J. Kb

What did I just say about fiduciary duty?


Handing the keys to the Magic Kingdom to a small fraction of radical Leftist activist employees cost Disney its reputation among its primary customers (parents wanting quality entertainment for their children) and shareholders $41 Billion.

Maybe some of those shareholders should be contacting lawyers who should be asking questions about why Disney thought it was a good idea to put a bunch of queer, child-grooming activists into high ranking positions, give them unchecked ability to fill children’s programing with their politics, have a Zoom meeting celebrating that, then let this group of activist employees steer the company into a head-on collision with a popular governor and parent’s rights bill.

The witness stand in a breach of fiduciary duty suit would be the perfect place to ask those questions.

What they are doing to Marjorie Taylor Greene is the tip of the corrupt iceberg

If you missed the news, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is on trial to determine if she is allowed on the ballot for reelection in Georgia.


The Washington Post covered some of her testimony this way:


From the article in the above Tweet:

But a few answers stand out, either because Greene’s responses didn’t make much sense, or because they’re likely to be revisited in the future.

One was early in the hearing, when Greene was asked whether she thought House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was a “traitor to the country.” Greene actually offered a firm denial — but one that didn’t hold up at all.

Greene initially tried to refuse to answer, saying, “I’m not answering that question. It’s speculation. It’s hypothetical.”

Lawyer Andrew Celli, who is representing those trying to kick Greene off the ballot for allegedly violating the 14th Amendment, responded, “You’ve said that, haven’t you, Ms. Greene — that she’s a traitor to this country?”

“No, I haven’t said that,” Greene responded.

And yet, she had. She said it an old video that has circulated widely in the run-up to her testimony. When Celli called up the exhibit showing that, Greene quickly sought a mulligan.

“Oh wait, no, hold on now,” Greene said. She then tried to put a good spin on her past comment, saying, “I believe by not securing the border, that that violates her oath of office.”

So they are trying to allege that Green us an insurrectionist because she called Nancy Pelosi a “traitor.”

This is absurd given that calling opposing politicians “traitor” has become part of the regular political rhetoric.

The entire Democratic party called Trump a “traitor” or said he was “guilty of treason” for the entirety of his term.

But when Greene does it that’s insurrectionist talk.

Why is this important?

According to the 14th Ammendment to the Constitution:

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

This was intended to keep former Confederate officers or members of the Confederate States Congress from being elected to the United States government.

Today, the Left is using this as a way of keeping Republicans off the ballot by tying them to the January 6th riot.

The basic thesis is: January 6th was an armed insurrection and anyone who wasn’t vociferously against it was for it, therefore they are an insurrectionist, and therefore they are disqualified from office as per the 14th Amendment.

Last month the DOJ coerced one defendant to plead guilty to seditious conspiracy as part of a deal.  This is where it all hangs.

For the record, I do not like Majority Taylor Greene.  She has no policies of consequence, says stupid things, and loves the media attention.  She has palled around with Right Wing antisemites.  She is one of a few Right Wing AOCs, elected officials who got elected to build a personal brand and have no idea how to legislate.

I say that because I want to be clear on this next point.

Even if you don’t like her or Madison Cawthorn, who they are trying to do this to as well, we must stop the Left from engaging in this line of attack.

They are going after Greene because she is one of the most extreme and polarizing Republicans in office.  She’s an easy target.

But if they are successful in getting her, they will expand it to all potential Republican candidates.

“Did you vote for Trump?  Did you support Trump after he lost in 2020?  Did you think Trump lost fair and square?  Well, Trump supported the January 6th insurrection, and since you supported Trump you are an insurrectionist, and therefore you cannot be on the ballot.”


“Did you say online that January 6th was not an insurrection against the United States tantamount to the Civil War?  Then you supported the January 6th insurrection and are disqualified from the ballot.”

They will use this to remove Republicans from the ballot or only allow in anti-Trump Romney-like Republicans who think that The Bulwark and Lincoln Project are where the Republican party should be, i.e., Republicans who can be counted on to vote for Democrat policies in a pinch.

Of course, the reverse is not going to happen.  The Right will never get Democrats who supported the CHAZ/CHOP or Antifa attacks on the Portland Federal Building or BLM riots disqualified as insurrectionists.

The Left will control who the Right gets to vote for.

We absolutely cannot let this happen.

That is what hangs in the balance here.

That is how serious this case is.

Forget major wars, we are going lose even minor battles


One reason our military has been so lethally effective is our use of technology and combined arms tactics.

We ride our soldiers into battle in armored vehicles, providing them air and heavy armor support, can move them into position quickly, and can extract them just as fast.

All of that capability is because of diesel and jet fuel.

How do we power an MRAP or Stryker with a battery?

Will infantry have to stop and recharge for several hours every hundred miles of advancement?

How to you provide close air support and medivac without jet fuel?

We can’t get a moderate size municipality to operate effectively with climate friendly vehicles, how are we going to make that work in the US military?

This is such insane and ridiculous bullshit I don’t get why anyone would plant this idea into Biden’s addled brain for him to regurgitate.

But hey, let’s weaken the US military to appease the Leftist climate activists and investment class donors who have money in the green energy industry.

Amazing self defense shooting in Philly

This story is amazing:


Right off the bat, I love how this guy says that every law abiding citizen should get a CCW and the report repeats that.

The biggest lesson here is that he kept his wits about him to realize the two guys ribbing him weren’t police and for him to figure out a moment to turn the tables on them.

I’m glad it ended well for this guy.

Two words that the Right needs to learn ASAP in the culture war

Fiduciary duty.

This is a good short video on what fiduciary duty means:


This is the nuclear bomb the Right has in the culture war.

Wokness is unpopular with mainstream America.

Disney cannot put the interests of a minority of woke employees over the financial interests of it shareholders.

If Disney’s fuckery costs them money, Right wing shareholders need to find lawyers to sue Disney executives for breach of fiduciary duty.

If we want to win we need to start dropping fiduciary duty bombs on woke corporations.

Which is the bigger threat?  A bunch of angry Tweets from the internet woke hate mob or a bunch of angry shareholders and their army of lawyers?

Brace yourselves for the next wave of f*ckening

Food prices are going to jump again:


So will the prices of everything else, if you can find it:


The next President needs to make domestic production of everything his top issue.

At this point, if I were President, I’d shut down the EPA and let Big Agriculture build all the fertilizer plants they can build in the US.  If Monsanto ran over eco protesters with a bulldozer while laying a fertilizer plant foundation, I wouldn’t care, I’d have a stack if pardons on my desk ready to go for such a situation.

The same for microchips, OTC pharmaceuticals, earth metals, and everything else we need but have shipped production overseas.

We regulated ourselves out of being an independent nation.  This is a strategic weakness and it needs to be fixed.