J. Kb

Not just a cheater but a pervert

From The Daily Mail (because the US media is a bunch of cowards):

EXCLUSIVE: ‘We’re uncomfortable in our own locker room.’ Lia Thomas’ UPenn teammate tells how the trans swimmer doesn’t always cover up her male genitals when changing and their concerns go ignored by their coach

Sharing a locker room with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has become a point of contention for some of her University of Pennsylvania teammates, who feel uncomfortable changing in the private space with someone undergoing gender transition, the DailyMail.com can reveal.

‘It’s definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,’ one swimmer on the team told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview.

Lia has told her teammates that she dates women.

While Lia covers herself with a towel sometimes, there’s a decent amount of nudity, the swimmer said. She and others have had a glimpse at her private parts.

She stated that team members have raised their concern with the coach, trying to get Thomas ousted from the female locker room, but got nowhere.

‘Multiple swimmers have raised it, multiple different times,’ the UPenn swimmer said. ‘But we were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and that there’s nothing we can do about it, that we basically have to roll over and accept it, or we cannot use our own locker room.’

‘It’s really upsetting because Lia doesn’t seem to care how it makes anyone else feel,’ the swimmer continued. ‘The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one.’

I keep fucking telling you people, the actual number of people who have actual gender dysphoria that meets the standards of the DSM are very small.

Virtually 100% of ‘trans people’ like this are perverts and sexual predators who are using the trans righs zeitgeist to abuse women.

A telltale sign is the ‘transwoman lesbian’ who will tell you “suck her girl-dick.”

As if the moment they get mad they are unable to continue to pretend they are women and start acting like the violent, abusive men that they are.

Lia here enjoys embarrassing women in the pool and flashing women in the locker room, and avoids consequences because he’s a protected class of victim because of how he identifies.

The only upside of this is that the more shit like this happens the more normies will come around.

They may have accepted masks and boosters but I don’t think letting an adult male grow put his hair and prey on their daughters in the name of trans rights is something they can stomach for long.

One quick thing on Cowboy Bebop

Miguel has gotten several emails about my last post and forwarded them to me.

I tried the Anime original.

I couldn’t make it through the first episode.

I made a valiant effort but I failed.

It’s not just Anime fans I don’t like.  The visuals of Anime grate on me.

I also didn’t grow up watching American cartoons or their maybe something wrong with my brain and eyes but I found it unwatchable.

I also cannot play Halo, anything that uses the Unreal engine, or Super Smash Bros.  For that matter, I’m not a gamer.  After about 30 minutes of first generation Star Wars Battlefront I have a splitting headache and feel the need to take a nap.

I have watched Spirited Away and like it.

So who knows, but I can’t watch Anime.


McNamara’s Morons 2.0

Tell me the caliber of recruit who will enlist based upon the advice of these two shining paragons of intelligence and responsibility.

It’s now crystal clear that the goal of Obama, Biden, Milley, and Austin was:

Step 1: Purge the military of loyal patriots with critical thinking skills.

Step 2: Fill the ranks with idiots who follow orders for money.

Now ask yourself why one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world would do that.

There are only three possible  conclusions:

1: They was to weaken American fighting forces against peer nations to weaken America.

2: They want a military that won’t question and follow orders when directed against American citizens.

3: Both 1 and 2.

This has to be malicious because nobody with enough brains to graduate from the US Military Academy, Princeton, and various war colleges would prefer these two idiots take the place of battle hardened Navy Seals who quit over vaccine mandates.


The racist, segregationist, censorious Left eliminates one of the most important books of the 20th century because of bigotry

They removed To Kill a Mockingbird from the required reading list because the n-word was in it and was written by a white woman.

According to the Left, a white woman can never use that word under any circumstances nor fully understand the “lived experiences” of a black person so cannot write about them.

This is absolute intellectual segregation.

This is ridiculous.

To Kill a Mockingbird was published largely because Harper Lee was a white person.  It would have been unlikely that a black author from the South could have found a publisher and retalier in 1960.

Moreover, To Kill a Mockingbird helped galvanize attitudes towards the Civil Rights Movement.  It was highly influential and was one of the most important books written in the 20ty century.  Literally a book white people could read and empathize with a black character and the situation in the South.

It was to the Civil Rights Movement what Uncle Tom’s Cabin was to the Abolitionist Movement of the 19th century.

Of course, for these people it’s always Year Zero.  

So the significance of To Kill a Mockingbird must be eliminated and all that must be taught is that a white woman went outside of her lane and wrote about black experiences and used the n-word, therefore it’s racist and kids shouldn’t read it.

The anti-historical evil of this cannot be overstated.

These people are as destructive as the Red Guard who purged China’s pre-Mao history or the Taliban who wiped out Afghanistan’s pre-Islamic history.

This evil must be stopped.  Do not let it take root in your schools.


F*ck you ADL, you’re making things worse for everyone

The ADL has become a useless Leftist organization.


This is dogshit that’s bad for Jews (and everyone ekse) for two reasons:

1) Most of the antisemitic attacks in New York City and other Blue areas are from non-white people.  It has been a destructive line by Leftist Jews against the Jewish community to accuse Jews of being racist or worse, white supremacist, for noticing that fact and trying to do something about it.   This only makes the Jewish community less likely to take all the threats against them seriously.

2) This furthers the trope pushed by white supremacists that Jews are all anti-white and Woke, out to destroy society.

I’ve seen it stated this way before: Jews are Schrodinger’s whites.  We’re simultaneously white and not-white, only to be determined in the moment when it does us the most harm.  I.e., were white when Leftists want to attack us for having white privilege and not white when white supremacists want to attack us.

This definition of racism fits this exactly.

This sort of Leftist shit only hurts Jews.

The ADL has fallen to O’Sullivan’s law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.

I’d rather the ADL disband than continue this way.