
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Funny video with just a skosh of truth


Recording studios are probably the one place with tens of thousands of stories that never get told outside the inner circle of Recording Engineers. We all learned soon enough that at the end of the day, you are getting paid to deliver a sound and the business is cutthroat enough you are not to give a shit how it is achieved. Manipulating the musicians and singers to achieve that sound? Oh hell yes, we all have done that.  Inflicting physical pain? Not by yours truly…well, not quite as painful, but there was the one asshole who broke our cardinal rule of no fucking drugs in our studio ever! and was caught coming out of the bathroom with a nose resembling a powdered donut. Let’s say that for a proper “tossing the asshole out of the front door” you must open such metal door first and I “forgot” to do so three times. The rest of the people present became quite productive and enjoyable to work with which is not always the case with musicians.


Hat Tip Dale


Gun Free Schools: Working as predicted

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WSMV) – Middle Tennessee State University officials, confirmed the shooting of two people Wednesday night.

Police confirmed the death of one person in the shooting at MTSU Wednesday evening during the Riverdale High School graduation at Murphy Center. They also said another was injured in the incident and is now in critical condition.

Investigators said the two people were shot near the tennis courts. It is unknown at this time whether either victim was a student.

“Tonight’s shooting is a tragedy for our community: we mourn with the family who lost a loved one and the family of the person injured,” said Police officials.

Rutherford County Schools District Public Information Officer James Evans said Riverdale High School would be closed tomorrow as a safety measure.

1 dead, 1 injured in MTSU shooting (wsmv.com)

I have not stepped in a school of any type since I began carrying concealed about 2 decades ago. I have not even visited my old Alma Mater in Nasville because according to the law, I am a “risk” and a “threat” to the poor kids inside.

In the meantime, the criminal element has no problems breaking the law and making people dead and wounded inside any campus in the nation.

And I believe voters too.

In a new report from Newsweek, an audit conducted by software company SparkToro found that nearly half of President Joe Biden’s Twitter followers, which is currently at 22.2 million, are fake accounts. Notably, the software company found that 49.3% of accounts following Biden’s “@POTUS” Twitter account were “fake followers”. SparkToro defines a “fake follower” as “accounts that are unreachable and will not see the account’s tweets (either because they’re spam, bots, propaganda, etc. or because they’re no longer active on Twitter).”

Twitter followers have been audited and the results seem fake

Would you be shocked if you found out the Dems or another Liberal proxy with deep pockets is shelling millions to Twitter Farms?

It was easy to do with ballots and would only have taken a bit more effort and cash to do it this way.

The country is being screwed to death by an evil version of Sesame Street: Puppets up front, handlers underneath it all.


Gym Fauna

I understand why gyms make money: They get somebody like this to pay for membership, come a couple of times, do shit like this, get bored and do not come back. And they will probably forget they made a lump advance payment that could be refunded.

About 5 minutes doing the top exercise and 5 seconds for the bottom exercise. Somehow, I don’t think he was taking it seriously.

Precisely what we need in times like this.

We are being invaded through our Southern Border, gas prices have been artificially raised, inflation is eating away at our savings, food is becoming scarce, and we are starting to have babies with malnutrition because we cannot manufacture formula.

In moments where bread is lacking, the clowns must come out and do their show.

This is why people believe more in the hygiene of a meth hooker’s vagina than the relevance of the US Congress.