J. Kb

We should take the Lt. Aldo Raine approach to maskers

If you have been following the news the Left has made an about-face on masking kids in school.

The New York Times, CNN’s medical expert Dr. Leana Wen, and others have admitted that mask wearing by children in schools is utterly useless.

Virginia passed a bipartisan bill making masks in school optional.

This occurred after Stacey Abrams got caught in Georgia visiting a school unmasked while all the kids were masked, and then called everyone who called her a hypocrite “racist.”

This occurred after countless Progressives such as AOC, Eric Swalwell, and Gavin Newsom were caught at public events unmasked.

I’m old enough to remember how for the last two years how these very same people called those of us who didn’t want to wear masks selfish grandma-killers who deserved to be driven out of polite society.

They did this long after it was demonstrated unequivocally that the vast majority of masks and situations in which people were told to wear masks had zero influence on the spread of COVID-19.

They did this long after it was demonstrated unequivocally that masking hurt children, causing them to have educational, developmental, and socialization delays.

The reason for continuing mask mandates was made perfectly clear by a Democrat Virginia State Senator (who, to be fair, has been against masking of children for a while).

“The decision to wear a mask in public – when there is so little correlation with public health – makes it de facto a political decision. In other words, by wearing a mask in a public setting, the wearer is able to communicate a political message, e.g. “I Care About Others” or “I voted for Biden.””

It is crystal clear that the change in the Left’s opinion on masking children (and everyone else) had nothing to do with science and everything to do with polling and Biden’s crashing popularity.

Reading off of this I found myself thinking of these two movie scenes:


The Leftists who harangued and abused us for two years over masks cannot be allowed to pretend like they didn’t do what they did and have been simply motivated by “the science” and concern for the public health this entire time so they can escape any political fallout come midterms.

They should be indelibly marked as maskers forever so that we can hold them accountable as the damage to our children continues to manifest for years to come.

A big “M” carved into their foreheads is a good start.

Did Hunter Biden come up with this policy

Again I’m going to quote Theodore Dalrymple:

Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

All I will add to this is that it’s not limited to language.

Everything they do is intended to humiliate you and coerce you into accepting more and more abuse.

Biden administration to fund programs that hand out crack pipes to prevent infection and promote ‘racial equity’

President Biden’s Health and Human Services department (HHS) is finalizing funding to dole out crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its ‘Harm Reduction Plan.’

The $30 million grant program, which accepted applications until Monday and will begin doling out money in May, intends to provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to make drug use safer, to advance ‘racial equity.’

Included in the grant is money to purchase ‘safe smoking kits/supplies.’ A spokesperson for HHS told the Washington Free Beacon that included in these kits could be pipes for users to smoke substances like crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamine, or ‘any illicit substance.’

HHS said that the kits will serve to limit the risk of infection – typically users smoke out of glass pipes which can lead to cuts and sores that become infected with diseases like Hepatitis-C.

Handing out pipes is also intended to prompt users to smoke rather than inject themselves with some substances, like meth, as injection is far riskier.

Applicants for the program get priority if they serve ‘underserved communities,’ such as African Americans or Native Americans, or LGBTQ people.

Now imagine that you are a straight, white, law-abiding, taxpayer who has suffered financially through COVID.

It’s not that hard to imagine because there is a good chance you are one.

Now you read that.  The Biden Administration has taken your tax dollars and used them to buy crack pipes for black/native/gay/trans/queer addicts to do drugs “safely” in public.

If you question why our government should give drug paraphernalia- something you’d be arrested for if you were caught with it – to minority addicts, while you have been suffering financially and your city turns to shit, you know what the answer will be.

You’re a racist, transphobic, homophobic, bigot who us selfish and greedy.

The point is to make you accept that the government will lock you, crush you financially, and lecture you about what curtailing of your freedoms you must must accept for your health while giving your money to crack heads, to humiliate you.

Every taxpayer in America should be like truckers in Canada, gridlocking the system until the humiliation stops.

Your daily reminder that these people are sexual predators


This is not a gender identity.

This is sexual predation.

This is a weak male using the language of Woke Progressivism to guilt and coerce people into having sex with him even though they are not sexually attracted to him.

This person is a rapists who uses words and the implied threat of canceling instead of fists or a gun to subdue his victims.

I keep bringing these up because there are many of you who have children.

You need to be aware of what is going on.

I know that none of you would let you teenage daughters walk dangerous streets in the dark for fear of what would happen to her.

You need to be aware of this type of sexual predator too, who prowls social media emotionally manipulating and abusing potential victims.


Decriminalizing theft will lead to murder


The radical Left has decriminalized theft.

In California it has been legalized up to $950 per incident.

In New York, prosecutors have simply refused to enforce the law rendering it void.

As one can expect, because of this theft has skyrocketed.

There are people in this country who are desperately trying to hang onto civilization by their fingertips.  People who want to live in a civilization governed by laws and rules and order, and refus to let the criminals have free rein.

It was these two store employees (dressed in all black) who resisted the theft, and they received violence as a reward.

Note the security guard which just watches this with one hand on his hip as though his natural inclination is to have his thumb up his ass.

The thieves, emboldened by their previous soft treatment did not turn and run at the first sign of resistance to their criminality but fought to steal the items they believed they were entitled to take.

This will escalate.

Thieves will eventually kill anyone who resists their decriminalized theft.

The bureaucrats and elected officials will not accept blame for this or try to fix it.  They will use the violence to further justify gun control or some other social justice policy that subsidizes crime.

Can someone explain this to me

There are people in this country who performed a double mastectomy on a physically healthy 15 year old girl, do to a mental illness that was so poorly diagnosed that she immediately regretted the procedure and wants to have reconstructive surgery.

Why in a supposedly enlightened and civil society that is reminded daily to “trust the science” could this have been done to an emotionally vulnerable girl?

And how is it that everyone who did this to her has not been put in prison or sent feet first and screaming through a woodchipper?