
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Is the Left having an epidemic of Death Wish?

I had glanced at this tweet, but I had not paid attention till a couple of minutes ago. Ballsy sucker, ain’t he?

I, like millions and millions of Americans sleep in the comfort of our beds. Is dear old Ian saying they are planning on breaking into our homes at night to scream political shit?

I don’t know, I figure a lot of us may not like the idea of strangers breaking into my home in the middle of the night. Blood is a bitch to clean out of terracotta tiles.

Bring cash, you are paying for the steam machine rental.

#MeToo: Not a question if they screw up.

If you follow the Hollywood scene, you should remember that not too long ago, Rose McGowan accused Actres and Director Asia Argento of sending naked pictures and then have sex with then 12-year-old actor Jimmy Bennett. The #MeToo movement trying to prove they are equal-opportunity haters, pushed in the cattle car and denounced her evil (if unproven) ways.

Rose McGowan and Asia Argento

Fast Forward about a month and oops! #MyBad comes to play.

Rose McGowan has apologized to Asia Argento.
McGowan issued her mea culpa on Thursday, following a demand from Argento that the actress retract an earlier statement that she knew Argento slept with actor Jimmy Bennett when he was a teen.
“On 27 August I released a statement about Asia Argento, which I now realized contained a number of facts that were not correct,” McGowan’s statement read. “The most serious of these was that I said that the unsolicited nude text messages Asia received from Jimmy Bennett had been sent since Jimmy was 12 years old.”

Damn, after she was raked over coals, tar and feathered, it turns out that maybe she was not a rapist of 12-year-old but may barely be accused of texting a titty pic to a 17-year-old.

.Don’t you love lynching mobs?


I called it. Kavanaguh treated as a possible Child Molester?

Three days ago I made a post about possible fake accusations that Kavanaugh would be facing in the near future;

Will the Democrats accuse Kavanaugh of trading Child Porn?
Or maybe even taking secret trips to the far East to engage in sex with minors.
I am just waiting for that to happen any time soon. That would be the political kitchen sink.

Guess what? USA Today goes oh-so-very-gently into “You may want to keep your kids away from the Rapist Judge.”

“It may be impossible for him to coach,” McFadden said. “Imagine being in a public gym where people could come in and be disrupting. I’m not sure he was referring to the claim (of sexual misconduct), but the overall environment. He has no record and has no criminal background. He’s gone through the (training) process. He can coach.”

The nation is deeply divided. Sometimes it feels like we don’t agree on anything anymore. But credibly accused sex offenders should not coach youth basketball, girls or boys, without deeper investigation. Can’t we all agree on that?

Is Brett Kavanaugh right that he can no longer coach girls basketball?

And this is why I cannot wait for the media to finally collapse and see “reporters” and columnist holding cardboard signs begging for food or malt liquor.


RULE 308

Just saw this in Facebook via Michael Blane.

RULE 308 — “Folks who do not know what “sub MOA” means should not instigate civil wars with those who do. Just saying.”
Matthew Bracken.

And that is one of the best pieces of advice the left can receive. The next piece may not be an advice.