Constitution Day: We The People.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not bad for a bunch of Dead Slave Owners & assorted Oppressive White Guys that according to the intelligentsia, we should not follow anymore.That we should “modernize” perennial concepts such as Liberty under the canons of the New Way Of Thinking. That we should be modern and hip enough like Iceland which is writing their new constitution via Twitter and Facebook.
I think I’ll stick with this version. It works good enough.
Conference member: A twenty minute orientation, an hour of roundtable discussion, two hours for lunch, a thousand-person town hall meeting and boom! The Second Amendment’s gone.
Gray Anderson: It’s a lot easier to pacify a country when its citizens can’t shoot back.
Jericho. Episode: Tyrants & Patriots.
UPDATE: Great article at Red State: We the People: A Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy.
Snark of the Day: Bob Owens.
Bob Owens has a way with words. Check out Confederate Yankee and enjoy it!
South Florida Intellectual 2: Apparently I am a yucky Redneck/Cracker..
I managed to tick off a South Florida Intellectual. As expected, he did not like what I had to say and soon enough succumbed to stereotype and I am now officially a Cracker. Must be the Pro-Second Amendment thing.
Actually, I’m not absolutely sure that this guy is in South Florida but if I were to take a guess, I would say Homestead/Redland or Western Palm Beach County.
Prejudice some? Do I have to be a White Guy that flies the Confederate Flag in his pick up truck with naked chick metal cut-outs in the mudflaps? The thought that I might be from Hialeah or Little Haiti or Doral never crossed your mind ? That happens when you do not take the time to find out about the person behind the blog or read the blog a bit or even care to check the About page. Then again I bet Rick spends most of his time trolling for dates between the Coconut Grove and Washington Avenue while trying to get a glimpse of the stars of Burn Notice.
Anyway, I wanna thank Rick for providing to my readers a living South Florida Intellectual for their examination and you may now return to your air-chin-hold.
Oh, and allow me to return the favor of a prejudiced visual: This should look like you.
And if you don’t like the fact that you have to share your breathing air with people that do not commune with your Hipster way of life (which incidentally are no Hipsters left , they mostly died of heroin overdose in the 50s) , there is always the recommendation by one of my readers:
Another CSGV Fail.
CSGV started this campaign last week.
Wanting to have all firearms sales, included private transactions between citizens go through government checks is a very old dream of the Antis. The petition was created a week ago and you can see the amount of support it has generated by clicking here.
You are now free to laugh.