
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

How dare you call us Fake News? Because stuff like this.

From our  local fecal aviary catcher:

And there you have it folks: Florida is suffering red timed because politicians are failing to protect the environment according to the article. We need more attention to Global Warming and More Money to be spent and more politicians who side with the environmental druids.

Bu there is a rub. You see, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation:

Red tide is a naturally-occurring microscopic alga that has been documented along Florida’s Gulf Coast since the 1840’s and occurs nearly every year. Blooms, or higher-than-normal concentrations, of the Florida red tide alga, Karenia brevis, frequently occur in the Gulf of Mexico. Red tide begins in the Gulf of Mexico 10 to 40 miles offshore and can be transported inshore by winds and currents.

Let’s digest that a bit. Red Tides have been documented happening in South Florida for 178 years. Florida became a state of the Union till 1845, same as Texas. The Oregon trail started in 1843 two years after the first covered wagons started to make it to California. The first telegraph message was sent by Samuel Morse in 1844 and in 1847 the Mormons start leaving Illinois for Utah.

It is in that timeframe above that the first red tides are documented, but the Miami Herald tries really hard to say that it is all because of Climate change/global warming/bad politicians/not enough money/some people hate the environment.

Dear Miami Herald, don’t be pissed when you are called Fake News… because you are.


PS: Yes, don’t blog without enough caffeine. I got it.  And spell check the title.

The weirdest Active Shooter ever. (Florida Mall People?)

“My mom and I were shopping and heard people yell, ‘Active shooter.’ We sprinted out through a back door. I’ve never been so terrified in my life,” Sara Perlman said on Twitter.
A photo posted on Twitter shows people hiding in the back room of the H&M store.
South Florida malls have been the site of several shooting scares in recent months. In December, a thief set off fireworks to distract employees of a jewelry store at Sawgrass Mills. People mistook the noise for gunshots and fled the mall. No one was hurt.

Are you ready for the headline?

Shoplifter with knife causes Sawgrass Mills mall evacuation, police say

And no kidding, they did hide:

Correct me is I am wrong but, when an Active shooter is doing his thing, there is noise as in shooting, right? That is a pretty damn big clue to know if somebody is shooting or not. So what did this guy do? Slash in the air and go “Bang-bang-bang-bang.”?

Effing Broward County.

The not so good weekend for the Media.

When newspapers are trying to do a cavalry charge from their mummified moral high horse against the violence “incited” from the President:

To counter what it describes as President Donald Trump’s “dirty war against the free press,” The Boston Globe is urging newspapers across the country to take a coordinated stand against his anti-media attacks.
And scores have already answered the call to battle.
The Globe issued an appeal last week to editorial boards nationwide, urging them to publish editorials this Thursday that lambast the “dangers of the administration’s assault on the press.”
On Saturday, Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe’s deputy editorial page editor, told CNN that more than 100 publications ― ranging from big city papers to small weeklies ― have committed to participate.

More Than 100 Newspapers Are Uniting To Fight Trump’s ‘War On The Press’.

And the only violence against the press comes from your political side and your favorite sons and daughters:


From Breitbart since I could not embed the video: WATCH: Antifa Assault Photographer in DC: ‘Get the F*** Out of Here!


And of course, the usual crap chants against cops.

And yes, fans of the president have called the press all kinds of names, ridiculed them and flipped the bird and laugh at them during live show, but it is has been consistently the Left winged Antifa the ones attacking anybody trying to cover their antics.

Dear Journalists: In case you have not noticed, your controllers have decided you are to be cannon fodder. And since the “Alt Right” does not seem to attack you, your blood will be spilled by the minions of Antifa.
Thank you. 
The Left.