J. Kb

We live in a clown world designed to humiliate us

From The Hill:

Army approves reduced physical fitness standards for women, older soldiers

Following a three-year review, the Army has scrapped plans to use the same physical fitness test for all soldiers, choosing instead to have some reduced standards to allow women and older soldiers to pass, the service announced Wednesday.

The decision follows a RAND-led study that found men were more easily passing the new, more difficult Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) compared to women and older soldiers, who were “failing at noticeably higher rates.” That six-event test developed in 2019 was an expansion from the three events – pushups, situps and a run – soldiers had done prior.

“This test is an essential part of maintaining the readiness of the Army as we transform into the Army of 2030,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said in a statement announcing the changes. “The revisions to the ACFT are based on data and analysis, including an independent assessment required by Congress. We will continue to assess our implementation of the test to ensure it is fair and achieves our goal of strengthening the Army’s fitness culture.”

Wormuth herself had expressed concern about whether the test was affecting the retention of women in the ranks.

“I also have concerns obviously about the implications of the test for our ability to continue to retain women, which we obviously want to do,” Wormuth said at her nomination hearing in May.

I want to really think about what I am going to say.

The United States Army is reducing the physical fitness standards for female soldiers, so they get higher scores on paper while having lower actual performance, in order to increase military readiness.

This is because the higher scores despite lower performance will allow the military to enlist and retain more women, increasing the diversity of our Army, and as we all know, diversity is our strength.

Not actual physical fitness.  Physical fitness isn’t a strength.  Diversity is a strength.

At the same time, this same administration is adamant that there is no physical advantage to being a biological male when competing in women’s sports.

Do you get it?

Men have a physical advantage over women in the military, so female physical fitness standards must be lowered to make their on-paper scores more equitable, but those same men have no physical fitness advantage the moment they step onto the field or into the ring or pool.

If you are having a difficult time understanding this, trying to reason or logic it out, if it is giving you cognitive dissonance, there is a good reason for that.

There is no intellectual consistency here.

The point is whatever position they need to take to advance their Leftist ideology and confuse and humiliate you us what they will do.

The point is to grind the logical thinker down under capricious contradictions until they are silent and simply obey without thinking.

That is clearly evident because this only makes sense to someone who has accepted that 2+2=5.


California college education is dead and California will become South Africa

I saw these Tweets:


The second Tweet captures a lot of the responses and gut feelings a lot of people seem to have.

It disgusts me.  I feel for those kids.  I used to be one of them.

Not all kids who go to expensive private college prep schools are shitheads.

Not all parents who send their kids to schools like that are shitheads either.  Most are loving parents who want to give their kids the best opportunity for success.

Many of those kids, especially the ones who take lots of honors and AP classes are hard working kids who want to succeed in life.

It’s easy to hate these kids because their parents have the money to send them to a private school, but that’s the ugliness of envy.

I feel bad for the kids who worked hard to get good grades and high AP scores just to be turned down from college after college because of their identity.

I say that for private school white kids today just as I’d say that about Asian kids, Black kids, Jewish kids, or anyone else who is a high achiever but a victim of discrimination.

And that is the point.  California dropped the SAT requirements for UC college admission, which essentially made admission entirely subjective.

As such the UC system is engaged in full blown discrimination, throwing out white kids and “white adjacent” Asian kids.  The UC admissions department sees its purpose as correcting social inequity through “positive” discrimination.

First, this utter discrimination and segregation will destabilize California further.  Parents who can afford to move out will, for their children’s future, and will take their taxes with them.

The ones who can’t move will become a hotbed of resentment.

Second, lots of kids will be admitted to UC schools who are unqualified and unprepared for the classes they will take.

One of two things will happen, either the schools will accept a lot of drop-outs and flunk-outs, or the schools will lower their academic standards to graduate these kids who shouldn’t have been admitted in the first place.

I suspect the latter as this is what the public school system has been doing.

Consequently, UC schools will become worthless diploma mills.  Employers outside of California will not hire graduates with UC degrees, outside of a few specialized programs like science and engineering at Berkeley.

The end result is the destruction of the UC system, the alienation of White and Asian parents who care about their kids futures, the flight of White and Asian parents who can afford to leave the state, a system of segregation and academic apartheid.

Understand the point of this confirmation

Ketanji Brown Jackson will be confirmed to the Supreme Court.

While she is being questioned it is clear that she is going to die on the hill of being soft on pedophiles.


Ted Cruz was correct during his opening speech.  The reason Supreme Court nominations have become so contentious is that the Left wants to stack the Court with activists.

For a while now I have been documenting the radical Left’s attempt to normalize pedophilia.

I believe this is the purpose of Brown Jackson’s nomination.

Eventually a case will come up in which a pedophile will claim the law is discriminatory because Pedophilia is a sexual orientation.  I suspect it will originate from the 9th Circuit.

Remember, the Court in Lawrence v. Texas declared anti-sodomy laws unconstitutional.

Lawrence v. Texas limited the right to privacy protecting homosexual sex to consenting adults.

All they need is an equivalent decision from the Court that says pedophiles have equal protection under the law for their sexuality and without one iota of legislative effort, pedophilia will be decriminalized.

I honestly believe that is what is going on here.

I hope I’m wrong and being paranoid and cynical, but I’m terrified I’m right.

Terrorist Attack in Israel: always bring a gun to a knife fight

Four Israelis killed in stabbing attack in Beersheba, terrorist shot dead

Four Israelis were killed on Tuesday in a terrorist stabbing attack at a shopping center and gas station in Beersheba, with a number of others injured in the attack.

According to police, the terrorist ran over a man riding on a bicycle before driving to a gas station, exiting the vehicle and stabbing a woman. He then returned to the car, drove to a nearby shopping center, exited the car and stabbed another man and a woman. He then returned to the vehicle, drove away and crashed into another vehicle, exiting the vehicle and stabbing another person before being shot and killed by a civilian passerby.

The final standoff and shooting was captured by people with cell phones.



When facing a knife, distance is your friend.

A weapon that can stop an assailant with a knife at a distance, is your best friend.

It’s a tragedy that innocent people were killed before two armed civilians were able to stop the terrorist.

Be prepared.

If you are in a place where violence like this is a too frequent occurrence, be doubly prepared.



Knives are dangerous, bleeding control is critical, and watch your back


That’s gruesome.

Randomly attacked by a man with a knife and will require a lot of stitches to keep what should be inside, inside.

Deep cuts damage nerves and muscles underneath.

Facial lacerations are notorious for causing paralysis.

When approached by someone with a knife, or appears dangerous in general, distance is your friend.

Stay safe out there.

I guess I don’t have white privilege then

From a diversity education indoctrination HR mandate at Home Depot:


I’m confident, due to several appellate and Supreme Court cases, that the police do not exist to protect me.

I’m pretty sure that they exist as a tool of revenue generation by enforcement of malum prohibitum laws for the purpose of levying fines.

So, I guess, from this sheet, I don’t have white privilege.