J. Kb

Leftist Diversity and Inclusion Officers on college campuses are raging Jew-haters, I’m shocked!

Inclusion Delusion: The Antisemitism of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff at Universities

Universities ostensibly employ diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) staff to create more tolerant and welcoming environments for students from all backgrounds. A previous Heritage Backgrounder documented that the number of people devoted to DEI efforts has grown to about 45 people at the average university.  This Backgrounder examines whether these large DEI staff are, in fact, creating a tolerant and welcoming environment on college campuses. In particular, this Backgrounder examines the extent to which DEI staff at universities express anti-Israel attitudes that are so out of proportion and imbalanced as to constitute antisemitism.

To measure antisemitism among university DEI staff, we searched the Twitter feeds of 741 DEI personnel at 65 universities to find their public communications regarding Israel and, for comparison purposes, China. Those DEI staff tweeted, retweeted, or liked almost three times as many tweets about Israel as tweets about China. Of the tweets about Israel, 96 percent were critical of the Jewish state, while 62 percent of the tweets about China were favorable. There were more tweets narrowly referencing “apartheid” in Israel than tweets indicating anything favorable about Israel whatsoever. The overwhelming pattern is that DEI staff at universities pay a disproportionately high amount of attention to Israel and nearly always attack Israel.

The evidence presented in this Backgrounder demonstrates that university DEI staff are better understood as political activists with a narrow and often radical political agenda rather than promoters of welcoming and inclusive environments. Many DEI staff are particularly unwelcoming toward Jewish students who, like the vast majority of Jews worldwide, feel a strong connection to the state of Israel. The political activism of DEI staff may help explain the rising frequency of antisemitic incidents on college campuses as well as the association between college and graduate education and higher levels of antisemitic attitudes.

I’m shocked, shocked!  Okay, not that shocked.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion has become a holy mantra of the Left, in their Progressives Jihad against traditional Conservative Western principles.

Leftists are antisemitic.

Ergo, it makes sense that the people in positions to enforce diversity, equity, and inclusion are Progressive activists who hate Jews and use their positions to increase antisemitism in their jurisdiction.

The canary in the coal mine of evil are the Jews.  DEI staffing targeting the Jews is a sure sign of the evil that they are.

The next Republican President should make absolutely sure no federal funds go to DEI administration or initiatives at universities.

Preferably, we use them as quality control samples in the production of pedochippers.

COVID has become a tenet of their secular religion


This is the city of Mayfield, Kentucky:

What do you think these people need?

Keep in mind it’s freezing at night in Kentucky right now.




Warm clothes?

COVID booster shots?

That last one is probably the lowest priority but the one the President is most forced on.

Because COVID compliance is a tenet of their religion.

This is a Leftist version of a parody of missionaries who go to some famine blighted region in Africa and hand out Bible but no food.

Except this isn’t a parody, this is our Government.

Leon Trotsky, describing Stalinism, wrote that: “The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced with a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

I can pretty much guarantee that will be the new principle here, he do does not get the booster won’t get disaster relief.


Do these assholes hear themselves?

“People are spending cash in a Roaring 20s style”

Um… does this shit-weasel remember what came after the Roaring 20’s?

The market crashed and there was a great depression.

Hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic led to the collapse of their economy and the rise of Hitler.

We elected a Progressive antisemite (but I repeat myself) who pushed this country into unprecedented areas of centralized presidential power.

There are only two choices here:

One: this guy is so fucking stupid he’s not making the connection and can’t see how we’re heading into a reboot of the beginning of the 20th Century.

Two: this guy doesn’t care that were headed into a economic shit storm because either he’ll weather it just fine or he supports whatever FDR/Hitler comes next.

If you want to know how bad it’s getting, Bloomberg will tell you.

Yeah, that’s Weimar Republic/Zimbabwe/Venezuela type shot right there.

Spend you money now before it loses its value.

If that does tell you how close we are to hyperinflation than nothing will.

If history is repeating itself and Biden is a Herbert Hoover, who is going to be our FDR?

This is bad.

This is CNN

Did you think Chris Cuomo was bad?

CNN Staffer John Griffin Charged With Enticing Moms, Daughters Into ‘Sexual Activity’

A CNN employee has been charged with three counts of using a facility of interstate commerce to sexually abuse underage girls.

John Griffin, 44, of Stamford, Connecticut, was arrested on Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), according to a statement by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Vermont.

The indictment says that between April and July 2020, he used Google Hangouts and Kik to communicate with people purporting to be the parents of underage girls.

He allegedly used the applications to say that women should be “sexually subservient and inferior to men” and that a “woman is a woman regardless of her age.”

The mother and the 9-year-old flew from Nevada to Boston in July 2020. Prosecutors say Griffin picked them up from the airport and drove them to his house in Ludlow, Vermont.

At the property “the daughter was directed to engage in, and did engage in, unlawful sexual activity,” the indictment said.

They call him a “staffer.”

That’s bullshit.

He was a senior producer… on Christmas Cuomo’s show.

So it looks like Team Cuomo is Team Sex Offender or Team Pedo.

There is no way that a senior producer and lead talking head are this way without the rest of the organization knowing and/or being complicit.

And you wonder why so many believe our nation is run by an elite cabal of pedophiles.

When Miguel is done woodchippering The Atlantic, gonna need that chipper for CNN.

Except for Brian Stelter.

Pedos to the chipper, potatoes to the mandolin.


The Yevsektsiya are defending attacking Jews again

Remember when I posted this video:

I’m not sure how what Bilhoo said could be any more clear.  She believes that Zionist Jews in America (and the rest of the world) are her enemy and the enemy of the Palestinians and should be targeted everywhere.

The Jews college kids at Hillel?

Yup, which is why antisemitic hate crimes and violence is at an all time high on college campuses.

This is one of the major tropes of antisemitism masquerading as anti-Zionism.  That it’s legitimate to attack all Jews everywhere to attack Israel.

Guess who came to Bilhoo’s rescue.

Every Leftist’s favorite group of internet Yevsektsiya, If Not Now.

See, it’s Islamophobia to call out a Muslim woman of color for calling for attacking Jewish kids on college campuses.

This is your daily reminder that Leftist Jews are not Jews and the Leftists who stand next to Jews like this do so to cover for their own antisemitism.

Good Job guys, we’re breaking records!!!

From the NY Post:

A dozen US cities set annual murder records with three weeks left in 2021

At least 12 major US cities have already set historical murder records in 2021, even as three weeks remain in the year.

Philadelphia, the nation’s sixth largest city, recorded 523 murders as of Dec. 7, surpassing its formal grim milestone of 500 murders, which was set in 1990, police data showed.

Columbus, Ohio; Indianapolis, Indiana; Louisville, Kentucky; St Paul, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Tucson, Arizona; Toledo, Ohio; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Austin, Texas; Rochester, New York and Albuquerque, New Mexico also had their deadliest years on record, according to ABC News.

Five of those cities topped notorious benchmarks that were set in 2020, the article said. All of them were led by Democratic mayors, as are the vast majority of US cities.

Ain’t that a coincidence.

Seems like a focus on social justice over actual justice and letting criminals go instead of locking them up causes crime to increase.

Lots of lives lost in another Leftist social experiment based on utopian ideas disconnected from reality.


Most popular Administration ever!!!

81 Million votes!!!

Even these fuckers can’t stand one another.

They still hate each other from the campaign when Kamala called Biden a racist and then Biden won the nomination after Kamala was forced to drop out before the first caucus.

The best part: these are only 11 months in.

They have three more years to fully implode into utter dysfunctional chaos.