J. Kb

I hope so Mr. Krugman


You say not wearing to wear masks was never about freedom.

Well, it was absolutely crystal clear that making people wear masks had nothing to do with stopping COVID or saving lives.

Actual data demonstrated that universal masking was useless.  Some masks, such as a properly fitted N95, had some effect under limited circumstances, such as a patient coughing wet mist into a nurse’s face at close proximity.  Two people walking past each other in a grocery store wearing cloth masks made out of an old bed sheet was utterly worthless.

The real point of masks was as a talisman and and badge.  Those who were good people and complied with bureaucratic fiats, and those who were bad people and didn’t.

The entire weight of federal, state, and local governments were brought down on people who didn’t want to mask.

No shopping, no going to the gym, no living life if they did not cower in fear of what bureaucrats and politicians said about COVID and complied with every capricious mandate.

Maskers who wanted mandates and unconstitutional regulations to protect them from the impossible, catching a highly communicable airborne respiratory virus, shut down society, crashed the economy, ruined lives, harmed children, and killed people with depression and neglect.

Now that mask mandates have been ended by judges, there are still true believer hypochondriacs who are threatening society with their histrionics.


I will not forget what you did to us.

I will not forgive you for what you did to us.

The people who go about masked and give the stink eye to the rest of us for being unmasked deserve everything terrible that can be done to them.

Each and every one of you deserves to be treated like Belgian women who slept with Nazis.  Forever pariahs, unwelcome in society and driven out with abuse.

Florida is leading the way with some big wins





The magnitude of this can’t be understated.

Florida passes a popular bill into law.  A woke mega corporation, held hostage by a shrieking minority of employees, pushed back against the law.  The state legislature reminded the corporation who’s boss, the people who elected the legislature and supported the bill.

Then the Surgeon General of Florida pulled put the science and told the woke HHS and its abomination of an admiral that Florida won’t transition children.

This is Conservative leadership the way it should be.

If DeSantis runs for President, he will beat Reagan’s margin of victory.

And the Washington Post doubles down on Leftist antisemitism


“Those Jews, they’re loyal to each other and keep their money in their community.  It doesn’t matter if we destroy their business reputation, and threaten them, they will just keep doing business with each other.”

So doxxing a Jew and inciting an antisemitic internet mobile against her us fine because it won’t harm her Jew business or Jew money.

These people are evil.

Washington Post inciting hatred and possible violence against Conservative Jews

Libs of TikTok has been an invaluable resource for videos and stories of groomer teachers.

The content produced has been noticed and the account boosted by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson.

This has caused Libs of TikTok to catch the ire of the Left.

The Washington Post, a paper owned by the second wealthiest human on the planet, sent one of its most supine and diabolical shit rakers to destroy the person behind the account.



This is how far they went.



The Washington Post article published the account holders name and at one point had an embedded hyperlink to her real estate license, her employer, their address, etc.


The Washington Post also felt it was in the public interest to point out that the account holder is an Orthodox Jew.



On the one hand, you have a person with an anonymous Twitter account who reposts videos of radical Leftists outing themselves.

On the other, you have a reporter from one of the most influential media outlets in the country naming this person, posting links to her business license and employer, talking to her family members, and telling the Left that she’s a Right Wing Jew.

The same paper that helped bury the Hunter Biden laptop story and attacked the NY Post for publishing it.

Scratch a Leftist and find an antisemite.

This is intended to do more than intimate, this is intended to destroy the personal life of someone who stands against them, and they will pull out every stop, including Jew-hatred, to do that.

The true nature of the Left is being exposed.  It started with at-home schooling from the pandemic.  As more and more moderate normies see what is going on, the Left loses support.

The Left is scrambling to regain the narrative.

That’s why they are attacking Musk for wanting to restore free speech to Twitter.

That’s why they are trying to stop us from calling them “groomers.”

And that is why they are trying to destroy anonymous Right Wing accounts like Libs of TikTok.

It is open war on anyone who exposes the truth behind the narrative.

The next wave of strongarming, shakedowns, and division are coming

From Bloomberg News:

Amazon to Undergo Racial Audit, Led by Former AG Loretta Lynch

Amazon.com Inc. said it agreed to undergo an independent racial equity audit, joining companies including Citigroup Inc. and Tyson Foods Inc. in performing such reviews.

The audit — an analysis of companies to see whether their businesses cause and perpetuate discrimination — will be led by former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, a partner at law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, Amazon said in a proxy statement filed Thursday.

The review will measure any disparate racial impacts on Amazon’s U.S. hourly employees resulting from policies, programs and practices, the world’s largest online retailer said. The Seattle-based company said it will publish the audit’s results once completed.

New York State Common Retirement Fund filed a shareholder resolution with Amazon in 2021, asking for a racial audit. The request cited alleged discrimination of the company’s Black and Latinx workers, their low wages and exposure to dangerous working conditions, including Covid-19, as well as air pollution from distribution facilities located in minority neighborhoods.

There could be a myriad reasons that there isn’t perfect racial parity all levels of Amazon or any corporation other than straight racist discrimination.

We know, for instance, that people of different races and cultures select different majors.  White and Asian students make up higher percentages in finance and STEM.  Black l students tend to gravitate towards lower earning majors such as education, social work, and public affairs.

So if you were to audit a tech company or a bank, what do you think the upper ranks would look like given racial representation in college majors and applicant pools?

But the baseline assumption is that any difference is the result of bigotry and nothing else.

The auditors will come up with whatever conclusion they want, because the point here is to shakedown corporations.

Put the people we want in the positions we want or we will declare your company bigoted and destroy your reputation.

It’s the Soviet system using race.

All this will do is deepen racial divisions in society.   But I assume that’s also the point.

Global Grooming


This is the same organization that takes conscripts from third world armies, gives them Blue Helmets, and send them to third world shit-holes to withhold food in exchange for sex with children.

Of course they are going full tilt into child grooming, they want to have sex with more than just refugee children from wars and famines.