J. Kb

I’m going to build an Arc



I feel like God rained fire and brimstone down on Sodom and Gomorrah for less than this.

I used the word evil a lot to describe things.

This is wickedness.

True biblical wickedness.

That one boy who wants his parents to take down the photos of younger him because it reminds him of being a boy, there is something clearly wrong with him that isn’t gender dysphoria.  To obliterate the existence of his pre-transition existence is deeply disturbing.

Seeing this proves to me that Satan is real and has influence in this world, and kind of makes me hope for God’s vengeful wrath to fix it.

I’m going to start building and Arc.

If it doesn’t start flooding soon, we’re going to have to chippering a lot of people.


Another example of why bleeding control needs to be added to your EDC



Here is a news story that gives more details of the incident:


Good on the civilians who stopped to help.

What troubles me is the officer who showed up and give directions but didn’t jump in to put on the tourniquet.  One would think that police officers would have training on that since they are more likely to need to deal with bleeding control.

When seconds count, you shouldn’t have to ask “does anyone have a tourniquet” you should have one on you or know you have one nearby.


The last Jurassic Park movie is some serious bullsh*t (mine would be better)

The Algorithm got me.

I was hit with the trailer for Jurrasic World: Dominion as the ad in another video I was watching.


This is the sort of utter horse-shit premise that can only come from soft-handed Hollywood writers who have never left the urban landscape of NYC and LA.

Our paleolithic ancestors wiped out most of the megafauna on this planet with sharpened sticks and stone tools.  Despite the presence of other horribly voracious carnivores, bears, wolves, tigers, lions, jackals, hyenas, etc., we have succeeded on every acre of landmass that we set foot on.  Again, armed with little more than stone tools and sharpened sticks.

The idea that a bunch of dinosaurs poses an existential threat to humanity is fucking stupid.

The reason the first Jurassic Park was so scary is that a handful of humans was trapped in the dinosaurs’ world.  The entire cast on the island was ten humans surrounded by hundreds of dinosaurs and only one SPAS12 between them.

Now flip the story.  A few hundred carnivorous dinosaurs let loose on a planet of 7 billion humans who have hunted our predators to near extinction and then put the rest into zoos or preserves so we can look at them from a position of safety.  It’s the dinosaurs who should be afraid.

If a T-Rex or a pack of velociraptors was really a threat to the local population, hunters would be paying fees to wipe them out like feral hogs in Texas.

Arguably, that would be encouraged – at least in Red states – as the biggest threat the dinosaurs would pose would not be to humans but to the local fauna, e.g., carnivorous dinosaurs wiping out the wild elk or bison population.  Smart states would be encouraging the hunting of dinosaurs as an invasive species, to protect the native species, the way Florida encourages python hunts.

As for one helicopter chasing a T-rex in rural America?  As soon as the first T-rex or velociraptor posed a threat to humans in Ruraltown, USA, every red-blooded gun owner would put in for a 577 T-rex, 600 Overkill, 50 BMG, 950 JDJ, or a 20MM to go T-rex killing.

The very premise of this movie is only plausible to the most cloistered of urban jungle city dwellers who do not understand hunters, Red states, or nature.

If I were going to do a Jurassic Park movie that falls on the heels of the terrible Jurrasic World: Fallen Kingdom, where dinosaurs are released into the wild of North America, here is what I would do.

Cattle ranchers in Colorado, Utah, or somewhere like that.  Their herd is getting massacred but it’s not wolves or the usual livestock predators.  It’s dinosaurs.  Now you have a small cast, maybe a dozen ranchers and cowboys.  They are in a remote location so help is not feasible.  They have an incentive, self-preservation and protection of the herd.  They can be outnumbered by dinosaurs.  They are armed, but perhaps not sufficiently for the largest of the carnivore species, e.g., a 30-30 may be enough for a velociraptor but not a T-rex.

This is not “lots of stupid and incompetent people get eaten.”  This is “a handful of people who are familiar with the land and how to survive are suddenly met with a species of predator that is far smarter and more destructive than what they are used to.”

This gives much more of the feeling of the first Jurrasic Park movie, with a bit of Jaws in the beginning, and perhaps some elements of The Grey and The Edge (both excellent man vs. predator in the wilderness survival movies) and is much more character-oriented.

Then again, I’m not a screenwriter who has never seen nature outside of the Central Park or the San Diego Safari Park.


I like boobs too but I value my freedoms more


I get it.

I’m a sucker for a nice pair of natural jubblies and that sexy librarian look.

And to be fair, she’s pretty decent for a 45-year-old Senator.  Remember that quote “Politics is show business for ugly people.”

But Gentlemen, the opportunity to catch a little bit of the eye candy is not worth selling out this nation to the Left.

Get your heads screwed on right.

A glimpse at the dirty pillows is temporary, civil rights are forever.

And somebody tell Lauren Boebert to break out the push-up bra and a v-neck.

Why pitbull attacks are so terrible

I have covered a number of pitbull attacks.

One consistent theme is just how terrible they are and how often the result in amputation or multiple amputations.

A graphic video from Columbia shows why this is the case.


The bite force of a pitbull is about 240 PSI, which is enough to crush cortical bone.

More than that, the issue is how the pitbull attacks.

The way the pitbull latches on and thrashes about tears muscle from bone and shreds the muscle.

The damage is so severe that there is no way to repair the degloved tissue and amputation is the only recourse.

Other dogs bite.

Pitbulls destroy soft tissue.

This is why I continue to hammer this point.

It’s the same reason I do repeated posts on one punch fatalities.

The enormity of a pitbull attack must be understood and the threat taken seriously.

If I see a loose pit bull I’m going to shoot it


A South Carolina mom who had both her arms amputated after being savagely mauled by three pit bulls has received the devastating news that she won’t be able to get prosthetic limbs due to the severity of her wounds.

Kyleen Waltman, 39, was critically injured when she was attacked by the dogs on a sidewalk in Honea Path northwest of Columbia on March 21.

“We thought her right shoulder was going to be good and they were able to fit it with a prosthetic, well yesterday they found an infection in the bone and had to remove more of the bone,” Amy wrote.

“So now she will not be able to have regular prosthetics on either shoulder,” she wrote.

She said her family would be going to court Thursday for the appearance of the dogs’ owner, Justin Minor, who faces three misdemeanor charges of owning a dangerous animal that attacked and injured a human, rabies control violation and dangerous animal not permitted beyond premises unless restrained.

“It could’ve been prevented,” Wynne has said. “If the dogs were locked up or if the dogs were chained up, or if they were never there to begin with, this would’ve never happened.”

A shoulder level amputation is one of the most traumatic surgeries a person can undergo.

This woman had bilateral shoulder level amputations.

She’s 38 years old and a mother of three, and now will spend the rest of her life without arms.

Imagine being the mother if three children and never being able to help them get dressed or brush their teeth or cook them a meal or hug them ever again.

I think I’d rather let sepsis set in and take me.

According to previous news reports:

Kyleen Waltman, 38-year-old mother of three, was attacked by the dogs about 10:30 a.m. Monday in Honea Path, her sister, Sheena Green, told WYFF News 4.

“This is the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen,” Kyleen’s sister Amy Wynne said.

She said a man found Waltman in a ditch still being attacked.

Green said the man had to go get a gun and shoot it in the air to get the dogs off of Waltman.

The owner in this case is a piece of shit, but a $5,000 fine and 36 months in jail wasn’t enough of a deterrent to keep him from owning these dogs.

I keep saying it, I see a pit bull off its lead, I’m not going to shoot a gun into the air and scare it off.  I’m going to put a bullet right through its center of mass and finish it off.

This puts me in a “Vaxxers to the wall” mood


A 15-year-old boy who was initially targeted by a false rumor that he was unvaccinated was bullied relentlessly until he took his own life in January, a lawsuit claims.

The suit filed Monday against the Latin School of Chicago alleges administrators at the private college prep school — which charges more than $40,000 annually in tuition — committed “willful failure” to stop the incessant bullying, the Chicago Tribune reported.

The teen was also cyberbullied on Snapchat, where another student urged him to kill himself in mid-December, the suit claims.

Nate met with a school administrator at that point, but none of the students involved in the cyberbullying were disciplined, his parents allege.

Nate’s mother contacted the school more than 30 times in October and November alone, but administrators allegedly turned a “blind eye” to the family’s pleas for help. The teen also reported the bullying to a school dean, but was disregarded, according to the lawsuit.

The boy’s parents are suing.

They are stronger people than I am.

I would be stacking bodies and eliminating bloodlines.

There is a special place in hell for those that turned getting a shot into something that would make people do this, and I’m more than happy to send them there.