
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

I miss the Wolrd Cup

This year was the first since 1970 that I have missed a World Cup and worse, it was done on purpose.  Simply put, I cannot stand watching soccer anymore as it has become a tournament of divas  controlled by a now thoroughly corrupt organization that has gone to the deepest depth of corruption.

Gone are the days of great soccer. Take this picture for example:

That is Bobby More, captain of England trading jerseys with Pele in Mexico’s World Cup in 1970. Back then, unless you were a total asshole, once the referee blew the whistle three times indicating the end of the game, the guy with the shirt not yours was no longer your contrary. And as a matter of friendship through sport, the garments were traded becoming mementos of the game and the World Cup. You looked down the field, and you could not tell which player belonged to which team, but you knew they just played a very important game and back then a tough but clean one. Mexico 1970 saw not one single red card nobody got expelled for any reason and that gives you an idea of the chivalry among players. And the shirt trading also confirmed it because the players hung out talking to each other, having the press taking pictures and celebrating with the fans.

Years later, FIFA prohibited the shirt trading saying that it was unbecoming for the players to be bare-chested in the field like it was some sort of cheap nudist club. The honchos felt it was embarrassing, I guess and that was one of many nails in Soccer’s coffin and probably we should have seen that coming, but we did not.

My only refuge for soccer will be the Women’s’ world cop in a couple of years. Fortunately the ladies seem to be playing with more courage than their male counterparts, unless they go political again and try to go the Equal Pay bull running the game.


Bad week for funerals and remeberances.

As predicted, McCain’s funeral turned out to be a full-blown Trump Bashing affair. Political scum does not change.

But what will probably will go down in history, is Former President Bill Clinton ogling Ariana Grande’s ass during Aretha Franklin’s memorial service.

Even Jessie Jackson seems to be saying “For God’s sake, Bill! It is a fucking funeral! Quit that shit!”

(Yes, I have no idea what was the guy thinking at each instance, but it is a damn funny sequence of pictures)

And the knives are out after DeSantis.

Welcome to the Official News Media Propaganda War.

What it is interesting is that this does not seem to be the original headline of the article. The URL suggests that somebody decided to change it to something more incendiary.  Here is part of the URL that should be visible in your browser’s address:


Somebody decided to change it after it was written and uploaded into something more prejudicial. So what convention did DeSantis attend? Klan meeting? Friends of Mussolini Neo Fascist gathering? The David Horowitz Freedom Center.

You may have heard some weeks earlier that Credit Card companies stopped processing payments to DHFC because it was tagged to be some sort of Hitlerian/Right Wing/Ultra Fascist group by a couple of “organizations” but before the lawyers intervened, the Card companies reversed their decision and allowed donations to be processed once again.

And who was responsible for laying the accusations against David Horowitz Freedom Center? Quoting from Daily Naples News:

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups and white nationalists, has said Horowitz’s conferences “range from single day presentations given by anti-Muslim fear mongers in Horowitz’s network to extravagant weekend getaways that convene government officials with far-right thought leaders and activists.”

Our dear Left Wing friends of the SPLC strike again who coincidentally were the ones behind the Credit Card companies actions against Horowitz. And man, he is prime target because of the stuff his center covers: Jihad attacks, tracking left-wing groups, Code Speech regulations in college campuses that stifle First Amendment rights and, probably why journalists hate the DHFC so much, tracking bias and hypocrisy in the media.

Now, how stupid can they be? And I mean both SPLC and the Naples Daily News of trying to pass a group whose founder is a Jew, son of parents who escaped persecution from the pogroms as some sort of master Fascist/Nazi leader. The answer is not stupid at all. They know most people will not bother to check the facts or even see the contradiction of somebody with a Jewish surname being accused of being a full white-hooded klansman.

Coming soon: DeSantis will be accused of Child Abuse or Child Pornography or something like it because the Media will get away with it and Gillum MUST be elected come hell or high water. The problem with Florida is that both those options are possible.

Vanity Fair loathes ‘Jack Ryan’ therefore is a Must Watch.

Hollywood can’t help itself. But what can you expect from people who hate America almost as much as the terrorists portrayed in the series.

I watched the first episode last night (don’t tell the missus. We are supposed to binge this weekend) and production values-wise is great. I will reserve final verdict for the series after I am done watching. I am old school Clancy fan and it usually takes me a while to separate the movies from the books. This time I am aware that I have to treat the characters as namesakes rather than the ones Clancy wove yarn years ago.

Now, if we could get somebody to faithfully produce some Mitch Rapp stuff, I’d be a happy man.