
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Mel Brooks is a prophet: Front Hole and other parts of the anatomy.

I saw this excerpt from the Healthline website being passed around in the interwebs.

Although they are being stupidly serious, my brain brought back a hilarious scene from Mel Brook’s High Anxiety. Unfortunately I could not find a clip of that particular part so I need to set up the joke: Dr Thorndyke is giving a speech at a medical convention and as such the terms used are plain and maybe not the best around polite company. A doctor arrives late towing 2 young girls and apologizes for not finding a babysitter. The rest is comedy gold:


Dr. Thorndyke, you mentioned in your address that penis envy should be deemed an antiquated psychiatric concept. Could you expand on that?

THORNDYKE: Of course. Let’s remember that the term “penis envy” was created in a predominantly male atmosphere…

MAN: Excuse me. Sorry I’m late. Forgive me for bringing the kids. I couldn’t get a sitter.

THORNDYKE: Please, have a seat. As I was saying, in a world of predominantly male-oriented psychology, it was only natural to arrive at the term, pee… (looks at the kids) Pee…”Peepee envy. ”

-Are you saying there’s absolutely no validity to…peepee envy?

-It has no more validity than if a man envied a woman’s…balloons.

-Dr. Thorndyke, do you feel that the trauma of toilet training has a bearing on the sexual future of the adolescent?

-Toilet training. That’s a vast area. Let’s be more specific. Are we talking about number one or cocky-doody?

-For argument’s sake, let’s say cocky-doody.

THORNDYKE: I’d say professionally, cocky-doody has very little to do with the future sexual development of the adolescent.

-Thank you.

-You’re welcome. Let me backtrack for a second. The female erogenous zone.

-You mean the balloons?

-No. Lower, much lower. Where the babies come out. The woowoo.

-The woowoo?

THORNDYKE: Yes. The woowoo. Perhaps the most significant
psychological feminine component known to mankind.

(Cheers and whistles)

A joke in a movie from 1977 is now on its way to become political dogma in the human anatomy.

Mel Brooks is a frigging genius!

TDS sufferer: Democratic Rep. Alcee L. Hastings.

“Do you know the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe?” Hastings said, according to video of the remarks on YouTube.
Quoting the joke’s author, he answered, “A crisis is if Donald Trump falls into the Potomac River and can’t swim,” while “a catastrophe is anybody saves his ass.”

Alcee Hastings is possibly the most corrupt Democrat in Florida. He was impeached for bribery and perjury, yet he gets elected over and over. He only beats Debbie Wasserman because he has been at the game longer.

Put his name on the same joke and be ready to have the NAACP and the BLM protesting in front of your house calling you all kinds of names.

Police Body Cams: The worst thing that could happen to Race Baiters.

A video went viral of police in Raleigh NC doing a Rodney King on a black male.

Immediately, the family was paraded in front of the cameras and the usual “He didndunuffin” and “He is a good boy, goes to church and has 3 jobs plus he is an A student>” comments poured out:

And then, the Raleigh PD released the body cam video;

Two taser deployments and still went after the Female officer’s leg like it was a bucket of KFC.

Eating crow should be offered in a buffet form for the Black Liars Movement.

Dear Gun Controlers: You lose again. 17.25 million Concealed Handgun Permits in the US.

In 2018, the number of concealed handgun permits soared to over 17.25 million – a 273% increase since 2007. 7.14% of American adults have permits. Unlike surveys that may be affected by people’s unwillingness to answer some personal questions, concealed handgun permit data is the only really “hard data” that we have on gun ownership across the United States. Still, an even larger number of people carry because in 14 states people don’t need a permit to carry in all or virtually all those states.

Permits continued to grow much faster for women and minorities. Between 2012 and 2018, the percent of women with permits grew 111% faster for women and the percent of blacks with permits grew 20% faster than for whites. Permits for Asians grew 29% faster than for whites.

New Study: 17.25 million concealed handgun permits, biggest increases for women and minorities

It makes you wonder what in the heck are the some GOP candidates thinking about when they support Gun Control. The data keeps telling them that more and more people are discovering their Second Amendment rights and the idiots bet on more control. At this point I can only assume their brains are afflicted after generating heavy doses of stupidity.

I believe November is going to be very educational.

The BS is piling too high arond David Hogg.

I just bumped into this headline:

Barricades? Is the little twerp thinking he is gonna grab a rifle and do battle against the evil armies of the NRA from behind a pile of rubble? At most, he will be driven around by armed bodyguards, prepper by expensive PR experts and dutifully adored by the Media.

Sorry, but this one pissed me off more than usual. This morning I bumped into a series of pictures from the Spanish Civil War and it is something my family lived through.

That is a grenade coming down. People more likely died seconds after the camera clicked.

As a kid from my generation, I heard tales of the horrors of the Spanish Civil War from the people who fought it. Many shot and were shot manning barricades and trenches in cities and the country.  So that this asshole’s name gets associated with barricades, it is an insult to the people who actually knew what is to fight behind one.

The only thing about the BS around Hogg is that it will eventually be high enough to choke his ass.