J. Kb

Winning parents’ hearts and minds


According to the last poll data, the majority of people support the Parental Rights in Education bill.Bill.

What’s more, the majority supported it AFTER the media’s biased reporting on it.

I can just imagine how parents will feel driving their kids to school and camp and passing these billboards.

So I am left with two conflicting thoughts.

One: These people are remarkably stupid, thinking this will do anything but turn moderates against them. They must be suicidally stupid.  This is a Darwin Award winner of political campaigns.

Two: These people are know stupid, this will turn moderates against them and they don’t care because they have something up their sleeve on election day that will deliver a win regardless.

I’m hoping it’s number one but I’m afraid it’s number two.

Republican reject Adam Kinzinger decided to stoke antisemitism on his way out

Adam Kinzinger is a piece of shit.

He was one of the more ardent anti-Trump Republicans.

After the 2020 census, his district was slated to be eliminated for 2022 by the Illinois Democrat Machine.  In a last ditch effort to save his sorry ass, he has given himself over to the Left.

Apparently that now includes Leftist antisemitism.

This is what he decided to Tweey in his hawkishness on Ukraine.


That’s only a pretty significant threat to Israel.

To be fair to Israel, Israel has opened its doors to Ukrainian Jews claiming right of return as well as temporary shelter to non-Jewish Ukrainian refugees.

So why would Israel not support Ukraine more fully.

Anyone with any basic understanding of the Middle East would get it.

The Russians are supporting the Syrian government in the Syrian civil war.

The Russians are deeply embedded in Iran.

Israel is wedged between Syria and Iran and both Muslim nations have declared war on Israel in the past.

If Israel were to openly support Ukraine militarily, the likelihood that Russia would use Syria and/or Iran to attack Israel by proxy becomes absolute.

It’s in Israel’s security interest to only provide humanitarian aid and refugee assistance.

Kinzinger should understand this but he’s a dipshit hawk who stoked anti-Israel taking points, e.g., Israel takes our money but doesn’t support us.

He doubled down.


Oh yes, more anti-Israel conspiracy bullshit, e.g., Israel is the untouchable, unquestionable third rail of American politics (because the Jews control America is the implied and sometimes stated reason).



No, this us not WWII, and treating it this way will insure it becomes WWIII.

Not everyone needs to pick a side then line up to fight and die on that side.

I severely doubt Israel feels like being friendly to Russia, a nation that supports Israel’s enemies and votes against it in the UN.

Israel most likely doesn’t want to take up arms against Russia for the sane reason I don’t want America to take up arms against Russia: the potential for a high casualty war, possibly involving nuclear weapons.

But this is Kinzinger’s asshole position, you either go to war with Russia or you support Russia.

It’s a ridiculously shallow and stupid position to take and slathering a layer of anti-Israel bullshit on top of it is even worse.

Kinzinger is a Lt Col with the Air National Guard.  If he wanted to be anything but a loudmouth fuck-head he could go to Ukraine and pilot a jet against Russian aircraft as a private citizen.

But he won’t.  He’ll get a job as the token “good Republican” on some news network to demand everyone else due fighting the Russians while he cashes out.

Fuck him.

No, this is us winning


Barbarism is defined as:

1a: a barbarian or barbarous social or intellectual condition : BACKWARDNESS
b: the practice or display of barbarian acts, attitudes, or ideas

2: an idea, act, or expression that in form or use offends against contemporary standards of good taste or acceptability

I would consider barbarism what we’ve seen in places like New York City and California, where criminals prey on disarmed citizens freely without meaningful ramifications.

I covered a recent incident where a man beat a woman in the head with a hammer to steal her purse.

Miguel covered an attack on a woman who was punched 125 times by a single assailant.

That is barbarism.

States giving law abiding citizens the right to possess the weapons best to repel barbarians is not barbarism.  It’s literally anti-barbarism.

Clearly the Editorial Board believes that civilization is law abiding citizens having to beg and jump through hoops to be allowed to carry the tools to defend themselves.

Of course, all other things being equal, locales that have more burdensome and onerous obstacles to concealed carry have higher rates of crime and victimhood of law abiding citizens.

Barbarians take advantage of unarmed victims, preying on the weak and helpless.

The barbarian in Texas or Florida has no idea if his victim is capable of fighting back.

The barbarian in NYC, LA, or San Francisco is almost guaranteed that their victim is unable to defend themselves adequately.

The quoted article bemoans that now 23 states allow permitless concealed carry.

This is not backwardness but progress in expanding civil rights.

I hope for a day when all 50 states and DC have permitless concealed carry without preemption.

Which is more barbarous: a mugger with dozens of prior convictions bludgeoning a woman with a hammer for her purse or a mugger having his recidivism terminated by a law abiding citizens in self-defence?

As a man who believes that a decent civilization prioritizes the safety of the law abiding above the safety of criminals, I prefer the latter.

Trans-grooming children is a cult

A cult is a system of deep religious devotion to an idea or person.  One of the salient aspects of a cult is that cults are always harmful.  Cults manipulate and abuse their devotees in the interest of the cult against the interest of the member.

The current transgender movement is every bit a cult with the object of religious fanaticism being a perverse idea of gender and sexuality.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘I knew the hormones wouldn’t work. Why did they play with her life?’ Bereaved mom blames LA County for her teenage daughter’s suicide, claiming school pushed her to transition to a male instead of properly treating her depression

A California mother says the government wrongfully took away her daughter, pushed the girl into transitioning to male, and is to blame for his suicide age 19.

Andrew Martinez, born Yaeli, stepped in front of a train on September 4, 2019.

In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, bereaved mother Abigail Martinez accused her Los Angeles County school of encouraging Yaeli to take hormones and undergo gender reassignment surgery as a child, while failing to properly treat her severe depression.

Martinez, 53, a mother of four, claimed school staff told Yaeli not to speak to her mother about transgender issues, but secretly had her join an LGBTQ group that persuaded the girl that the only way to be happy was to transition.

In a statement to DailyMail.com, LA County agreed that they ‘aggressively pursued the implementation of inclusive, gender-affirming laws, policies and supportive services for LGBTQ+ youth,’ but partially laid the blame for Andrew’s death on ‘higher rates of suicide’ among queer young people.

‘The school was telling her to go to these LGBT groups behind my back. She went from questioning her sexuality to her gender.

‘She had these peers at school two years older than her. They were the ones who brought these ideas – ‘Maybe you’re depressed because don’t you feel like you’re a boy?’ – and the school was supportive of that.

‘The school told her these groups were the place to go, and I didn’t need to know about it.

But the mother claimed it was Yaeli’s depression that was the problem, not gender dysphoria.

Yaeli had already tried to overdose on pills in eighth grade in 2014, and tried to jump off a bridge near the freeway in her hometown of Arcadia in her freshman year, shortly after she cut her hair short, attracting the attention of social workers.

Instead of proper treatment for mental illness, Martinez said her daughter was encouraged by the school and her LGBT support group to take hormones and pursue gender reassignment surgery, and cut Martinez out of the process.

This is absolutely cult behavior.

This was a girl with some sort of emotional issue, probably depression.

Rather than seriously try to help her, they saw that she was vulnerable to being indoctrinated into the cult and did just that.

They didn’t make her better.  They made her worse, drove her to suicide, and then absolved themselves with the statistics of transgender suicide.

The truly sickening thing is that this cult has members in the highest positions of government and media influence.

It’s why Lia Thompson is allowed to beat girls in the pool and Rachel Levine was voted Women of the Year.

We should be able to object to such insanity but the cult has too many people in too many high places and we are afraid.

How dare you say “I can see the bulge of the dick and balls of the First Place girl through his swimsuit.”  You might get fired are hounded by the media for being a bigot.

But this is a cult.

If you have children, especially children with emotional vulnerabilities, beware of the cult’s desire to recruit your children into their evil machinations.

The woodchipper will be the symbol of my administration


Everyone who manufactures, sells, buys, or advocates the use of this or any other “gender affirming” products aimed at prepubescent children will be fed to the chipper.




Every single participant in this atrocity would be chippers and the venue burned to the ground.

This cancer must be excised from society.