
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Both sides played stupid games, both sides won stupid prizes. (Graphic Video)

A dispute over trash in an alley. Both sides with an enormous need to satisfy their Egos rather than use common sense and vacate the area. Now one is dead and the other two are on their way to a very long prison term

John Miller, 67, and Michael Miller, 31, are both charged with murder.

If your ego is that delicate, it is time you start developing a thick skin and double your brain power to avoid making idiotic decision.



I don’t believe Cameron Kasky.

I disagree with J. Kb. and I believe Kasky is trying to do the old  “I am compromising what I believe so now it is your turn and you need to compromise your rights.”

A couple of days ago, I had a lengthy discussion with somebody who was trying to go out of his way to make me believe he understood what we were wanting and recited the proper keywords to back his claim. When I refused to budge, he lamented that my uncompromising attitude was not advancing the cause of peace (and other assorted BS platitudes) and that a simple background check and registration could not hurt anybody. I retorted that we had been compromising steadily since 1934 and it would be a great time for his side to do a real compromise, so I asked him if he would pledge his unconditional support to National Reciprocity.

He immediately started to come up with excuses and possible problems about standards between states. I told him that every state that issues a CWP requires the full information of the person, a photograph, fingerprints and a complete background check, the same things and even more he was just asking me to compromise on guns. Somehow that was not enough for him and recoiled at the idea of supporting National Reciprocity and the reason was obvious: they are not negotiating in good faith and will never do. All his “come to Jesus and understand your Fellow Citizens” was plain political maneuvering  and misdirection and that is the same thing I smell from Kasky. I even offered to really sit down at the table and work gun laws we can all agree if we start from tabula rasa, cleans slate: No gun laws at all that would complicate an even and good-faith negotiation.

He has not replied to me yet.

I wonder why.

The cesspool called Broward School System.

We know that nobody has been fired or even given a slap on the wrist for the colossal screw up with Niki Cruz and the Parkland shooting. The Broward School Board, BSO and basically everybody in local government appears to be one big happy political mafia covering each other’s asses.

This is the latest.


Florida’s largest charter school membership organization announced Wednesday that it is partnering with Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz’s former mental health care provider to render services to schools.
Broward County’s Henderson Behavioral Health will provide mental health assessments, diagnoses, interventions, treatment and recovery services, free of charge, to students in need at member schools of the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools, according to a news release. Training will also be offered to school staff for a $25 fee.

Henderson has been criticized for its handling of Cruz, who was evaluated at least three times in September and October of 2016 by members of a Henderson crisis team. After a suicide assessment was conducted, Henderson’s team determined committing Cruz under the Baker Act was not warranted.

Remember it was covered in a previous post that the Parkland Shooting Report said Cruz was disturbed enough to start high risk protocols in the school and restrict his access, but that Henderson YES team put the kibosh on sending him to the Baker Act road. Now Henderson gets a juicy morsel paid by the Florida taxpayers.

If the Democrats could have half the collusion shown with this case and apply it to Trump, he’d be right now in Death Row with all his appeals denied.

Abolish ICE: Dogs having fun with a human head.

Found this via Wirecutter.

Tijuana Municipal Police were summoned to colonia Amparo Sanchez last Thursday after citizens observed a pack of street dogs fighting over a severed human head presumably dumped there. Residents reported the incident at approximately 6:30 pm, according to local media.

Police were later able to secure the head and handed the scene over to the forensic medical services team from the state attorney general’s office. No information was available on the identity of the victim, nor were other remains located.

I followed the link to the original Mexican source to find out that the head was not the only event that happened in that neighborhood. A couple of hours earlier, authorities responded to two shootings with three people dead and one wounded. Since all of the dead seem to have their heads attached, it is not far-fetched to deduct there is still a body somewhere playing the Headless Burro-Man.

Don’t forget, Abolish ICE because nothing says we are an open and culturally inviting country accepting everybody’s ways than seeing a pack of dogs playing soccer with a human head in front of your home.

Keep asking who benefits if ICE is abolished and why do you have US Politicians so willing to do their bidding.


Mag Envy.

I stole the whole thing from McThag.

Those of us whose gun-owning life straddles the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban have an… attitude about normal capacity magazines.

We accumulate them.

Lots of them.

We never ask, “do I need more?” because the answer is burned into our souls now.

YES! Buy them while you can.

Which leads to a situation where, even with a spreadsheet, I cannot honestly say how many magazines I have. Every time I think I’ve gotten a compete inventory, I find another stash.

I was done reading and I looked at what I thought it was a decent stash of magazines and felt… incomplete.

Spirit of JMB! Deliver me from Palmetto State Armory and their sale on D&H 30 round magazines for $6.99!

Damn you McThag!