J. Kb

Watching Canada turn turn into a Communist dictatorship



This is why you don’t give up your guns.

They’ll freeze your bank accounts when you protest requiring papers to travel inside your own country.

When this backfires she’ll claim she’s the victim of racism



She says she has the urge to pantomime randomly jumping white people to scare them.

What happens when she does it and discovers that the person she does this to fights back legitimately believing they are under attack?

All this TikTok does is pile on the evidence that Progressivism doesn’t want tolerance or harmony, it’s just violent grievance revenge fantasies.

Covid face shields I’ve found a use for

The local Ollie’s has these five for a dollar.

I’m pretty sure they were worthless against covid-19.

But at that price they’re great for jobs in the shop.

Going under the car.

Using my Dremel or die grinder.


Times when a full ANSI face shield isn’t necessary but I don’t want to get dripped on or hit in the face with sparks.

These are not impact rated.  I use them when I don’t need impact protection but want to keep my face clean.

Think oil drips under the car or paint splatter when using the paint roller..

And I do wear a proper set of Z87+ glasses under them.

These fill a gap between just using eye protection and a full impact rated face shield which is expensive.

If I am using my angle grinder I’ll use a real ANSI face shield.

They also benefit by keeping my expensive safety glasses from getting scratched.

The advantage is that when they get chewed up I don’t feel bad throwing them out.  This is a low cost option for keeping your face clean.

Check out your local discount store and see if you can find them on clearance.

I didn’t even know it existed but they made me already hate it

They can’t stop grievance mongering for one second.

First, the Washington Post:


Next, Vox:


It’s a new Olympic sport.

It’s just for women.

It’s more internationally equitable because it doesn’t require gobs of money to win.


Somehow its still sexist and not fair and women have to do the job of four men… blah blah blah…

And America is actually favored to win the Gold.

I just found out about Monobob and these people already made me hate it by bitching about how it’s not perfect.

Whatever funding they are getting is too much.


Scratch a Leftist find a Fascist

In Canada:


In the US:


You know that the media will not demand AOC denounce this.

Considering that by the new definition of “unvaccinated” I am one, I take this as a direct threat against me.

These people believe they are on the side of good wanting the mass murder of those who oppose them.

This is what they really stand for.

And for the latter, make sure the people of Texas know that about these two candidates.