J. Kb

My policy is actually very progressive

There are no men’s woodchippers or women’s woodchippers.

Woodchippers are totally gender neutral.

That’s where rapists like Laura can go.

See how progressive I can be.

The Army just ceded all war fighting capabilities

How in the absolute fuck are they going to do that?

I guess that means no more helicopters, tanks, armored combat vehicles, etc., really anything that is too big and heavy to run off a battery.

I assume that includes ammunition use?  It must because previous military green initiatives promoted lead free ammo.

So does that mean no more live ammo training?

So I guess our military won’t use diesel generators anymore in forward operating areas.

This is seriously fucked.

We’re going to have generals deciding on combat missions, not based on predicted casualty counts or operational achievements but the size of the carbon footprint.

“Sir, we can have the Night Stalkers fly in some Deltas under the cover of darkness and take out the asset.”

“No, Lieutenant. Do you have any idea what the carbon footprint for a mission like that would be?”

I can’t wait to see our soldiers ride into battle on a Tesla firing crossbows.

We’re so fucked.

Who had the South Park movie as reality in 2022 on their bingo card

Looks like we’re going to war with Canada, boys!



I’m going to leave this here


Our Administration ladies and gentlemen:


That is right.

Our senile, corrupt, pedophile, old fucking bastard of a President who currently has a 58% disapproval to 33% approval rating is calling on the Canadian Federal Government to go all Jackboot on the Canadian truckers, farmers, and working class people protesting for their civil rights.

The Canadian trucker protest is the most significant and honorable civil rights protest in North America since the Desegregation/Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

And Biden has chosen the side of Bull Conor and George Wallace.

Of course he has, he’s a Democrat.

This America should not and cannot abide.

This shouldn’t wait for midterms or the 2023 Presidential election.

Shut DC and the Acela Corridor down until they cry mercy.