
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Newtown Action demands an extra-judicial arrest for Cody Wilson.

I think the folks of Newtown Action got high on their own supply and were dismayed to find out that Mr. Wilson went ahead and actually has gone capitalist by selling the blueprints which is in accordance with the terms of the injunction.

How do they manage to have the information and at the same time block the thinking process that should come when the fact is the files were already out there five years ago. Are these people so emotionally invested that they have develop a blindness to the obvious?


Gillum went socialist and dumb. (Update)

I am doing my afternoon Blog views, I bump into McThag’s and that Democrat candidate for Governor Andrew Gillum wants to rise the corporate tax. “Ney”,  said I, “Obama Light cannot be that fucking dumb. I know he lives and mayors in Tally, but you simply do not raise taxes on corporations.”
And then I find confirmation:

Democratic Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who is running for governor, made the unusual move of proposing an tax increase while on the campaign trail Friday.
Gillum said if elected, he would increase Florida’s corporate tax rate to 7.75 percent, up from the current 5.5 percent. That increase would generate $1 billion in increased annual revenue, he said, which he said he would use to boost education funding.

Andrew Gillum proposes corporate tax hike for more education funding

Two problems with that, actually three. First: That is a 40.90% increase which will suddenly make Florida less attractive to do business with.  That means that companies will not move in the state and those who can, will get the hell out most riki-tik.

Second: Companies leaving means the expected extra $1 billion in annual tax revenue will not happen, in fact you will end up with a deficit, something Florida has not seen in a while if I am not mistaken.  Then is when legislators and members of the executive get stupid and want to dip their beaks in the assorted rainy day funds Florida has like for after hurricanes and such. Let us not forget that Hurricane Andrew gave Florida a $25 billion black eye in damage to property. And just for fun, Florida Lotto already contributes a lot of money, $1.95 billion dollars for 2017-2018 alone. If almost 2 billion did not fix the supposed problems, then fixing is not by throwing more money into the hole but figuring out what is wrong and getting rid of it.

Third: Gillum is making the mistake of thinking that Disney will not move since the investment that they have is so big. And he is right but as McThag said in his blog: IN FLORIDA YOU DON’T FUCK WITH THE MOUSE, specially when it creates 62,000 direct jobs and God knows how many indirect ones.  You want to challenge the people who are geniuses in automating everything and import cheap IT labor from Pakistan to double down guaranteeing lay-offs? What he has done is guarantee that the Corporate Rodent will throw all its might in the race or we will have Automatons selling trinkets, pizza and cold water within 2 years.

So Gillum is Anti Gun and Anti Corporations? November does not look well for his chances.

Update: stolen from 90 Miles. Gringo Hugo Chavez endorses Andrew Gillum.

The Democrat Outrage Machine is already out for Republican Candidate DeSantis.

The horror! If there is a black person nearby or somewhat relevant, the use of the word monkey only means the user is a RACIST!

Did you know Webster’s provides results from the web where the word is used? In this case, it was too much fun not to leave out.

He used the word “monkey” in the same sentence as Kaepernic who is an African-American Football player! That means that Scott Ostler, WHITE sports columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle is another piece of shit racist!  The newspaper should fire his KKK ass!

Dear Fauxraged Democrats, you should be niggardly with your indignation, not everything is Blanco o Negro. Simply we do not care that you dig deep in your crotch to twist your own underwear, feel the Bern and pretend it is our fault.

We don’t give two craps on a bed of lettuce how you feel.  Deal with it.




If you are ever in danger, just call the cops.

A case from the formerly great Britain.

From the article:

 A woman found stabbed to death in Solihull was on the phone to officers when she was attacked, police believe.
West Midlands Police yesterday named Janbaz Tarin as the suspect they are seeking in connection with the murder of his ex-partner Raneem Oudeh and her mother Khaola Saleem, 49.
The mum and daughter were found with fatal stab wounds outside an address in Northdown Road on Sunday night.
Police said they were in contact with Raneem, 22, that evening, before she was found stabbed to death alongside her mother in the early hours of Monday morning.

Do remember that knives are verboten in Jolly Old England and so is murder. However, she did as she was told: Call the cops. At least she left good evidence of her death behind.

Justice will be served… The life of innocents? Not so much.

Hat Tip 

South Africa’s Impending Troubles.

This one I have been avoiding to get into.  Africa seems to be cursed with some sort of political hex that makes them repeat the same mistakes over and over again. In y childhood was the end of Colonialism and the triumphant arrival of Democracy, alas it was not. Katanga and Biafra showed us that things were done differently there, unique if I must say. Death was plentiful and Life was easy to discard. After that came Rhodesia and Angola, the communists expanding their reach in the Dark Continent only to fail even when they won. And we finished with genocide by famine in Ethiopia and Somalia. No matter where I looked from my location is South America, Africa seemed to demand a recurrent bloody tribute.

There was a sliver of hope called South Africa. It had survived the attempts made from Communism through the decades with a harsh policy of killing guerrillas without mercy. They dabbled into bush wars up north figuring that it would keep the reds entertained and away from their borders. South Africa shed Apartheid and transitioned to democracy seemingly with only the fewest of burps and none of the tragic history of its neighbors, but apparently it was only a two decade delay and they are heading back to the traditions. South African farmers have always been targets of the criminal element and it was usually one that left corpses behind, but now they are officially a target of the government who is now not only with the full authority to confiscate their lands, but demanding they surrender their weaponry.

And we all know where that is going to lead.

Hat Tip to George M.

Update: A friend sent me this essay: Let Africa Sink by Kim Du Toit.