
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Carpetbaggers funding Gillum for Florida Governor

Andrew Gillum’s gubernatorial campaign raised approximately $450,000 in April and more than half of those contributions came from billionaire George Soros.
In April, Soros gave $250,000 to Forward Florida, a Gillum associated political committee. If you combine this recent Soros donation with two previous six-figure donations in 2017, Soros’ contributions to Gillum now total $450,000.
The Soros family has given half a million dollars to Gillum’s campaign for governor.

Also, of the $333,500 collected in April by Forward Florida, 93% of the donations came from donors residing outside of Florida.

Gillum PAC Receives $250K from George Soros, 93% of Donations from Outside of Florida

I guess after announcing he is planning on raising the corporate taxes, the donations from the local heavy hitters may have trickle down some.  So Soros bought himself a Democrat candidate for Governor and Bloomberg bought a Republican State Senator soon-to-be Senate President. Maybe we should start a GoFundMe to buy Florida Politicians. If we buy in bulk, I am sure we can get a discount.

PS: Anybody else bothered by the fact that Rich White guys are buying Minorities? Florida suddenly feels like an antebellum plantation.

Hat Tip Clark V.

A bit of perspective on the Judge Kavanaugh “scandal.”

Let’s say for argument’s sake that he had a private moment with the accuser (which by now, I doubt it happened.) If you think about it, the whole Kavanaugh scandal is because when he was 17, he got to second base.

If you ever were making out at that age, slid your hand under the blouse of your date, copped a feel and got your hand slapped, you must go register as a Sex Offender right now.

If you are thinking “Well, that is stupid!” congratulations, you have solved this case.

Maryland Rite Aid shooter…Look! Squirrell!

Meet Snochia Moseley.

I won’t even dare to say if this story will be alive come Sunday as a Black Woman doing a Mass Killing with a pistol is not what the media wants. I will tell you what they may want: That her name is not mentioned so they can go spreading lies about White redneck NRA members being dangerous racist assholes shooting Minorities.

Don’t trust your life to condiments.

Via Mad Ogre’s Facebook page.

I have never seen anybody who lives in bear areas and may have a chance to face the critters to do so only carrying a can of pepper spray. Probably the lowest caliber they dare going out to would be a .454 Casull or maybe an upgrade to S&W 460 or 500. To me the final word on the subject was watching the TV series Alaska State Troopers in which no matter what episode in what part of Alaska they might be, every time they have to do some business in an area where a bear has been spotted, out comes a 12 gauge loaded with slugs for their protection.

Pissed off real life Yogi does not believe in Taco Tuesday spices.