J. Kb

Engineer dad refuses to lose

It’s Pinewood Derby season for Scouts.

Engineer dad refuses to lose.

The boy designed the car body and did a good job at making it aerodynamic.

In his words “it’s slick so the air moves around it.”

I’ve been truing and polishing axles, burnishing wheels, applying bake-on graphite dry films, casting lead weights (I refuse to buy $20 tungsten weights), etc.

For the first time in a while I’m glad I’m not in Huntsville anymore.  I’d be going up against actual fucking rocket scientists.  Guys who design their Scout cars with CFD and machine them CNC.

My wife keeps reminding me this is another boy having fun.  This isn’t just a Scout competition. This is my reputation as an engineer.

Do not let them retcon or gaslight you

I saw this while preparing for my previous post:

Once again, here is the news report on the city that got rid of To Kill a Mockingbird:

Does the woman in the mask blathering on about white woman not having the “cultural lens” to write about black “lived experiences” sound like a Right-wing, conservative, Trump voter?

It was their side who ejected To Kill a Mockingbird from the curriculum, but understand that the normies are unhappy about it, and so have to lay that at our feet.

“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.“

By the end of the week the narrative will be Republicans got To Kill a Mockingbird banned as part of their anti-CRT push.


You have the video evidence.

Use your platforms to promote the truth to the normies.


Their goal for public school is total cultural hegemony

Randi Weingarten is the president of the American Federation of Teachers and has enormous influence over what your children learn.

This is a recent thread of hers:

First of all, I’d like one example of a kid who attended an NRA sponsored youth gun safety program, youth safe hunting program, or Boy Scout riflery merit badge program who went on to become a school shooter.

Of course these have nothing to do with one another.

Here are some recent headlines that I think are worth noting:

‘Gender Queer’: Texas mom furious as book depicting oral sex is seen in school library

School system pulls 2 books with graphic sex from libraries

Stamford parents rail against transgender book in schools curriculum; district defends inclusive choice

Texas school calls in counselors after teacher reads book about transgender boy

Parents push schools to pull books with transgender, same-sex content

First grade parents shocked after teacher read transgender book to students: report

These are from all over the country.

They understand that the schools are indoctrination centers and a tool for establishing cultural hegemony.

Gun Culture is their enemy.  How dare we teach our children to shoot and to know how to use guns safely.  How dare we raise out children in our culture with our values of freedom and self reliance.

Instead schools are to inculcate children with their culture of gender queerness and sexual libertinism.

You can’t teach your middle school child how to shoot a 22 but they can teach your middle school child about same-sex oral sex experimentation.

Which is more of a danger to a child, an NRA gun safety class or a book about 8th graders giving blow jobs?

And which one of those is the educational bureaucracy advocating for and against?

Reject their culture and promote your own.


Another J.Kb administration policy

Of course we need infrastructure spending.

The problem is the money is spent on bullshit to appease donors before it’s spent on vital infrastructure because the quality of our political leaders is dogshit.


Under my administration, I’ll engage in infrastructure spending.

Money must be spent on roads, bridges, drainage, and breakwaters first.

Priority will be lowest rated to highest rated.

No money will be spent of frivolities (bike lanes, Pride flag crosswalks, high speed rail for wealthy suburbanites to get to the downtown art district faster) before every bridge is in good shape, all the potholes are gone, and everything drains correctly.

My administration has the exclusive right to audit a locale to determine if this has been done.

Any violation will result in the prosecution and imprisonment in a federal penitentiary of all locale leaders for embezzlement of government funds, and having their personal assets seized to go towards more infrastructure spending.

If the frivolous project benefits a political donor, i.e., some wealthy developer or neighborhood gets a bike lanes from their million dollar townhouses to a Whole Foods or farmers market, I seize their assets too.

Strike the fear of God into to donor class as well.

I used to be a conservative but the corruption and grift has turned me into a populist authoritarian.

I didn’t want to become this way, but when I have to swerve around potholes and there are no plows for the snow, but downtown gets gay crosswalks and bike lanes to the Whole Foods (again, I’m not making these examples up) my transformation is understandable.

Government and infrastructure spending are bullshit

In case you missed it, the Fern Hollow Bride in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania collapsed when I municipal bus drove over it and ten people were injured.

Recently it came to light that in 2018 a man walking his dog noticed the bridge structure was rusted through and Tweeted the city about it.

That is just over three years ago.

According to the Post-Gazette article linked above:

[Mr. Kochanski] said it was just chance that he took the photo. He walks underneath the bridge at least twice a week with his dog, but, on that day, he happened to look up and noticed the detached beam, as well as some cable supports that seemed to have been added more recently to replace any function that the detached beam had provided. From that point on, it worried him.

“Until they removed the rusted beam, I’d look up every time I walked beneath the bridge,” he said. “But after that, I kind of figured it was taken care of and I gradually forgot about it.”

Mr. Kochanski had seen online that the last documented inspection appeared to have been 2017. Told that Mayor Ed Gainey said Friday morning that there was a much more recent inspection just four months ago, in September, he was stunned.

“If that’s true, then somebody did a pretty miserable job of inspecting,” he said.

According to 2CBS Pittsburgh:

Pittsburgh Bridge Collapse: Fern Hollow Bridge Had ‘Poor’ Rating Since 2011

Inspectors have listed the Fern Hollow Bridge in poor condition for more than a decade, although they said other local bridges are actually in worse condition.

Inspectors began listing the bridge in poor condition as far back as 2011, and as recently as last September.

In 2017, inspectors recommended it be overhauled “because of general structure deterioration and inadequate strength,” and recommended a restoration project estimated at $1.5 million. That project was never funded.

Now here is an interesting article from April, 2021:

Hundreds of Miles of New Bike Lanes Coming to Pittsburgh
Checking in with the Bike(+) Plan in Pittsburgh.

According to the article, the city of Pittsburgh is making progress on a plan that would bring the city’s total of bike lanes above 250 miles. The city last year added 13 miles of bike facilities to an existing 60 miles, according to Karina Ricks, the director of mobility and infrastructure for the city, who is cited throughout the article touting the benefits of bike infrastructure.

This is an image straight from the city’s Bike(+) master plan:


Apparently getting safely home on municipal busses because the brides don’t collapse isn’t on that list.

Here is another:

Historic Shadyside intersection has become official point of Pride

The corner of Ellsworth and Maryland Avenues has more significance than meets the eye.

In the mid-1990s, when LGBTQ Pride marches in Pittsburgh were small and grassroots, Richard Parsakian and others in the community held a homemade rainbow flag over that intersection.

And now the corner has been memorialized with a recently installed public art project to mark its significance. The intersection is filled with a collage of colors and shapes to represent every group of the LGBTQ community and to signify to visitors and Pittsburghers alike the role the area played in the fight for equal rights.

Now I will be the first to admit that I am not a structural engineer.  But I am a PE in metallurgical engineering and I can tell you that it takes a long fucking time to rust entirely through a girder like that.

I’d also say, albeit slightly outside of my area of expertise, that there is clearly something wrong with the bridge’s drainage system if the Salt from the roads covered the steel sub structure and wasn’t safely drained away from it.

Also, again not as a structural engineer but someone who a lot about the strength of steel, I’m having a hard time understanding how two tension rods are an adequate replacement for a girder.

Let’s put this all together.

The city was well aware that the Fern Hollow Bridge was in poor condition for over a decade.

They did some hackneyed fix to it and it passed inspection barely five months before it collapsed.

The city couldn’t find the money to fix that bridge, or others in worse condition, but dies have the money for bike lanes to achieve some Woke goals of reducing car emissions and letting people walk to places where they can buy fresh vegetables.

Bike paths for suburban yuppies to bike to the Whole Foods and LGBT street murals.

That is the government’s priorities.

Not fixing bridges with sub structures that have rusted through.

And when the Federal Government gets involved what do they do?

Secretary Paternity Leave tells us how roads and bridges are racist.

I think the problem with the Fern Hollow Bridge was structural corrosion not structural racism.  But what do I know, I’m just an straight white male engineer who believes in objective facts and that 2+2=4.

Our government tells us we’re racist if we don’t pass a trillion dollar infrastructure bill but the entire time our government knew the bridges were rusty and needed replacement but spent money on bike paths and gay crosswalks until the bridge collapsed and tax paying citizens got hurt.

This is a perfect example of the decadent bullshit that our nation has become.