
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

South Florida Intellectuals.

Should the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law for gun owners be repealed? (Insert warning fanfare here) that is the question that stand-up philosopher and columnist Gary Stein ask the readers of the Sun Sentinel of Broward County, Florida. Then he starts with

The thing to remember about gun lovers is they hate any gun law. Any gun law.

Go on and read the article, it is loaded with the usual bovine manure proven wrong over and over. I am gonna write about something else:

Today I want to write about intellectuals but more specific about South Florida Intellectuals. You see, the South Florida intellectuals hate being in South Florida. That is why every other concept they spew is embedded with that word. A South Florida Intellectual is like a left wing associate professor teaching at a community college: He was never good enough to deal with real life so he had to go “teach” but he was never good enough to get tenure at a fancy University in the North East so he had to settle in a out-of-the-way college teaching an elective and scared that his next job will be in an Online “University” that advertises between Judge Judy and Divorce Court.

It is hard to be a South Florida Intellectual. To dress in the hip all-black It is almost suicidal in a 90+ degree weather and 700% humidity. Plus living in a heavily Latino community, it gets tiresome that seven out of ten acquaintances will stop you and ask you who in your family died and when is the funeral. And there is no way to look “intellectually” cool wearing a Tommy Bahama Hawaiian shirt or a guayabera, baby blue Bermuda shorts and Birkenstock sandals. South Florida Intellectuals know that sporting the ubiquitous Che Guevara T-shirt with so many Cubans around will assure them a beat down and a trip to the Seminole Reservation Alligator Pit where they will receive a free gator wrestling lessons without instructor.

There are few French restaurants here and they mostly cater to the northerners that come spend vacation time down here. Most fancy restaurants go under because their Cordon-Bleu Chefs refuse to serve black beans with every dish and the people here get pissed that the size of the portions are about half a Happy Meal without the toy. So the South Florida Intellectual must ingest mass quantities of pork, rice and fried platains even if he is hankering for blackened Imperial Japanese swordfish with a tofu vinaigrette on a plum & Cabernet wine sauce.

We also don’t do Art very well in South Florida. Few galleries and even fewer museums are available for a South Florida Intellectual to do an air-chin-hold and nod appreciatively as if “they get it” because there is always the brute who will declare loudly that he had better art hanging from the refrigerator door at his house fingerpainted by his 4 year old kindergartener. Hell, for most Floridians, Art Basel is a guy with a Honda Dealership in Hialeah.

And what really ranks a South Florida Intellectual is that we have guns of all kinds and shapes. We were the leaders of that awful Concealed Carry movement that swept the nation and we have more “assault weapons” per capita than the Chinese army. We are the test ground of most pro-gun initiatives and defied every single gloom and doom prognostications offered by the experts. The South Florida Intellectual cannot understand how come this hot and humid locale filled with Crackers, Cubans, Colombian, Hatians and every representative of this side of the Third World that live in such a weapons-heavy environment are not just murdering each other at the local Publix for that last piece of cassava or are roaming the streets in a tropical version of Mad Max after a hurricane in which they were supposed to come out as leaders of the uncouth masses and bring utopian peace to all.  Instead they live with more safety than their native Chicago or New York… and they really really hate that.

CSGV now makes fake websites.

The latest from the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is a Facebook post with an innocuous posting informing about a website called “Meet the NRA Board.”

Do notice that the logo at first sight immediately reminds you of the official NRA logo and thus an official NRA Website. Once you click on the link, you are transported to  Meet The NRA Board site.

Then only if you pay attention is that you notice that the NRA logo has been altered and you smell that something is fishy. Unless you scroll to bottom of the page, you are wondering who came up with this fake job.

This website is the property of the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. It is in no way affiliated with the National Rifle Association (NRA) or any other organization.

The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence is no other than Ladd Everitt and CSGV. The site apparent goal is to announce to the world that the NRA is:

is operated by a group of individuals who promote racism, misogyny, homophobia, anti-immigrant animus, religious bigotry, anti-environmentalism, and insurrectionism. Some active board members have even had close relationships with brutal dictators in outside nations. Put simply, members of the NRA leadership no longer make for polite company.

Do I hear the sounds of a mayor lawsuit in the background?

VPC Oopsie!

Well, we had 2 possible gang bangers unloading on a nightclub…which is defined in the Florida Statutes as a Gun Free Zone.

Not for nothing, but that is the kind of place VPC likes…and so do criminals. And the line between both gets blurrier every day.

So, touting this event as a call to arms (pun intended) to restrict the Second Amendment is either very stupid or incredibly callous.

Al Gore in 24-hour broadcast to convert climate skeptics

Al Gore plans on an all out, 24 hour multimedia counter attack trying to debunk the debunkers.

At Guantanamo, interrogators will use this new Gore attempt as interrogation technique.

Red Cross and Amnesty International are already decrying the brutality of the method and demand that inmates are not subjected to such painful and demeaning tactic in contravention to UN Resolutions and the Geneva Convention.