J. Kb

J.Kb’s Killdozer and Woodchipper Emporium is offering a new line of products

J.kb’s Killdozer and Woodchipper Emporium is now selling tar kettles and feathers.

When your school board decides to mandate permanent N95 masking of kindergarteners, nothing indicates your objection like a good tar and feathering.

Our tar kettles and feathers come in three sizes, a five, nine, and fifteen member boards.  If your board has in between, just purchase the next size up and return the unused feathers for a partial refund.

If you mention this add, you can get 50% of a rail to run them out of town on.


She’s so close to getting it

Haines is exactly right, for many people, especially in Blue areas, COVID restrictions will be exactly like post 9/11 travel restrictions, a permanent new normal.

And just like post 9/11 travel restrictions, they are pure security theater that has no actual efficacy.

Masks are COVID TSA.  They don’t stop shit.

Mask mandates are just like pat downs.  They do nothing to stop bad things from getting through and are just a affront to your intelligence and civil liberties.

The thing is, after 20 years of useless airport security theater, many people on both side of the aisle roll their eyes at the uselessness of it but know the system will never go away because there is too much money and bureaucracy tied up in it and Pournelle’s Iron Law has set in making the TSA permanent.

It was justified in the years after 9/11 by a color coded fear porn system, but eventually people got tired of that and it went away.  When was the last time you heard it was an orange terrorism day.

In 20 years it will be the same here.

Most people will roll their eyes at mask mandates in Blue areas but comply nonetheless.

People won’t care about the fear porn anymore and recognize the security theater as just that, theater.

But the rules and regulations will still be there because the money and bureaucracy are there and that never goes away even after its been proven useless.

The only amazing thing here is that we know exactly how this will unfold.  Post 9/11 security is the road map, yet people still want to go down this road as though they don’t know where it leads.


Because they are a bunch of corrupt f*ckers, that’s why

Because there is no “Big Gym” lobby like there is Big Pharma and the Fast Food Industry.

Because telling people to exercise and lose weight doesn’t give them the ability to create mandates and passports.

Because everything done by our government either increases their control over you or lines their pockets and encouraging you to get healthy and more resilient to a virus does neither for them.

It has to be absolutely crystal clear at this point they do not care about your health, just your compliance.

I’m glad Yang is bringing this up but does he have the gall to address the root cause?

This is a huge problem.

Some of the comments talk about the need for more trade schools.  That is true, but that won’t fix the problem.

Other talk about the shift in the economy away from more “masculine” jobs.  That’s only sort of true.  Yes, there are more HR and DE&I officers than ever, but we still need people to actually build and make things.

The problem is as a society we have approached the gender equality issue as a zero sum game, and for one gender to win the other must lose.

That is a product of the Marxist thinking that took over the Left in the 1960s.

Going all the way back to antiquity, philosophers and thinkers understood people need a purpose.

We need something to motivate us.

People without a purpose are indolent and self destructive.

Since the dawn of civilization, the purpose of men has been to be the provider and protector.

The goal of a man was to make himself desirable to marry, get married, have children, and take care of his family.  Men were encouraged to do this and were lauded for it.

The ancient Greek and Roman philosophers wrote about this, so did the ancient Jewish sages.

In modern times that has be abandoned and denounced.

The message of society has be men are unnecessary and unwanted.

Women can enter the corporate world and don’t need a husband to support financially.

Women can be single mothers and raise children without a father.

Men who want to be providers and protectors are sexist pigs who just want women to be oppressed, barefoot, and pregnant in the kitchen.

Men who do the things men have traditionally done to build great civilizations are toxic.

And boys got that message.

They have no purpose.

If a woman doesn’t need you, why work hard to make yourself marriage material and get married.  There is porn and OnlyFans when your horny.

Why go out and try to contribute positively when that’s just makes you a toxic knuckle-dragger.

And so men have checked out of society to play video games, watch porn, drink beer, and smoke pot.

Men have been stripped of their purpose and so no longer have the intrinsic motivation to build themselves up or build up society.

As a result both men and society are crumbling.

The only way to fix this is to change the culture and tell me that they are needed, wanted, and the things men have traditionally done for society are good and valuable.

If you read the comments to Yang’s thread, so many of them are “men have had it good for a long time, it’s women’s time now.”

We must get away from zero sum thinking. We must recognize that we can build up men without diminishing women and that building up women by diminishing men was how we created this crisis in the first place.

And let me be clear, I’m not blaming women for this.  Many are just as much victims as men.  I’m blaming the Marxists who pushed this garbage on society.

If we can’t get past zero sum thinking and restore purpose to men, we are doomed to failure.

Old irrelevant Leftist defends another old irrelevant Leftist

In case you missed it, Neil Young’s music is no longer available on the internet music streaming service Spotify.

In a nutshell, Neil Young vastly overestimated his worth and told Spotify that they either drop Joe Rogan’s podcast because he has been pushing COVID misinformation or he (Young) pulls his music from Spotify.

The CEO looked at the numbers.

Joe Rogan draws about 11 million listeners per episode, with some episodes reaching as high as 40 million listeners.

Neil Young gets about 6 million listeners in a month.

At which point the CEO of Spotify told that old, irrelevant hippie to go fuck himself.

Spotify man don’t need him around, anyhow.

Neil Young pulled his music and the reaction from most people was: “Neil Young is still alive?”

Neil Young then floundered that the CEO of Spotify would call his bluff, and in doing so became a magnet of other old, irrelevant Leftists.

Howard Stern.

The famous “King of All Media.”  The shock jock who made his name testing the limits of the First Amendment on the airwaves.

Turns out he’s a 68 year old pussy who’s afraid of the air and will lick the boot to uphold the Coof security theater.

Turns out that for all the porn stars he’s interviewed, his favorite is Anthony Fauci and his brand of fear porn.

But of course Howard Stern would end his career the way Neil Young and so many other old Leftists would, as mouthpieces for state enforcement.

Making millions from a career of “fight the man” wasn’t about principles but money.

Now that they are old and rich they want the man to protect them from the Coof.

And for Howard Stern, there is delicious irony on this.

He’s been rendered irrelevant and obsolete by guys like Rogan.

Stern was the “King of All Media” when “all media” was FCC licensed broadcast corporations and he still had to play by their rules.

In the world of podcasts, 4G/5G, and Bluetooth, anyone can listen to anything on any topic without restrictions.

Howard Stern is an irrelevant old Leftist on defending another irrelevant old Leftist, both trying to hang onto relevancy radically overestimating their value.

Fuck ’em.

I have a question for Navy people

From CNN:

US Navy wants to get crashed stealth fighter back — before China can

The United States Navy is trying to retrieve its most advanced fighter jet from the depths of the South China Sea, an extremely complex operation that analysts say will be closely monitored by Beijing.

The $100 million warplane impacted the flight deck of the 100,000-ton aircraft carrier and then fell into the sea as its pilot ejected, Navy officials said. The pilot and six sailors aboard the Vinson were injured.

While damage to the Vinson was only superficial, and it and the carrier’s air wing have resumed normal operations, the Navy faces the daunting task of attempting to pull the F-35 off the ocean floor in some of the most contested waters on the planet.

I get it, carrier landings can go very badly.

You need to keep the flight deck clear so letting the pilot ditch and letting the plane slide off the end of the runway or pushing the wreckage over the side has been procedure in one way or another since WWII.

The Navy helped lead the development of zero-zero ejection seats precisely because they needed pilots to be able to ditch off a carrier flight deck just before the plane went into the water.

So here is my question, knowing that a flight deck ditch is a predictable outcome of a carrier prang, and carrier groups operate in and around the waters of enemy nations, why is there not a team that immediately goes into the water after the aircraft?

One crew immediately gets dispatched to rescue the pilot the other to recover the aircraft?

It seems like a better solution than racing the enemy to pick the plane up 3,700 feet off the sea floor.

Maybe I’m wrong and the navy already does that, but why should we even be in this situation.

It’s not like we don’t know where the place crashed and we have to look for it.  It literally hit the flight deck and went over the end.

Why should it take that long to recover the aircraft?