J. Kb

Taking my woodchipper to Camp



It’s not complicated, they want to diddle your kids.

Once parents got acclimated to adult men sleeping in cabins with underage girls by claiming to be non-binary then they could move on to adult men showering with underage girls by claiming to be non-binary.

I don’t think they expected parents in Progressive California to object to cabin sharing.

All of this gender nonsense has nothing to do with the tiny percentage of people who have actually have Gender Dysphoria as per the DSM.

It’s about using the Progressive language of inclusion and your fear of being called a bigot to let them bully and silence you while they prey upon your kids.

Antifa may have initiated a shooting war in Portland

While all eyes were on Canada, Antifa was still starting shit in Portland.

That shit turned deadly.

1 dead, 5 injured in shooting near Normandale Park in Northeast Portland

Portland police confirmed that one person was killed and at least five others were injured in a shooting near a demonstration against police violence Saturday night. Police had not released information about any arrests as of Sunday afternoon.

Portland police said in a statement that the incident started with a confrontation between an armed homeowner and armed protesters. The Portland Police Bureau described the scene as “extremely chaotic,” and said investigators struggled to get information from witnesses.

Several demonstrators on scene Saturday night told OPB they saw a person come out of a nearby home and confront a group of protesters. The person then reportedly shot into the crowd. It was not immediately clear if more than one person used a weapon.

Mike Macrae was eating dinner in his home next to where the shooting happened.

“I heard a really rapidly escalating argument with obscenities and a woman’s voice yelling at somebody,” Macrae told OPB. “And then I heard a man say, ‘Don’t bring this blank to our neighborhood.’ And then shots. Like a whole bunch close together.”

So it seems like a resident came out and fired into the crowd.

The great Andy Ngo has more information that may prove useful.

Antifa is claiming they shot the homeowner that shot them and are scurrying to delete all the evidence.

Remember that Antifa hates cops… right until they can use the cops against their opponents.

So it is very likely they they provoked the shooting and are deleting video that incriminates them.

And there is more.

So the group that got shot and shot the homeowner has a history of threatening and pointing guns at local residents.

Perhaps they figured they could intimate their way out of another standoff and the person they were in a confrontation with dropped the hammer instead.

Unfortunately I see this getting worse.

Portland’s government is pretty clearly on the side of Antifa, so I expect the homeowner to be prosecuted with maximum prejudice, especially if he has a legitimate claim to self defense (e.g., he told them to be quiet and they pointed guns as him first).

Antifa will only be emboldened to shoot first knowing they their claims of self defense will be accepted by local District Attorney but the self defense claims of anyone who shoots at Antifa will be dismissed.



Of course they are, they would be stupid not to

Yup, the meme is accurate.

A Google Super Bowl ad has finally gotten me to publish a post I’ve been sitting on forever: On the racism of optical physics

Sometimes I write a post and when I’m done I decide to sit on it.  Maybe it’s too controversial and I decide not to publish it.

This one has been tough.

One of my bugaboos is the racial violation of Hanlon’s razor that states: “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

We should never attribute to racim that which is adequately explained by other logical means.

Unfortunately that violates the current political zeitgeist, which puts racism at the heart of everything.

Thats where this post begins:

In a previous post, I covered Congreswoman Rashida Tlaib’s accusation that facial recognition technology is racist.

Tlaib isn’t the only Progressive who has come out against facial recognition technology for law enforcement.  Bernie wants to ban it.  Fellow Squad-mate, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also has issues with facial recognition over racial reasons.

There is a lot that we can discuss about the pros and cons of facial recognition technology.

As a small government person, I will acknowledge that there are all sorts of privacy issues with the widespread use of facial recognition software.  I have a real problem with facial recognition in the private sector, like how Facebook was scanning users without their knowledge and selling that information to the government.

There is a reason all the cameras in my computers are covered with electrical tape.

On the other hand, there is some benefit to limited public use of facial recognition software.  Using the software to scan for criminals with active warrants, especially violent ones, on public streets is something I can support.

I’d like to see it require a warrant.  The police would have to get a judge to sign off on uploading a mug shot and then having all the cameras in a city search for that face.

But this is all politics.  I want to focus on the technology for a moment, and that gets tricky.

The expert AOC called to testify is Joy Buolamwini, who is a computer scientist with the MIT Media Lab.  She’s also a political and social justice activist, and the founder of a group called the Algorithmic Justice League.

So despite her academic credentials, I think her activist bias taints her opinion a little too much.  She’s not alone in this.  The Guardian actually published an -article titled:

How white engineers built racist code – and why it’s dangerous for black people

The thesis of this article, like Buolamwini’s opinion, is that white programmers are bigoted and write their bigotry into the algorithms they use for facial recognition.

Digital cameras operate very much like the human eye.  In the eye, light passes through a lens where it hits photoreceptor cell in the back of the eye, which converts the energy of the photons into an electrical signal which the brain turns into an image.  Charge-coupled device (CCD) work the same way, but use semiconductors instead of cells as the photoreceptor and a computer chip instead of a brain to turn the electrical signals into an image.

For a digital camera to work, light has to hit the CCD.  This is where facial recognition technology starts to go wonky.

Facial recognition works by taking a picture of the face, targeting certain identifiable points, e.g., the corners of the eyes, mouth, nose, cheeks, etc, and creating a point cloud map of the face.  That point cloud map is assumed to be unique to each face.  The computer takes this point cloud map and finds faces that have very close to identical point cloud maps.

This video does a good job explaining how facial recognition works and the issue with lighting and depth.

If you want an extreme example of how facial recognition is “racist” we need to look at carbon nanotubes.

Vantablack is not a paint, it is a plasma deposited coating and it stands for vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays.  It is the darkest material made by man, with 99.96% light absorption.  It is so dark that the eye cannot pick up contours on an object coated in Vantablack, making it look like a 2-D black spot… and kind of creepy.  See the two busts below, one as cast and one coated in Vantablack.

Now, take this and scale it back to humans.

Melanin is a broad spectrum photo-absorber.  It absorbs UV light the best, but it also absorbs other wavelengths of light.

Here is a very good video by a black photographer on the difficulty of shooting photographs of black models, especially dark skin black models and the importance of good lighting.

This is a truly excellent video.  The photographer really explains well the importance of light balance and how to shoot black skin and hair.  He never mentions racism, just what the camera does and what its limitations are and how to get around them.

A perfect example of this comes from Bored Panda.  Khoudia Diop is a model from Senegal known for her dark skin.  The photo below is horrible.

The photographer couldn’t balance the light of her shiny gold dress and her face has been rendered nearly featureless.

This is why, like the video above demonstrates, lighting is key.

Now think about security cameras and facial recognition.  There is no lighting and no photographer.  Just a camera.

If the camera cannot capture a good image, it cannot do a good facial recognition, the computer is left to “guess” with the best of its ability.

One fundamental issue with facial recognition software and race is that darker skin tones have harder to detect features in low, bad, or off-angle lighting.

If we are going to create facial recognition that works on all skin tones under all lighting conditions, we are going to have to entirely rethink facial recognition.

The point is, there are issues here other than “white people are inherently racist and so write racist code.”

Thats is where that post ended.

I never published it, I’m not sure why.

Then the YouTube algorithm hit me with the Google Pixel 6 Super Bowl ad.


This was exactly what I was talking about.

I tried to do some research into what Google had done and Google promptly violated my adage on attributing racism.


I wonder how the white engineers at Google feel about being called racist for all their previous generations of phone cameras?

Actually, they probably like it, being Leftists.  They probably get off on being called unworthy bigots because so much of Leftist behavior remind me of subordinates in a humiliation domination fetish.

But I digress.

When you take out the race speak the reality is that the previous generations of AI and processing capacity of the phone couldn’t do this.

The phone has to readjust the white balance pixel by pixel for every pixel in a 50-megapixel camera.

For the AI to do that accurately they had to base it on thousands of pictures of all sorts of different people if different colors and different lighting, expanding the range of balance and contrast so that a wider range of tones and shades are optimized.

If you have ever played with a digital photo manipulation software and had one part of your image too dark and a other too bright and so had to compromise, you can appreciate how much of an advance in image manipulation this system is.

They had to make the camera do what the photographer did by hand in the above video, for every person in the photo.

And this is where I need to take a giant shit on Google.

If I were a marketing director I’d push articles and ads to say “we created a new level of digital camera technology that allows us to optimize lighting and shading for all people of all colors so that everyone can look their best.”

Instead they went with “white people make racist cameras because they want to make black people ugly so we got a bunch of black people to design a camera phone just for us.”

Amazing digital processing technology.

Terrible racial grievance mongering advertising.

And that’s sad because the application of this improved digital processing AI could be used for a lot of things from art to forensics to scientific photodocumentation.

It’s frustrating that a corporation can come up with such exciting technology that I want to love then they turn around and make me hate it by beating me over the head with a radical Progressive racism based ad.


It’s time to change OIC bylaws

I’ve been reading about the cluster fuck of women’s figure skating at the Olympics.

It’s called men’s and women’s but it’s really boy’s and girl’s.

The Russian skater is 15 years old.

Olympic gymnastics is worse.

New rule.

All athletes in the Olympics must be adults, at least 18 and preferably 21.

There is too much grooming and too much pressure.

It’s clear by how many of them burn out later in life.

It’s the worst combination of professional athlete syndrome and child actor syndrome.

If you’re one of the people saying “but by that age these athletes are past their prime.”

If completing puberty put an athlete past her prime, that’s not a sport, thats pedobait.

No more kids at the Olympics.

You must be at the age of maturity to compete.