J. Kb

Do not let Fudds run your business model


Here is the memo:

With that sort of marketing they are going to make hundreds of dollars a year…

Zeiss optics are high end.

With international Covid restrictions, who is going to buy a Zeiss safari optic and go to Africa?

Let me put it this way: The CZ550 was considered hands down the best big game safari rifle you could buy without it being a five-figure custom gun.  It was discontinued in 2021.

How many Zeina optics are being sold for domestic deer hunts?

It’s the competition and tactical long range that is driving the optics markey right now and Zeiss looked at that and said “fuck it.”

When they sell maybe two dozen scopes this year they’ll change marketing strategies in 2023.

Showtime is premiering a three-hour hate for Black History Month

‘everything’s gonna be all white’: SHOWTIME®’s Provocative New Docu-series Explores the History of Race

In honor of Black History Month, SHOWTIME Documentary Films is premiering the provocative new three-part docu-series everything’s gonna be all white, which explores the history of race in America from the perspective of people of color.

Directed by Emmy® nominee Sacha Jenkins (BITCHIN’: THE SOUND AND FURY OF RICK JAMES), the first part of the docu-series will premiere on-air on Friday, February 11 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. SHOWTIME will release all three parts, along with a bonus episode, to its subscribers On Demand at 12:01 a.m. ET, prior to the on-air debut of the first episode later that night at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

everything’s gonna be all white features insights from noted historians, cultural commentators, actors, activists, and artists, including Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, Dr. Nell Irvin Painter, Jemele Hill, Amanda Seales, Favianna Rodriguez, Tamika Mallory, Styles P, Margaret Cho, and Dr. Nick Estes, among others who dissect the many causal effects of race-based decisions and policies on people of color.

Some of the wealthiest and most privileged academics and activists on the Left will have a three part series to engage in absolutely racist grievance mongering against white people.

Showtime has turned into a elitist version of Radio Rwanda, with academics using Woke jargon instead of calling white people “cockroaches.”

This sort of shit is how you get racial Balkanization.

I believe that the destruction of Western men was deliberate and malicious

The wife sent me this OpEd by Andrew Yang:

The data are clear: The boys are not all right

Here is one of the biggest problems facing America: Boys and men across all regions and ethnic groups have been failing, both absolutely and relatively, for years. This is catastrophic for our country.

The data are clear. Boys are more than twice as likely as girls to be diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; are five times as likely to spend time in juvenile detention; and are less likely to finish high school.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t get better when boys become adults. Men now make up only 40.5 percent of college students. Male community college enrollment declined by 14.7 percent in 2020 alone, compared with 6.8 percent for women. Median wages for men have declined since 1990 in real terms. Roughly one-third of men are either unemployed or out of the workforce. More U.S. men ages 18 to 34 are now living with their parents than with romantic partners.

Many boys are thus often growing up raised by single mothers, the share more than doubling between 1980 and 2019, from 18 percent to 40 percent. A study from 2015 found that “as more boys grow up without their father in the home, and as women … are viewed as the more stable achievers, boys and girls alike [may] come to see males as having a lower achievement orientation. … College becomes something that many girls, but only some boys, do.”

On a cultural level, we must stop defining masculinity as necessarily toxic and start promoting positive masculinity. Strong, healthy, fulfilled men are more likely to treat women well.

Everything he said is correct and we need to fix it.

But I don’t think we will.

Remember the Obama Life of Julia ad?

Simply, everything done by a husband or father in Julia’s life was replaced by government.

Strong men protect and defend society. Weak men don’t.

The weakening of men allowed government agencies to step in and fill the role, with the added benefit that the weakened men were unlikely to rise up in armed resistance.

As Miguel often reminds us, qui Bono?

Men have been denigrated by society and are dropping out.

Women are less likely to find husbands and fathers to help raise children.

Women turn to drugs, alcohol, and consumerism to fill the void left by a lack of a husband and children.

When they do have children they are raised with the help of government programs.

The lack of skilled men encourages corporations to seek out workers overseas, lowering costs.

Everyday the most tinfoil hat conspiracy theories become evidently true.

I’m left to the conclusion that the destruction of men in Western society was a deliberate act to create a dependent serf class that is incapable of being independent and raising children without government and lacks the capability to mount a violent revolution against the system that crushed it.

If it wasn’t, explain to me how anything would be different.


My used trucks just went up in value again

Car companies stand to make billions by charging you monthly fees for add-on features like heated seats

How would you feel about paying $5 each month for the ability to lock and unlock your car from a distance through an app? What about a $25-per-month charge for advanced cruise control or $10 to access heated seats? What if those charges continued long after your car was paid off?

Not content with the relatively low-margin business of building and selling cars, automakers are eager to pull down Silicon Valley-style profits. But unlike with Netflix, you won’t be able to use your ex-girlfriend’s uncle’s login in your new BMW.

For automakers, the advantage of this model is clear. Not only do they get a stream of recurring revenue for years after an initial purchase, they can hope to maintain a longer-term relationship with the customer and build brand loyalty, said Kristin Kolodge, vice president and head of auto benchmarking and mobility development at J.D. Power.

Brands including Lexus, Toyota, and Subaru invite owners to pay for the convenience of being able to lock or start their cars remotely through an app. In some BMWs, you can pay to unlock automatic high-beam headlights, which dim for oncoming traffic. In 2020, BMW floated the idea of pay-as-you-go heated seats and steering wheels. General Motors and Ford both offer subscription plans for their hands-free highway driving systems.

Automakers run the risk of making customers feel like they’re paying twice — once for a function to be built into a vehicle and again to activate it, Kolodge said. They may have more luck asking people to subscribe to brand-new services, rather than familiar features, she added.

Still, automakers see dollar signs. Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler), Ford, and GM each aim to generate at least $20 billion in annual revenue from software services by 2030.

Over-the-air capabilities open up huge opportunities for carmakers to introduce new subscription or pay-per use features over time, Wakefield, of AlixPartners, said. Someday, you may be able to fork over extra to make your car more efficient, sportier, or — in an electric vehicle — unlock extra range for road trips.

Very simply, fuck you, no.

A new truck is well over $50,000 for anything other than a bare bones work truck.

Payments on a new truck are easily over $800 per month (ask me how I know).

So on top of the payment for the truck, I’m now going to have to pay for all the options I wanted as a monthly fee?

And let me guess, they will be seasonally priced.

So I want to run the Max A/C setting in the South in summer it’s going to be $25 per month.

And there is literally no end to what this can do.

Did you want the high horsepower sports package?  That’s $50 per month or we leave the limiter on.

The new car market will die.

People will hang onto used cars and keep fixing them until they disintegrate into rust.

People will not stand to pay monthly subscription charges for options they used to pay for once.

Or there will be an entire sub-industry of jail breaking cars to unlock all the options without a fee.

Ultimately it means I’m done buying new cars and I know I’m not alone.

Sewing the seeds of their own destruction

I was going through one of my favorite Twitter feeds chronicling how much schools are torturing students who opt out of masking.








It just goes on and on.

I know how pissed parents are at this.

Now imagine how pissed the kids are.

They have been frozen out, starved, forced to sit outside in the cold,, expelled, and threatened with restraining orders and arrest for choosing not to wear a mask in school when it was optional and forced to wear masks on school while politicians and school administrators went maskless on their presence.

How do you think these kids think about the Leftists that have been abusing them for two years?

Do you think they will forgive and forget what was done to them in their formative years?

I have a feeling there is a massive wave of anti-Leftists coming as these kids enter adulthood and want retribution.

At least I hope there is.