J. Kb

They hate you and revel in your death, and the feeling is mutual

This was published in the LA Times:

Civil society is really hanging on by it’s fingertips and people like this are intent on stomping on them.

I can guarantee you that the names of people who have openly voiced this type of opinion are on lots of lists.

And if and when shit finally breaks, these people will not have the last laugh.

I’ve read about Balkanization and the partition of India.  Lots of tribal grievances were settled in brutal ways.  Maybe these people should read up on that as well.



Marxist groomers try and fracture the Cruz household

What is the point of this?


Ted Cruz’s daughter is a teenage girl on the internet.

I’m about 99.9% sure she said this because she needs an interesting identity online because online culture is a toxic hellhole.

LGBTQ Nation punished this for two reasons.  To drive a wedge between Ted and his daughter, assuming that a Conservative Republican will disown his daughter over her non-traditional sexuality.  Also to send the groomers after his daughter.

These people are out to destroy the Cruz household because thats what they do.  They have always tried to turn the children against the parents.  This time they add sexual grooming to they tools of family destruction.

They are pivoting because the fear porn they pushed is backfiring

Watch these clips:

For most of 2020 and 2021 the Left said it was a conspiracy to claim that most of the people who died of COVID were old, fat, and sick to begin with, the danger of COVID determined by deaths is being misrepresented or over inflated, and the shutting down of society isn’t going to save lives, in fact the cure is worse than the disease.

Now it’s 2022 and the economy is dog shit, unemployment is up, inflation is up, shrlves are bare, business are closing, and parents are pissed like hell about the data on remote learning, kids falling behind, and continued teacher strikes.

All of this is about to bite the Democrats right in the ass.

They are figuring out that the fear porn they pushed to destroy Trump is going to destroy them.

They created the monster and it’s not going to eat them.

What you are watching is them trying to calm down the COVID panic they created, to get society back towards normal before they all get shellaced.

They cannot be allowed to get away with this.


This is the result of a perfect storm of Leftist politics

Let’s count the problems:

The Left only cares about Asians being targeted when they can blame it on white people.

California, and San Francisco in particular, has made it nearly impossible to buy a gun to defend yourself.

Leftist prosecutors refuse to punish criminals who do this with any seriousness if at all.

As such, Asians are being targeted for home invasion and are left hiding behind closet doors and makeshift barricades.

All in the name of equity and progressivism.