
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.


Even though reloading (or hand-loading) can be a chore, I do admit I like it. It submerges me in a sort of meditative state and blocks the BS that might be floating around inside the empty spaces in my head. For somebody who can barely differentiate between grit 100 sandpaper and a silk scarf by touch, the fact that my fingers can detect a small imperfection on a case mouth when I am reloading amazes the heck out of me.
And, of course the fact that I can crank ammo at whatever time I want without having to wait for the store to open is a big plus. Tailoring your rounds to the gun or the goal you want achieve (No, I don’t do IDPA gaming rounds. My bullets do not bounce of the cardboard on cold days) will teach you more about ammunition than 300 hours of cool tactical TV shows.

But sure as hell I am getting a progressive. This thing of getting old and cranky is a biotch 🙂

The Coalition to Stop Explosives Violence?

Wait, I thought you guys were only interested in Gun Violence and not on an apparent nutjob with a crapload of explosives.

You were just bitching about Cam Edwards talking about issues other than guns in NRA News.

I know that the goal on the first was to add to the “ZOMG They are Insurrectionists!” Meme (which by the way, it is not an insult or derogatory in case you haven’t noticed) but what you guys achieved was to show everybody that CSGV despises the First with the same fervor you show for Second Amendment and just in a couple of posts.
Doing a great job there, keep at it!

Gun Right Policy Conference coming to Florida.

This hot from the Tweeters!

I could think very few other events to be held in the Gunshine State to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the passage of our Concealed Weapons Permit Law, first step and blueprint for the Shall Issue Laws sweeping our Nation.

And also the fact that I can actually attend the darn thing without having to sell the cat and the truck.