushmaster in his Manifesto.

Here is some selected text on the subject:


I’m still taking the shooter’s manifesto at face value.

The shooter makes it crystal clear that he selected a pre-Remington Bushmaster rifle, and how much he hates Remington/Freedom Group Bushmaster rifles and thinks they are shit-tier rifles.

He said he chose the worse rifle for the job and it was the “cucked” version that was ban-compliant.

He also acknowledged that his selection was specifically to bait the media.

The Sandy Hook lawsuit was a travesty of justice.

To get around the PLCAA, the suit went after Bushmaster’s advertising.

They argued that Bushmaster advertised its rifle in such a way as to encourage killing with the tactical “assaultive” character of the rifle.

Considering that Lanza did not buy his rifle, but stole it from his mother after murdering her, the entirety of the argument was fallacious.

I am not a lawyer, so this this just my opinion, but:

Rem Arms/Bushmaster that exists today is two companies removed from the Bushmaster that made the rifle used by Gendron.

Gendron was explicit in not selecting a Remington/Rem Arms Bushmaster because of how bad they were.

He explicitly stated that he hated that he bought a “cucked” ban complaint rifle and had to modify it illegally to be acceptable.

So if Josh Kosoff tries and piggybacks this lawsuit on his Sandy Hook lawsuit, which is why he was consulted, I think Remington/Rem Arms has argument they their rifle was specifically not selected because the shooter hated it for its less than adequate performance, negating the entire argument made against Bushmaster in the Sandy Hook suit.

I also think that Bushmaster might have a counter suit potential against the media.  The argument being that the media’s vilification of Bushmaster has turned their brand into something akin to an attractive nuisance.  That people with ill intent will seek out Bushmaster rifles and do harm with them to bait the media.

It’s like the streakers at professional sports games. When the cameras followed the streakers and the commentators talked about them they would have more streakers.

Then sports networks changed and cut to commercial as soon as a streaker took the field and never talked about them, it stopped.

The incessant coverage of mass shooters and the model and/or brand that they used creates the same phenomenon.  Bad people will model their actions to maximize media coverage.

The media is more liable for this than the gun makers are.

Now I know the comments in this post are going to be full of “everything you say is irrelevant because New York is just as Leftist as Connecticut and the doesn’t matter anymore because the Left will bend and break every law they can to accomplish their goals.”

And cynical me agrees with but, but I have to hold out some hope that the law will prevail.

We’ll have to see how this goes but the shooter’s own manifesto should be enough to automatically dismiss any lawsuit against Remington/Rem Arms if they choose to fight it.