J. Kb

It’s not cheaper, it’s a scam


It’s not cheaper to order a new helicopter than it is to fly it back.

It’s a scam and a kickback for Milley.

The military abandons a piece of equipment overseas.

They order a new one to restock the inventory.

The contractor that makes it gets more money.

The command staff that ordered the equipment be abandoned and replaced gets hired by that contractor, or is put on that contractor’s board, or is given stock in that contractor when he retires and goes into the Military Industrial Complex private sector.

This is how that scam works.  I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

Milley isn’t an idiot, he was happy to abandon weapons to the Taliban because it meant generous kickbacks to him upon retirement.

I hope your not on the naughty list

With the rise in mass looting, theft, and car jackings, I get why Santa would want to stay strapped.

California deserves everything that happens to it and more

LA cops arrest 14 suspects in connection with 11 smash-and-grab robberies – but release ALL of them because of California’s ‘zero bail’ policy

Police in Los Angeles have announced 14 arrests in connection with 11 recent smash-and-grab robberies at stores where nearly $340,000 worth of merchandise was stolen, but all the suspects have been released.

Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore said that most of the accused robbers suspected of ransacking businesses between November 18 and 28 bailed out or met no-bail criteria, and one is a juvenile.

At a joint news conference on Thursday announcing the arrests, both Moore and Mayor Eric Garcetti called for an end to a no-bail policy for some defendants aimed at reducing overcrowding at Los Angeles County jails during the coronavirus pandemic.

Garcetti said with the pandemic easing, it’s time to make room again in lockups for criminals who commit violent acts and put store employees in danger.

Moore said he was confident that police investigating the retail robberies had the support of progressive Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, who ran on a reform agenda and supports ending bail across the board for misdemeanor, non-violent and non-serious felony offenses.

Gascón’s office said in a statement Thursday that those who commit smash-and-grab thefts will be held accountable.

I’ll believe that when I see it.

Screeching Leftist activists and politicians are still going balls to the wall on bail reform.

I severely doubt that the LA mayor and chief of police will be able to roll this back while the rest of the Democrats are still pushing this policy.

And while they talk about needed to hold people accountable they still have to let them go.

California started this bail reform movement, helped spread it across the country, and now they don’t want it.

Fuck ’em.

Seth Rogan needs to STFU and go away

I’m glad his show is getting blasted, fuck him.

He and Sarah Silverman made a series for Netflix that’s effectively a Woke, anti-traditional Christmas tirade.

Two people who call themselves Jews made an offensive Christmas movie.

Fuck them.

Two Leftist just fed the alt-Right a big red meat Christmas dinner of “the Jews are leading a war on Christmas” antisemitic fodder.

How the fuck do you think we’d like it if Mel Gibson made a Hanukkah movie about a Cabal of Jews scamming people for money?


Golden motherfucking Rule, assholes.

Show respect to get respect.

This obscenity paints a fucking target on my back you red diaper baby Hollywood Leftist piece of shit.

On behalf of all sensible Jews everywhere, I denounce these Leftist piles of garbage.

What they did was wrong.