
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Best Handgun Caliber – A Real World Study (Video)

Via 90 miles from Tyranny .

You have seen me quote Greg Ellifritz over the years. I believe he is a no BS instructor, truly interested in Self Defense and does not want to be one of the cool kids in tactical jerseys. This video by Rational Preps is based on a 10 year study of calibers and what they can do. Take your time watching it.



Fundraiser for GunFreeZone.net

Welcome to the fundraiser for Gunfreezone.net
The blog’s webhosting bill is coming due at the end of the year and I need to renew it for three years to get the best deal from the company which is unlimited bandwith with unlimited size. Add to that, domain name, secure certificate, overall protection and automatic back ups, I am looking somewhere in the vicinity of $1,500.
I wanted to start early in asking for your help. Unfortunately, we in the New Media Wars for the Second Amendment have no Billionaire throwing millions of dollars our way and we only rely on our own wits and charms. (I can hear the jokes now)
I have kept the blog free from commercial ads to concentrate on content relevant to our fight and not fall for the clickbait to generate traffic and thus revenue. So I come here to ask you for your help in maintaining this 10-year-old blog running.
And I want to thank you in advance for all the help you can give, be it small or large. I know it was done with the best of intentions and to help preserve and expand our Gun Rights.

PS: Please, save your receipts!

You can click on the right on the icon in the right column in this page to go to our fundraiser portal or go directly through here:

Change the Ref or the illusion of controlling the outcome

J. Kb’s post on Manuel Oliver’s foundation got me thinking.  He is basing his fight/endeavor on the false premise that Evil can be managed with logic and rules and that if somehow that is not the case, there has to be some sort of conspiracy behind it and the “refs” must be removed.

That is Soviet thinking.

The USSR honchos were enamored with the concept of “Five Year Plans” related to the production of goods by their industrial complex.  Simply stated, a bunch of party bureaucrats who’d never worked in a factory in their lives,  would sit in some office, read a bunch of reports that could be could not be accurate, make some “calculations” and assure to the upper ups that in 5 years, the production of a product would be certain amount, usually wildly optimistic. Of course, reality is a harsh bitch, shit happened, and the wildly optimistic goals were never met.

Now, it was NEVER the fault of the Party bureaucrats because they represented the Part which was never wrong according to the dogma. If the Party bureaucrats were not wrong but the goals were not met, therefore there was one of two reasons: incompetence (but rarely used because it would mean somebody up in Party management made a mistake and the dogma says otherwise) or Sabotage by the Evil Forces of Imperialism.  Investigations were made and to make long story short, a few patsies were selected, tried and executed.

Again and thanks to the dogma of Party Infallibility, the same party bureaucrats would gather again and create a new 5 Year Plan knowing for sure this time would work because that is what they put on paper in behalf of the Almighty Party and its Infallible Economy. It never occurred to the bureaucrats (or simply they knew better than voicing it) that maybe it was the system that was faulty. The dogma had to be preserved and if it meant making stuff up like creating saboteurs and killing innocent people, So be it. 

There were other “remedies” used to cover for the stupidity of false expectations, some readers will probably identify the following line from an old book: “times 14.2.84 miniplenty malquoted chocolate rectify” 

So Mr. Olivera is pretty much the same thing: It was not us who were wrong, but the Ref was dirty. Not our fault, our planning, training, etc was a surefire thing unless somebody purposely sabotaged the process to alter then result we expected.  They will not admit fault or that there are things you cannot control in your life. Blame must be found somewhere and he will not admit to making a mistake.

So, we are the Bad Guys, the saboteurs that he needs to get rid off. Although he should be careful because it is not a bunch of meek Soviet citizens subjects, shitting their pants, fearing the KGB to show up and take them to a Siberian Winter Resort and Spa for 20 years of Hard Labor.  We are citizens of a country with a long history of wrecking the long-term plans of Statists, foreign and domestic.