J. Kb

Speaking of police recruiting, I can’t see this going wrong at all

A buddy sent me this:


It’s real.  It’s on the MPD Facebook page.


Readers know of my contempt for influencers.

I can’t imagine how badly this will go.

Some slice of cheesecake in uniform, patrolling while on TikTok or Instagram trying to get those influencer dollars while on duty.

That won’t be a conflict of interest at all.

And what will the blowback be when Officer McSugartits gets shot while livestreaming to her two million followers.

The people running our civilization are coming up with such bad ideas they are dumping black pills into the drinking water like fluoride.


The state of modern parenting


When you have all the comorbidites so you make your toddler wear a mask around the house and post it on TikTok for likes instead of losing weight and getting in shape.

When this poor child grows up with a speech impediment and a reading deficiency, it will be blamed on systemic racism, I guarantee it.


Your daily reminder that our government is owned by the Chinese Communist Party

Things the Democrats will defend or encourage athletes doing from the sports fieldor podium:

Kneel during the anthem? Check

Disrespect the American flag? Check

Call America “Amerikkka” and a racist, genocidal, white supremacist country? Check

Call the former President “orange Hitler?” Check

Criticize China’s many documented human rights abuses?  No, that will cause the Speaker of the House to violate your First Amendment Rights by warning you from the Speaker’s desk to shut the fuck up and play ball.

Is it any more obvious that our political elite are whole owned by the Chinese Communist Party?

Canadian Truckers vs the military, a play in three acts

On Wednesday, the Ottawa government considered ordering in the military to deal with the Freedom Truckers.

Then the Canadian Army announced it would change the name of its ranks to be more gender inclusive.


Then Trudeau decided that sending in the military to deal with the Freedom Truckers was a bad idea.

I don’t think Fidel Castro’s bastard love child has any moral qualms about crushing the truckers with the military if he could.

I think he realized that the truckers and farmers blockading Ottawa are probably more than the Woke soldiers of the 3rd Pansexual Gender-Queer Preferred Pronoun brigade could handle.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.