
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Yesterday: Cincinnati Active Shooter situation! Today: Cinci…who?

Mid-morning yesterday, the interwebs were filled with the horror of another Active Shooter that left three people killed before the cops popped his sorry butt.  I was following a couple of live feeds, but eventually left to do other things and it is better to wait some time anyway so good info can come out.

And I don’t realize till zero dark hundred that there is no usual furor in Social Media about the incident. Before I logged out from the feeds, politicians were already doing the tap dancing on blood which led me to believe the shooter was White.  But suddenly it was like Officer Brabrady was in charge and I had to dig into the local Cincinnati news to find out info.


Omar Santa Perez, the man who Cincinnati police say opened fire in the lobby of Fifth Third Center, killing three people and wounding two others, filed a lawsuit in 2017 against CNBC Universal Media LLC and TD Ameritrade Holding Corp.
On June 25, Federal Magistrate Karen Litkovitz in her recommendation to dismiss the case wrote that Santa Perez’s allegations were “rambling, difficult to decipher and borders on delusional.”

Cincinnati shooter filed ‘delusional’ suit against CNBC, TD Ameritrade months before spree

Aw crap, there goes the Narrative again.  The guy was Puerto Rican and had a history of non-violent minor offenses and that is pretty much all there is other than the gun used was probably a handgun because I have not heard the screech of the media about fully semiautomatic AR 15s.


Abolish ICE: Mexican prosecutors find 166 skulls in mass graves .

MEXICO CITY — Investigators said Thursday they have found 166 skulls in clandestine burial pits in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz, one of the biggest mass graves discovered so far in Mexico.

Winckler said the bodies were buried at least two years ago and did not rule out finding more remains. He said investigators had found 114 ID cards in the field, which held about 32 burial pits.
Clothes, personal possession and other parts of skeletons also were recovered, but investigators focused on the skulls in counting, because each corresponds to one person.

 Mexican prosecutors find 166 skulls in mass graves .

I want you to think about it for a moment: 166 skulls.  That means that 166 people were decapitated, (hopefully dead when it happened) and the heads taken away for God knows what despicable reasons. And somewhere there are 166 bodies still buried somewhere that have not been found.

I did 10 seconds of Google and found out that this is not even a new thing. Back in march of last year, they found another mass grave with over 250 skulls. In fact, they are calling the State of Veracuz the biggest mass grave in Mexico.

And we have Americans demanding that the only protection we have to keep the animals who did these unspeakable acts way from our country has to be disbanded? ICE must be abolished so the filthy assholes that perpetrates abominations like this can walk in and out of our country?  They just stupid or getting some sort of payment from the Cartels and/other interested parties.


Do you remember when the Cato Institute was the Hall of Libertarians?

And who fired this bad Chia Pet because of politics or Freedom of Expression? He got released because he simply sucked at his job and it was costing the team. Why insinuate a lie?

I used to listen to the Cato Institute’s podcast a lot. As a conservative, there were things I did not agree with, but they were not that many. The take I got from libertarians was that you are to enjoy your freedoms but also were responsible for your undoings and fixing them.  No problem with that at all.

Then, in one podcast about the Mexican Drug Cartels, I detected something weird. The first part was a lady talking about the terror campaign against journalists and even bloggers by the Cartels. If you wrote or published something they did not like, they simply killed you in a horrific manner. The next person was a Mexican gent, don’t remember his name but he was introduced as a Cato Institute Fellow. After some initial remarks and explanations, he riled on how all the crap happening because of the Cartels in Mexico was 99.44% the fault of the Americans. He pretty much Absolved anybody south of the border of the drugs and its mayhem.  Now, I am used to hear that excuse after many years of having to deal with socialists in Venezuela, but I expected that the “Blame the Gringo” shit would have not been welcome in the Cato Institute.

The guy got a hearty applause. Not a polite applause, not golf clapping and people getting up and leaving for the bar, but a thunderous applause. What the hell? After that, I pretty much ended my wasting of time with Cato and libertarians (Libertarians?) And after the Jester-fest that the Libertarian party became in the last elections, I had not paid much attention to them till just now after they posted what it could be defined as Fake News.
So sad.

Somebody in the Miami Herald does not like Gillum.

This looks like a scene from a bad sitcom. And news media  are very selective of the images they transmit so it is not a simple “oopsie” what we have here., somebody in the Miami Herald is less than pleased with the ticket. Maybe the paper has a “deep red state” operative working inside.

And they shouldn’t like the Democratic ticket since the Miami Herald is a corporation and they are going to get raped by the tax increase Gillum wants. That will translate to more cutbacks in the paper which equals more journalists with a bright future as baristas. What the Herald needs is to copy Disney and bring journalists from India and Pakistan to work for minimum wage.